Mystery Detective Adventure | Case 2. Improbable Suicide


Welcome to the walkthrough for “Mystery Detective Adventure” from FIVE-BN GAMES. This walkthrough will show you how to solve your second case.

File 1. Death Scene

1 near car arrival

1. When you arrive in an area in front of the brothel, speak with Diana Evans first.

2. Go to your car and use the key you already have.

2 car lab start

2. 1. From the table, pick an oiler. You will need it later to fix a statue.

2. 2. Don’t forget to pick a knife and a tweezer from your bag on the left. These items will help you many times later.

3. Go to the central square.

3 central square arrival

1. Go to the sewer hole and use a tweezer to pick a screwdriver. The screwdriver will be useful later in the theater for opening a camera.

2. Go to the park, where the Monument of Lovers is.

4 park arrival

1. Approach the chalk outline and find the torn button on the ground. This is the first evidence for the “Death Scene” file.

2. Go to the crack in the concrete, remove the flower from it, and use the tweezer to pick an empty poison bottle. This is the second piece of evidence. The bottle will be added to your inventory.

3. Go to the bush on the left and use a knife to cut some of the grass. Check the deceased’s watch for the 2nd piece of evidence.

4. Below the bench, there is a goblet that the deceased drank from. This is the 3rd piece of evidence.

Return to your car and place a bottle on your desk to examine it. After examination, the poison bottle will be the 3rd evidence.

5 brothel arrival

1. Go inside the brothel and pick up the sandwich on the plate at the table, near Diana. You will need this sandwich to distract the dog at the central square.

2. Open the display box and use a tweezer to pick a brush. You will use the brush to better see the initials on the Monument of Lovers in the park.

3 . Open the cabinet and pick up the alcohol. You will need alcohol to clean the windows in Oscar Brown’s house later.

4. Pick the umbrella. You will use the umbrella in the playroom of the brothel later to pick something from the chandelier.

6 central square distract dog

Go to the central square and throw a sandwich you got from the brothel to distract the dog. Examine the goblet because it is the 4th evidence.

7 park initials

Go to the park and clean the moss from the monument with the brush you got from the brothel. The initials are the 5th piece of evidence.

File 2. Oscar Brown

8 brothel playroom door unlock

Go to the brothel and speak with Diana. She will give you a doorpiece. Use it on the door of the playroom to start a puzzle.

9 brothel playroom door puzzle solved

You need to place flowers of the correct colors in the proper places. You can swap positions of 2 flowers, but once the swapping is complete, all flowers will move one place, counter-clockwise.

When you complete the puzzle, you will enter the playroom.

10 playroom arrival

1. Use the umbrella to get the 1st part of the box from the chandelier. You will need 5 parts to unlock a certain box in the playroom later.

2. Go upstairs to pick a powder.

11 playroom arrival

1. Go to the central square and speak with Oscar Brown. On his table, pick the key to his house and pick the nuts. You will need nuts to distract the squirrel near the count’s estate later.

2. Use the key to enter the Oscar’s house.

12 oscars housa arrival

1. On the right, at the window, pick the 2nd piece of the box. Use the alcohol you got from the cabinet in the brothel to clean the window. The glass of the window holds a clue for the bookshelf puzzle.

13 oscars house book shelf puzzle

2. Go to the bookshelf and solve the puzzle. Push only the books that have symbols present on the window. Order doesn’t matter. Once you complete the puzzle, the safe will be revealed.

14 oscars house comedy mask

3. Go to the table, and pick and read the theater promotion poster with an autograph. This is the first evidence for the “Oscar Brown” file. Once you leave the poster on the table, you will see a tiny comedy mask that was previously behind the poster. Pick it. This mask, together with the tragedy mask, will serve later to open one case where binoculars are.

15 oscars house drawer

4. Go to the drawer on the left and use the powder from the playroom to start the puzzle. Click on the surfaces that have the most fingerprints.

Once you solve the puzzle, the drawer will open. Inside the drawer, pick the antler. With the help of an oiler you have, you will fix one statue of a stag later. Check the medicine for the liver. This is the 2nd evidence.

