Scary Horror 2 – Chapter 1, Part 3

Hello everyone and welcome to Part III of our walkthrough for Chapter 1 of the “Scary Horror 2: Escape Games”. We ended Part II when we cleared the way to the dining room, by operating some heavy machinery. So, let’s proceed into the dining room.

NOTE: The second part of the walkthrough follows the story up to the point when you clear the passage to the dining room (by operating the machine).

Tap on the balloons on your left to take a closer look at them.

Select the “Glass knife” from the inventory and use it to pop the balloons.

You will discover a plastic card, that was previously hidden under the balloons. Tap on it to pick it up and “Electronic key card” will be added to your inventory.

Tap on the wrapped gift on your right to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the gift twice to unwrap it. After that, tap on the box to start the interaction.

We can see that one of the eyes is missing. So, select the “Glass eye” from the inventory and tap on the empty slot to insert it.

Here, we have another puzzle. We have to identify the pairs of eyes of the same color. You can tap on the eye to close it. Next, we should tap on the other eye of the matching color to close it. After that, this pair of eyes will remain closed. If you accidentally tap on the eye of a different color, you will reset all of your progress (for example, if you close the blue eye, and then tap on the red eye)

In the first image below we found a pair of green eyes in the middle of the box. Tap on them to close them.

Next, we have a pair of purple eyes. One of them is at the lower part of the box, while the other one is in the upper right corner. Tap on the eyes to close them.

Next, we have a pair of blue eyes. One of them is in the lower right, and the other one is in the lower-left corner. Tap on the eyes to close them.

Next, a pair of red eyes. One is in the middle, and the other one is in the upper left corner.

Finally, tap on the pair of grey eyes (the last remaining pair) and you will solve this puzzle.

As soon as we found all the pairs, the box opened. Tap on the glowing rod inside it and “Luminous fluorescent stick”

Next, tap on the spray, located on the table in front of you, to pick it up, and “Hairspray can” will be added to your inventory.

Ok, now let’s take a closer look at the toolbox, which we can see at one of the tables in the back.

Tap on the toolbox to open it.

Tap on the item in the left compartment to pick it up and “Wire” will be added to your inventory.

After you pick up the wire, tap on the radio several times and our character will pull out and take the “Batteries”.

Next, tap on the cake on your left to take a closer look at it.

Select the “Hairspray can” from the inventory and tap on the burning candles. Our character will use the hairspray to make a small improvised flamethrower, and “Can with fire” will be added to your inventory.

Select the “Can with fire” from the inventory and use it to burn the bugs and worms.

Well, for now, we are done with this room. Let’s check out the next room on the right.

Tap on the plastic cans on your left to take a closer look.

Tap on the “Can of grain” to pick it up.

Next, tap on the mixer on your right to take a closer look at it.

Bugs, again. Oh, well, select the “Can with fire” from the inventory and tap on the bugs to burn them.

Ok, now that we got rid of the bugs, tap on the cooking pot, and our character will turn it over. A small bottle will fall out of the cooking pot. Tap on it to pick it up and “Olive oil” will be added to your inventory.

Firstly, we should check out two locations in this room that will become important later on. First, tap on the ventilation fan on your right.

We can see a cogwheel inside the vent, but our character can’t reach it while the fan is working.

Secondly, we should check out the door.

Well, here we can see that the door is locked by password. There are only six letters on the keyboard, A, B, C, D, E, and F, but without the password, we won’t be able to go through this door. However, we can activate the keyboard. So, select the “Electronic key card” from the inventory and tap on the slot on the lock to activate the keyboard.

I almost forgot. Before we leave this room, tap on the flashlight, located on the ground to the right of the plastic cans to pick it up. “UV flashlight without batteries” will be added to your inventory.

Well, we have the batteries, so, select the “Batteries” from the inventory and drag them to the flashlight to combine these two items. “Working UV flashlight” will be added to your inventory.

Ok, we should now take a quick trip back to the morgue and crematorium. The crematorium is closer, so that will be our first stop. To get to the crematorium go to the room on the left (dining room).

Once you get to the dining room, tap on the button in the lower-left corner to go back to the machine room.

From there, tap on the button in the lower-left corner, again, and you will reach the crematorium.

Well, we reached the crematorium. Select the “Wire” from the inventory ad drag it to the “Stick” to combine these two items. “Rebar with a hook” will be added to your inventory, and we can use it to get the horseshoe from the furnace.

So, tap on the furnace on your left to take a closer look at it.

Select the “Rebar with a hook” from the inventory and tap on the horseshoe to pull it out of the furnace.

Well, now we should cool off the horseshoe. So, select the “Water bottle” from the inventory and tap on the horseshoe to cool it off.

