Room Escape: Detective Phantom | Level 8

Hello everyone and welcome to the walkthrough for the eighth level of “Room Escape: Detective Phantom”. In the eighth level, our task is to stop the Black Spider from eliminating his next victim.  

Our objectives are to “Halt the water flow” “Get the Card” and “Find the hidden message”. Tap on the “X” button to go back.

001 detective phantom lvl 8 2 11zon

Let’s tap on the red box on the wall on the right, to take a closer look at it, and tap again to open it.

002 detective phantom lvl 8 3 11zon

Let’s activate the lever. With that, you will close the two doors on the right.

003 detective phantom lvl 8 4 11zon

Let’s tap on the blue barrel in the bottom left corner to take a closer look at it, and tap again to open it.

004 detective phantom lvl 8 5 11zon

In the barrel, you will find a “Hammer”. Let’s tap on it to pick it up.

After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

005 detective phantom lvl 8 6 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the red box on the wall on the left to take a closer look at it.

006 detective phantom lvl 8 7 11zon

Select the “Hammer” from the inventory and use it to break the glass.

007 detective phantom lvl 8 8 11zon

In the red box, you will find an “Equation paper”. Let’s tap on it to pick it up.

After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

008 detective phantom lvl 8 9 11zon

On one of the doors on the right, you will see some numbers. Let’s tap on this door to take a closer look at it.

009 detective phantom lvl 8 10 11zon

Select the “Equation paper” from the inventory and place it over the numbers.

Here, we can see that the x, y, z, and o are connected with a certain number. Let’s memorize/write down the value and the color associated with each letter.

X = 9 = Orange

Y = 7 = Light Blue

Z = 1 = Yellow

O = 3 = Blue

Once you’re done, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

011 detective phantom lvl 8 11 11zon

Let’s tap on the machine to take a closer look at it, and tap again to start the interaction.

012 detective phantom lvl 8 12 11zon

Let’s enter the values that we discovered previously. Above the keypad, we can see the order of the symbols, X -> O -> Z -> Y. So, let’s enter the values for these symbols.

X = 9 = Orange. So, first, let’s tap on the orange button.

O = 3 = Blue. Second, let’s tap on the blue button.

Z = 1 = Yellow. Third, let’s tap on the yellow button.

Y = 7 = Light Blue. Fourth, let’s tap on the Light Blue button.

Once you’re done, tap on the “Enter” button. With that, you will activate the machine.

Tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

013 detective phantom lvl 8 13 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the dial on the right side of the machine to take a closer look at it.

014 detective phantom lvl 8 14 11zon

Tap several times on the handle on the left to turn on the power.

015 detective phantom lvl 8 15 11zon

Here, we have another puzzle. In the bottom left corner, we can see the lightning symbols, and it represents the power source. In the other three corners, we can see three red dots. Our task is to create the connection between the power source and the three dots. Once we do that, we will activate the red dot, and it will turn green. However, once we activate one of the dots, we can break the connection in order to activate the other dots. Lastly, we can create the connection by rotating the wires.  

We will do this puzzle in several steps. Let’s begin.

Step 1

Tap three times on the first slot in the second row to rotate the wire.

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Step 2

Tap three times on the second slot in the second row to rotate the wire.

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Step 3

Tap three times on the second slot in the third row to rotate the wire.

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Step 4

Tap three times on the first slot in the third row to rotate the wire and you will connect the power source with the dot in the top left corner.

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Step 5

Tap once on the fifth slot in the second row to rotate the wire.

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Step 6

Tap twice on the fourth slot in the third row to rotate the wire.

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Step 7

Tap twice on the third slot in the third row to rotate the wire.

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Step 8

Tap once on the second slot in the fourth row to rotate the wire.

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Step 9

Tap three times on the second slot in the third row to rotate the wire, and you will connect the power source with the dot in the top right corner.

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Step 10

Tap once on the fifth slot in the third row to rotate the wire.

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Step 11

Lastly, tap three times on the fifth slot in the second row to rotate the wire. With that, you will solve this puzzle.

026 detective phantom lvl 8 26 11zon

Next, tap on the barrel in front of you to take a closer look at it, and you will discover a “Prisoner card”. Let’s tap on it to pick it up. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

027 detective phantom lvl 8 27 11zon

Lastly, let’s tap on the “Prisoner card” in the inventory to examine it.