16 oscars house above fireplace

5. Above the fireplace, check the personalized ticket for the theatre show. This is the 3rd evidence. Besides the ticket, pick the tragedy mask.  This mask, together with the comedy mask, will serve later to open one case where binoculars are. Exit the house.

17 central square 2nd part of the box

Go to the starting area where your car is and approach the bust of a stag. Use an oiler on the hole where the antler is missing and then place the antler you got from Oscar’s house. The box will open that will have numbers in Roman numerals. These numbers are a code for unlocking the safe in Oscar’s House. Don’t forget to pick a 3rd part of the box. It’s beside the bust.

18 oscars house opened safe

Go to Oscar’s house and open the safe with numbers from the previous clue. Hold the combination lock until the arrow is pointing to the number 9 and then release. The repeat for the next two numbers, 3 and 7. Inside the safe, there will be the director’s cash receipt, the 4th evidence. From the safe, don’t forget to pick the case. Binoculars are in this case.

File 3. Relationships of the Deceased

19 open case with the masks

Go to the central square. Use comedy and tragedy masks to unlock the case you just got. Pick the binoculars from the case.

20 central square look at flags

1. Use the binoculars to look at the banners. The banners are the clue for opening the door of the theatre. Each Roman numeral on the left banner corresponds to the animal on the right banner, in order from left to right. Roman numerals explain when to pick which door knocker on the theatre’s front door.

21 central square unlockingtheatre

2. Go to the theatre’s front door and use the door knockers in the order described on the banners. Once you open the door, go inside the theatre.

22 theatre arrival

In the theatre, speak with Scott Roth. He will give you a key to the dressing room. Go to the dressing room door, unlock it with this new key, and proceed to the dressing room.

23 theatre lenses

In the dressing room, you need to collect 15 lenses. You will need 15 lenses to open a chest in the theatre.

24 theatre large chest

Once you collect all the lenses, go to the chest in the theatre and use the lenses to start the new puzzle challenge.

25 theatre large chest puzzle solved

You need to move the tiles that have an eye symbol. Move the tile so it jumps over another eye tile. The tile that is jumped over will disappear. You need to delete all eye tiles except the last one. If you complete this puzzle in less than 30 seconds and play the game on Steam, you will earn the achievement “Erudite”.

Once you solve the puzzle, the chest will open. Pick the needle and thread from it. You will need it to patch a fabric in the playroom. That fabric has the clue on it, for one of the puzzles. Pick a case from the chest.

26 theatre camera and film

Go to the camera on the left side of the room, use a screwdriver, and then insert the case you just picked from the chest. Once you do this, you will acquire the film from the camera.

Go to the starting area and enter your car, where your laboratory is.

27 car lab developing film

1. Change the light, from ordinary light to safelight.

2. & 3. Place the film on the desk to develop it.

28 car lab developing film clue

Once developed, look at the photograph and click on the victim or his girlfriend. This is the first evidence for the file “Relationships of the Deceased”.

Go back to the theatre and bring the photograph to Scott.

29 theatre handbag

Once the dialogue is over, go to the upper seats and check the handbag. This is the second piece of evidence.

Open the handbag and check the thickets for the theatre. This is the 3rd evidence.

30 brothel unlock victims room

Go to the brothel and speak with Diana. She will give you the key to the victim’s room. Go to the door of the victim’s room, and unlock it with the key you just got. Enter the room.

31 victims room arrival

1. From the table on the right, pick the notebook. It contains an invisible clue for one of the puzzles later, but you need charcoal to unveil it.

2. On the bed, pick the warming pan. Afterward, pick the warming pan from your inventory, open it, and pick charcoal. Use charcoal on the notebook to reveal the puzzle clue. This clue will be added to your inventory.

3. Go back to the table on the right and check the drawer. This will start a new puzzle challenge. You can use the clue you just got to see how to solve the puzzle.

32 victims room drawer puzzle solved

Move the three circles in the middle to configure where the pipes lead. You can move parts of leaves to different slots if the pipes are leading to the slot you want.