I was wrong. Now, after it cooled off, it seems that this isn’t a horseshoe, but a large magnet. Anyway, tap on the “Magnet” to pick it up.

Ok, we should now go to the morgue. It’s the first room on the right.

Next, we should use the UV flashlight to discover the inscription on the table. However, in order to see the inscription, we will first have to turn off the lights. You can do that by tapping on the switch on the left.

With the lights turned off, we can take another look at the table.

Select the “Working UV flashlight” from the inventory and tap on the purple stain that we created by spraying “Luminol solution”.

Well, we can see the word “DEAD”. Memorize/write it down, because this is probably the password for the locked door that we discovered in the last room.

Ok, we should now go back to the last room and see if this password works. But, let’s first take a quick stop at the machine room, because we have to go through it, anyway.

To get to the machine room, go to the first room on the left and you will get to the crematorium. After that, go through the small door (that we opened by matching the symbols), and you will reach the machine room.

Once we reach the machine room, we should take another look at the shattered glass.

Select the “Magnet” from the inventory and tap on the metal item inside the broken bottle to pull it out. After that, tap on the item to pick it up, and “Lock picks” will be added to your inventory.

Let’s proceed. To get to the last room, go through the door and you will reach the dining room. After that, go to the room on the right.

Ok, before we try the password, let’s take a look at the cabinet on our left.

Select the “Lock picks” from the inventory and use them to, well, pick the lock.

Once you pick the lock the cabinet door will automatically open. Tap on the “Metal brush” to pick it up.

Ok, one more thing. Tap on the numbers on the side of the cabinet to take a closer look.

Here we have another mathematical puzzle. We have three numbers in the bottom row (2, 1, and 3). The number in the top row is 7. We have to figure out which two numbers are in the empty fields in the middle row.

If we add the number on the left in the bottom row (2) and the number in the middle in the bottom row (1), we will get 2+1 = 3.

So, 3 should be in the left field in the middle row.

Following the same logic, if we add the middle and the right number in the bottom row we will get 1 + 3 = 4.

So, 4 should be in the right field in the middle row

Also, 3 + 4 = 7 (the number in the top row, so this should be a correct solution)

Memorize/write down the numbers 3 and 4, because we will need them very soon, for one of the following puzzles.

Finally, let’s take a look at the password.

Enter the password “DEAD”.

Well, unfortunately, we didn’t unlock the door, but we did remove the lid by entering the password. Tap on the electrical circuit to start the interaction.

Here, we have another minigame. The goal is to properly connect the nods. We will do this puzzle in several steps. Let’s begin.

Step 1

The node in the bottom right corner is our starting position. Tap on the node located to the up and left of the first node. After that, tap on the node to the down-left of the second node.

Step 2

Tap on the node located to the left of the previous node. After that, tap on the node above the previous node.

Step 3

Tap on the node located to the down-left of the previous node. After that, tap on the node above the previous node.

Step 4

Tap on the node located to the left of the previous node. After that, tap on the node located to the right of the previous node.

Step 5

Tap on the node located to the down-right of the previous node. After that, tap on the node located to the up-right of the previous node.

Step 6

Tap on the node located to the left of the previous node. After that, tap on the node located to the up-left of the previous node.

Step 7

Tap on the next four nods following the path to the right.

Step 8

Finally, tap on the last node and you will solve this puzzle.

At last, we managed to open this goddamn door. Let’s proceed into the next room.

Tap on the padlock on your left to take a closer look at it.

We will need the four-digit code in order to open the padlock. We can also see that the padlock is marked with a triangle. In the previous room, we saw 6 numbers that were arranged like a triangle. We also discovered two missing numbers, 3, and 4, by solving that puzzle. So, 3, and 4 are the first two (top to bottom) numbers of the combination for this padlock, but we still have to find the last two numbers.

Tap on the monitors to take a closer look.

Tap on the “Bandana” to pick it up. Well, both the text on the monitor and the empty slot on the right clearly indicate that we will have to find the disk.

When we picked up the bandana, we discovered a sequence of numbers written on the desk. The numbers are upside down, and the second number is missing. By looking at the other numbers we can conclude that the second number should be “67”. These are the last two digits for the padlock code.

Ok, tap on the padlock again to start the interaction.

When we add the numbers that we just discovered to the previous two we will get “3467” (not much of a code, but I guess it’s better than 1234). So, enter the code “3467” starting from top to bottom.

Well, we managed to unlock the padlock, but our character still can’t open the door. If you look closely, you will notice that the door hinges are rusty. So, select the “Olive oil” from the inventory, and use it to grease the door hinges.