028 detective phantom lvl 8 28 11zon

With that, you will open the doors on the right. Let’s tap on the door on the right to proceed to the next room.

029 detective phantom lvl 8 29 11zon

Our next task is to look at the CCTV camera and discover who caused the flooding. Tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

030 detective phantom lvl 8 30 11zon

On the wall on the right, next to the clock, you will notice a calendar. Let’s tap on the calendar to take a closer look at it.

031 detective phantom lvl 8 31 11zon

Next to September, you will notice the number “590”. Let’s memorize/write down this number because it represents the hint for the next puzzle.

After that, tap on the calendar to take a look at the next month.

032 detective phantom lvl 8 32 11zon

Next to October, you will notice the number “472”. Let’s memorize/write down this number.

After that, tap on the calendar to take a look at the next month.

033 detective phantom lvl 8 33 11zon

Next to November, you will notice the number “361”. Let’s memorize/write down this number.

After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

034 detective phantom lvl 8 34 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the keypad on the wall on the right to take a closer look at it, and tap again to start the interaction.

035 detective phantom lvl 8 35 11zon

Here, we can see “Nov” “Oct” and “Sep” and two numbers are associated with each month. So, let’s enter the last two numbers for each month (we discovered the numbers by examining the Calendar). We had,

Nov = 361. So, let’s enter the number “61”.

Oct = 472. So, let’s enter the number “72”.

Sep = 590. So, let’s enter the number “90”.

Once you’re done, tap on the “Enter” button to confirm.

036 detective phantom lvl 8 36 11zon

With that, you will raise the bars on the right. Before we explore this room, let’s tap on the desk on the left to take a closer look at it.

037 detective phantom lvl 8 37 11zon

Here, you will find a “Button”. Let’s tap on it to pick it up. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

038 detective phantom lvl 8 38 11zon

In the room on the right, you will notice a trash can. Tap on it to take a closer look, and tap again to move the trash can.

039 detective phantom lvl 8 39 11zon

Behind the trash can, you will find a “Key”. Let’s tap on it to pick it up.

After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

040 detective phantom lvl 8 40 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the safe, located on the left side, to take a closer look.

041 detective phantom lvl 8 1 11zon

Select the “Button” from the inventory and use it to unlock the safe.

042 detective phantom lvl 8 4 11zon

In the safe, you will find a “Torchlight”. Let’s tap on it to pick it up. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

043 detective phantom lvl 8 5 11zon

Next, let’s take another look at the “Prisoner Card” in our inventory.

Here, you will see a smiling symbol. Let’s memorize it because we will need it for the next puzzle. Once you’re done, tap on the “X” button to close this window.

044 detective phantom lvl 8 6 11zon

Let’s go back to the CCTV camera. It is located on the wall on the left.

045 detective phantom lvl 8 7 11zon

Our next task is to located the symbol that we saw when we examined the “Prisoner Card”. Tap on the arrow on the right to take a look at the next cell.

046 detective phantom lvl 8 8 11zon

Here, you will notice the symbol on the wall. Let’s tap on the checkmark button to confirm.

047 detective phantom lvl 8 9 11zon

In the next scene, the warden will bring the prisoner for questioning. Let’s tap on the prisoner to start the interaction.

048 detective phantom lvl 8 10 11zon

The prisoner admitted that he flooded the room to get our attention. He did that because he was following the orders of the Black Spider. He said that he will reveal everything that we wanted to know if we beat him in the shell game. Our character will agree to these terms.

049 detective phantom lvl 8 11 11zon

Let’s play. Select the “Key” from the inventory and use it to unlock the handcuffs.

050 detective phantom lvl 8 12 11zon

Let’s tap on the game to start the interaction.

051 detective phantom lvl 8 13 11zon

Tap on the red button to start the game.

052 detective phantom lvl 8 14 11zon

The prisoner will shuffle the glasses, and our task is to guess the location of the ball. Let’s tap on the middle glass.

053 detective phantom lvl 8 15 11zon

Our guess was correct, and the first “X” symbol will turn green. So, we have to make a correct guess three more times in order to win. Let’s tap on the button on the right to play again.

054 detective phantom lvl 8 16 11zon

The prisoner will shuffle the glasses, and our task is to guess the location of the ball. Let’s tap on the left glass.

055 detective phantom lvl 8 17 11zon

We have to make a correct guess two more times in order to win. Let’s tap on the button on the right to play again.