Let’s give it a second try. Tap on the door to open it. After that, tap on the jacket inside the cage to take a closer look.

Tap on the “Wire cutters” to pick them up.

Interestingly, if you tap on the tea, you will discover that the kidnappers were here and that they playing some game a couple of minutes ago.

Next, we should take a look at the game that they were playing, so tap on the box on the right.

Well, you can read the rules for this game on the left side of the box. This is going to be a long one… We will do this puzzle in many steps. Let’s begin…

Step 1

Select the second tower (left to right) in the second row (top to bottom) and tap on the fourth slot in the fourth row (the only empty slot).

Step 2

Select the sixth tower in the third row and tap on the fourth slot in the third row.

Step 3

Select the fourth tower in the fourth row and tap on the second slot in the second row.

Step 4

Select the second tower in the first row and tap on the fourth slot in the third row.

Step 5

Select the third tower in the first row and tap on the fifth slot in the third row.

Step 6

Select the fourth tower in the third row and tap on the sixth slot in the third row.

Step 7

Select the seventh tower in the third row and tap on the fifth slot in the third row.

Step 8

Select the seventh tower in the fifth row and tap on the seventh slot in the third row.

Step 9

Select the sixth tower in the fifth row and tap on the sixth slot in the third row.

Step 10

Select the sixth tower in the third row and tap on the fourth slot in the third row.

Step 11

Select the fourth tower in the fifth row and tap on the sixth slot in the fifth row.

Step 12

Select the third tower in the seventh row and tap on the fifth slot in the fifth row.

Step 13

Select the sixth tower in the fifth row and tap on the fourth slot in the fifth row.

Step 14

Select the second tower in the sixth row and tap on the fourth slot in the fourth row.

Step 15

Select the fourth tower in the third row and tap on the fourth slot in the fifth row.

Step 16

Select the third tower in the fifth row and tap on the fifth slot in the fifth row.

Step 17

Select the fifth tower in the fourth row and tap on the third slot in the sixth row.

Step 18

Select the first tower in the seventh row and tap on the third slot in the seventh row.

Step 19

Select the third tower in the seventh row and tap on the fifth slot in the fifth row.

Step 20

Select the third tower in the third row and tap on the third slot in the fifth row.

Step 21

Select the first tower in the sixth row and tap on the third slot in the fourth row.

Step 22

Select the first tower in the first row and tap on the third slot in the third row.

Step 23

Select the first tower in the fifth row and tap on the third slot in the fifth row.

Step 24

Select the first tower in the third row and tap on the first slot in the fifth row.

Step 25

Select the second tower in the third row and tap on the second slot in the fifth row.

Step 26

Select the second tower in the fifth row and tap on the fourth slot in the fifth row.

Step 27

Finally, select the fifth tower in the fifth row and tap on the third slot in the fifth row. With this, last move, only five towers will remain, and you will solve the puzzle.

As soon as you complete the tower puzzle, the secret compartment on the left will open. Tap on the item inside to pick it up and “Cake knife” will be added to your inventory.

Ok, we saw a cake in the dining room, so let’s go there and use the “Cake knife”. To get to the dining room, tap on the button in the lower-left corner to go back to the previous room. After that, go to the room on the left.

Tap on the cake to take a closer look at it.

Select the “Cake knife” from the inventory and tap on the cake.

Well, looks like we found the disc. Select the “Bandana” from the inventory and tap on the disc to clean it.

Next, tap on the box to open it, and tap again to pick up the “Disc”.

Before we go back to the room with monitors, there’s one more thing that we can now do in the machine room, and it’s very close, so let’s go there first. Tap on the button in the lower-left corner to go to the machine room.

Tap on the machine on the wall on your right to take a closer look at it.

Next, select the “Metal brush” from the inventory and tap on the machine to clean it.

This is another puzzle. Here, we should rotate the four pieces, and make a continuous line from left to right. There are three entry points, two on the left and one on the right. These points have to be connected with lines. We will do this puzzle in several steps. Let’s begin.

Step 1

Drag down the fourth piece (left to right) to rotate it once. After this action, the fourth and third pieces will be properly aligned.

Step 2

Drag down the second piece to rotate it once.

Step 3

Drag down the first piece to rotate it once, and you will solve this puzzle. Well, this was an easy one.

After you solve the puzzle, the machine will open. Tap on the “Crowbar” inside the machine to pick it up.

Ok, we should now go back to the computer room. To get there, go through the passage and you will reach the dining room.

From the dining room, go to the room on the right.

After that, go through the door which we unlocked after a lot of work, and you will reach the computer room.

We could use a crowbar before we insert the disk, so let’s do that first. Tap on the cage on your left to take a look inside.

Select the “Crowbar” from the inventory and tap on the nails to pull them out.

Tap on the wooden box to open it. After that, tap on the item inside to pick it up, and “Letter “s” with magnet” will be added to your inventory.

Ok, now let’s take a look at the computer.

Select the “Disk” from the inventory and tap on the empty slot to insert it.

Here we have another minigame. Our task is to get the key into the fields with padlock, while we avoid the fields with mines. However, every time we tap on one of the directional arrows, both keys will move simultaneously (the keys won’t move if there’s an obstacle in that direction). We will do this puzzle in several steps. Let’s begin.

Step 1

Tap once on the “Up” arrow, then tap once on the “Right” arrow.

Step 2

Tap twice on the “Down” arrow, then tap once on the “Left” arrow.

Step 3

Tap once on the “Down” arrow, then tap once on the “Left” arrow.

Step 4

Tap three times on the “Up” arrow, then tap once on the “Right” arrow.

Step 5

Tap once on the “Down” arrow, then tap twice on the “Left” arrow.

Step 6

Tap twice on the “Down” arrow, then tap once on the “Up” arrow, and you will solve this puzzle.

After you brought the keys to the padlock, you solved the puzzle and the small cabinet on the left opened. Tap on the key inside the cabinet to pick it up and “Key for the lock” will be added to your inventory.

Tap on the door on your left to take a closer look at the keyhole.

Select the “Key for the lock” from the inventory and tap on the keyhole to start the interaction.

To open the door we will have to modify the key. We can do that by switching the position of the five parts on the key. The goal is to match the shape of the lock above the key. Let’s begin.

Select the first part (left to right) and tap on the fourth part to switch their places on the key.

Next, select the second part and tap on the third part to switch their places on the key. With this, we will create the matching key, and our character will unlock the door.

Tap on the door to proceed into the next area.

Tap on the “Piece of brick” on the ground to pick it up.

Next, tap on the wooden box on your left to take a closer look.

Select the “Crowbar” from the inventory and use it to pull out the nails.

Tap on the box to open it, after you pull the nails out. Tap on the item inside the box to pick it up and “Garden shovel” will be added to your inventory.

Next, tap on the birdcage on your left to take a closer look.

Those are some mean-looking pigeons. These birds obviously suffered similar mutations as the rats that we saw earlier. Tap on the cage to open it.

Let’s distract the mutated pigeons with food. Select the “Can of grain” from the inventory and tap on the ground below the pigeons.

Well, with the pigeons distracted, we can now tap on the item on the ground to pick it up. “Headless mom doll” will be added to your inventory.

Ok, now let’s take a look at the ventilation shaft on our right.

Well, we can see that the bar is tied with wire, so select the “Wire cutters” from the inventory and use it to cut the wire.

Tap on the bars to remove them, after you cut the wire that was holding it in place. Warning, here we have another jump scare. A rat will jump out of the vent as soon as you remove the bars.

The inside of the vent is very dark, so select the “Luminous fluorescent stick” and tap on the vent to illuminate it.

After illuminating the inside of the vent, we can see a small token. Tap on it to pick it up and “Button for elevator Ist floor” will be added to your inventory.

Ok, let’s take a look at the machine in front of our character.

Here, we can see several cogwheels, but you will also notice that one of the cogwheels is missing. If you recall, in one of the previous rooms, we saw a cogwheel behind the running ventilation fan.

So, let’s go back to this room. To get there, tap twice on the button in the lower-left corner of the screen.

Tap on the ventilation fan on your right to take a closer look at it.

Now, we have to find a way to stop the fan. Maybe we could stop with the brick? Let’s try that. Select the “Piece of brick” from the inventory and tap on the fan.

Surprisingly, it worked. Well, that must be one very sturdy brick. Tap on the “Cogwheel” to pick it up.

Ok, let’s go back. Go through the first door, and you will reach the computer room. When you get there, proceed through the next door, and you will reach the outside area.

Ok, let’s take a look at the machine, again.

Select the “Cogwheel” from the inventory and tap on the empty slot to insert it.

Well, we should now rearrange the cogwheels, and make them interact with each other. We will do this in several steps.

Step 1

Drag the red cogwheel (to the left of the cogwheel that we added) and place it next to the rotating cogwheel on the right.

Step 2

After that, drag the cogwheel that we found (the largest, in the bottom right corner) and drag it next to the rotating red cogwheel (to the slot up and to the right of the red cogwheel).

Step 3

Ok, we’re making progress. Drag the orange cogwheel (far right) and move it one slot to the left.

Well, it seems we did it. All the cogwheels are now spinning. Tap on the lever on the left to extend the drawbridge.