056 detective phantom lvl 8 18 11zon

The prisoner will shuffle the glasses, and our task is to guess the location of the ball. Let’s tap on the left glass.

057 detective phantom lvl 8 19 11zon

We have to make a correct guess one more time in order to win. Let’s tap on the button on the right to play again.

058 detective phantom lvl 8 20 11zon

The prisoner will shuffle the glasses, and our task is to guess the location of the ball. Let’s tap on the middle glass.

059 detective phantom lvl 8 21 11zon

Once you defeat the prisoner in his own game, will give you a “Clue hint”. Let’s tap on it to pick it up.

After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

060 detective phantom lvl 8 22 11zon

Let’s examine this message. Tap on the “Clue hint” from the inventory and it will appear in the middle of the screen. However, we can only see a blank paper. Let’s select the “Torchlight” from the inventory and use it on the clue hint.

061 detective phantom lvl 8 23 11zon

The word cafeteria will appear on the paper. So, our next task is to investigate the cafeteria. Let’s continue.

062 detective phantom lvl 8 24 11zon

Let’s explore the cafeteria. On the table on the left you will notice a loaf of bread. Let’s tap on it to take a closer look, and tap on it again to break it in half.

063 detective phantom lvl 8 25 11zon

You will find a “Coin” inside the bread. Let’s tap on the “Coin” to pick it up. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

064 detective phantom lvl 8 26 11zon

On the floor in front of you, you will notice a “Knife”. Tap on it to take a closer look, and tap again to pick it up.

After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

065 detective phantom lvl 8 27 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the sink on the right to take a closer look at it, and tap again to look inside.

066 detective phantom lvl 8 28 11zon

Let’s tap on the cafeteria trays to move them aside.

067 detective phantom lvl 8 29 11zon

Here, you will find an “Aluminum box”. Let’s tap on it to pick it up. Also, on the trays in the corner of the sink, you will notice a star and next to it the number 115. Let’s memorize/write down this information (Star 115) because it represents a hint for a puzzle that we will encounter later in the walkthrough.

Once you’re done, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

068 detective phantom lvl 8 30 11zon

If you take a look at the table in the middle, you will notice a purple can. Let’s tap on it to take a closer look.

069 detective phantom lvl 8 31 11zon

Select the “Knife” from the inventory and use it to cut open the can. After that, tap on the can to look inside.

070 detective phantom lvl 8 32 11zon

Inside you will find a “Paper piece”. Let’s tap on it to pick it up. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

071 detective phantom lvl 8 33 11zon

Next, you will notice two items on the bench. Let’s tap on the bench to take a closer look.

072 detective phantom lvl 8 34 11zon

Here, you will find a “Baton” and a “Nightstick”. Let’s tap on these two items to pick them up.

After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

073 detective phantom lvl 8 35 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the ventilator on the right to take a closer look at it.

074 detective phantom lvl 8 36 11zon

Select the “Coin” from the inventory and use it to remove the screws.

075 detective phantom lvl 8 37 11zon

We can see a note behind the fan, but we must find a way to stop the fan in order to reach the item. Select the “Baton” from the inventory and use it to stop the fan.

076 detective phantom lvl 8 38 11zon

We can now reach the “Paper piece” so let’s tap on it to pick it up. Here, you will also see a wiggly line and the number 110. Let’s memorize/write down this information (the wiggly line and the number 110) because we will need it for one of the puzzles that we will encounter later in the walkthrough.

Once you’re done, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

077 detective phantom lvl 8 39 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the green panel on the wall on the right to take a closer look at it.

078 detective phantom lvl 8 40 11zon

Select the two “Paper pieces” from the inventory and place them on the panel.

079 detective phantom lvl 8 1 11zon

We are still missing two puzzle pieces, so let’s tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

080 detective phantom lvl 8 2 11zon

Let’s tap on the “Coin” in our inventory and it will appear in the middle of the screen. Let’s examine the coin.

Here, we can see a line and the number “105”. Let’s memorize/write down this information because we will need it for the next puzzle.

Once you’re done, tap on the “X” button to close this window.

081 detective phantom lvl 8 3 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the red box on the wall on the left to take a closer look at it, and tap again to start the interaction.

082 detective phantom lvl 8 2 11zon

At the bottom of the box, we can see three symbols. We saw these symbols next to numbers that we memorized (on the coin, lunch tray, and on the fan). So, let’s set the scales to the values that we discovered. We will do this puzzle in three steps. Let’s begin.

Step 1

The first symbol is the “Star”. We saw the star symbol on the lunch tray, and next to it, the number 115. So, let’s set the red line to number 115. After that, tap on the green button on the right to confirm.

083 detective phantom lvl 8 3 11zon

Step 2

The second symbol is the “Line”. We saw the line, and next to it, the number 105 on the coin. So, let’s set the red line to number 105. After that, tap on the green button on the right to confirm.

084 detective phantom lvl 8 4 11zon

Step 3

The third symbol is the “Wiggly line”. We saw the wiggly line, and next to it, the number 110 on the fan. So, let’s set the red line to number 110. After that, tap on the green button on the right to confirm.

085 detective phantom lvl 8 5 11zon

With that, you will open the red box. Inside, you will find a “Chewing gum” and a “Metal piece”. Let’s tap on these two items to pick them up.

Once you’re done, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

086 detective phantom lvl 8 6 11zon

Next, let’s select the metal box in our inventory and it will appear in the middle of the screen. Tap on the box to start the interaction.

087 detective phantom lvl 8 7 11zon

Let’s select the “Metal piece” from the inventory and insert it into the empty slot.

088 detective phantom lvl 8 8 11zon

Here, we have another puzzle. The shape of the metal pieces should also match the shape at the bottom of the slot. So, let’s rearrange the pieces (we can only move the pieces by one slot to the left or right). We will do this puzzle in several steps.

Step 1

Select the metal piece in the second slot, and swap its position with the metal piece in the first slot.

089 detective phantom lvl 8 9 11zon

Step 2

Select the metal piece in the fourth slot, and swap its position with the metal piece in the third slot.

090 detective phantom lvl 8 10 11zon

Step 3

Select the metal piece in the third slot, and swap its position with the metal piece in the second slot.

091 detective phantom lvl 8 11 11zon

Step 4

Select the metal piece in the fifth slot, and swap its position with the metal piece in the fourth slot.

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Step 5

Select the metal piece in the fourth slot, and swap its position with the metal piece in the third slot.

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Step 6

Lastly, select the metal piece in the fifth slot, and swap its position with the metal piece in the fourth slot.

094 detective phantom lvl 8 14 11zon

With that, you will open the box and inside you will find a “Paper piece”. Let’s tap on it to pick it up. After that, tap on the “X” button to close this window.

095 detective phantom lvl 8 15 11zon

Next, select “Chewing gum” from the inventory and it will appear in the middle of the screen. Tap on it to open it.

096 detective phantom lvl 8 16 11zon

Let’s tap on the “Chewing gum” to pick it up. After that, tap on the “X” button to close this window.

097 detective phantom lvl 8 17 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the water drain in the top left corner of the floor to take a closer look at it, and tap again to start the interaction.

098 detective phantom lvl 8 18 11zon

Select the “Nightstick” from the inventory and place it on the bars.

099 detective phantom lvl 8 19 11zon

Next, select “Chewing gum” from the inventory and attach it to the top of the stick.

100 detective phantom lvl 8 20 11zon

Our character will use the stick with the chewing gum to reach the “Paper piece”. Let’s tap on it to pick it up.

After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom to go back.

101 detective phantom lvl 8 21 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the green board on the wall on the right to take a closer look at it.

102 detective phantom lvl 8 22 11zon

Select the two “Paper pieces” from the inventory and place them on the board.

103 detective phantom lvl 8 23 11zon

Our next task is to assemble the puzzle. We will do this in several steps.

Step 1

Select the first puzzle piece in the first row, then tap on the second puzzle piece in the first row to swap their positions.

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Step 2

Select the second puzzle piece in the first row, then tap on the third puzzle piece in the first row to swap their positions.

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Step 3

Select the third puzzle piece in the first row, then tap on the third puzzle piece in the second row to swap their positions. With that, you will assemble the puzzle.

106 detective phantom lvl 8 26 11zon

Let’s tap on the six pieces to turn them around. You will see the text “I’m going to kill him today”.

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108 detective phantom lvl 8 28 11zon

The Black Spider managed to incite public protests and Frederick Cassatt’s trial will be held today. Our character has to transfer him to the courtroom today. Detective Kyle suspects that the Black Spider will make his move during the transportation.

109 detective phantom lvl 8 1 11zon

With that, we have reached the end of the eighth level. If you want to see the walkthrough for the ninth level, tap on the next part button.

Thank you for reading.