Once you solve the puzzle, the drawer will be open. Read all the love letters. This will be the 4th evidence.

Pick a token from the drawer. You can use this token to get the Joker card in the playroom.

33 playroom token and joker

1. Go to the playroom in the brothel and approach the small table on the right. Place the token on the machine and you will get a Joker card.

2. In the same room, go to the staircase. There is a Joker painting on the wall. Use the card to activate a new puzzle challenge.

34 playroom joker puzzle solved

This puzzle challenge is all about finding differences between the picture on your card and the picture on the wall. Find all the differences to complete the puzzle.

Once you complete the puzzle, a hidden compartment will open. Pick the key and the figurine. You’ll need a figurine to unlock one drawer in the victim’s room, while the key is for the chest in the victim’s room.

Go to the victim’s room next.

35 victims room figurine and chest

1. Go to the drawer near the bed and place the figurine you just got to unlock the drawer. Pick the heart from the drawer.

2. Unlock the huge chest with the key you just got from the wall in the playroom. Pick the weight for the clock. You will use it on the clock in the hallway of the brothel. Don’t forget to also pick the 4th part of the box from the chest.

36b victims room chest double bottom

Remove the fabric and use a tweezer to remove the double bottom from the chest. Check the hidden medallion. It’s the 5th evidence. This is the last evidence for the “Relationships of the Deceased” file.

File 4. Strange Disease

37 brothel weight and the clock

Go to the brothel corridor and speak with Diana. After the dialogue, place the weight for the clock on the clock on the left side of the room. Place the weight on the rightmost chain.

Once you do it, a hidden room will appear. Pick the hammer and lockpick from the lower left shelf. You will need a lockpick to unlock a workshop in the lord’s estate and a hammer to fix a ladder in that location.

38 car area path to lords estate

Next, go to the lord’s estate.

39 lords estate gate squirrel

Before the estate’s gate, approach the tree on the left. Give the nuts to the squirrel to get the part of the lock mechanism for the gate. Place the part in the empty slot at the gate to start a new puzzle challenge.

40 lords estate gate puzzle solved

The puzzle’s goal is to place the triangles in such positions that the same symbols are paired together.

Once you solve the puzzle, the gate will open and you can proceed to the lord’s estate. Go to the front door and speak with the lord Brian Shaw.

41 lords estate arrival

1. After the conversation, go to the servant’s house.

42 lords estate servants house

1. 1. Pick a torch.

1. 2. Use the screwdriver to unlock the door. Proceed to the servant’s house.

Inside the room, pick the corkscrew. You will need it for the fountain in the lord’s estate. Pick the board that is leaning on the bed. You will need it to fix the ladder in the workshop.

2. Go to the left path to reach the greenhouse area.

43 greenhouse area arrival

1. Go to the workshop on the left and use the lockpick to unlock the padlock. Enter the workshop. Place the board from the servant’s house on the ladder. Pick some nails right next to the ladder and use a hammer to drive the nails. A fixed ladder will be added to your inventory. Exit the workshop.

2. Place the ladder on Vivian’s window. Climb to the Vivian’s room. Once you are near the window, pick the tonearm. You will need it to fix a gramophone in the lord’s mansion. Open the window and enter the room. Speak with the lord Brian Shaw.

44 vivians room arrival

1. After the dialogue, approach the girl and check her brooch. This is the first evidence for the “Strange Disease” file.

2. Check the photograph taped on the mirror in front of her. This is the second piece of evidence.

45 vivians room arrival part 2

1. Open the drawer at the bottom of the wardrobe. Move the pile of clothes until you reach the blue cape. This is the 3rd evidence.

2. Go to the library.

46 library arrival

Go to the gramophone and add the tonearm to it. Play the gramophone with the handle. A compartment will open and you can take the key. This key can unlock the pigeon cage.

Go back to the greenhouse area (where the workshop is).

47 greenhouse area pigeon cage

1. In front of the greenhouse, there is a sack of grain. Pick some grain from it.

2. Go to the pigeon cage and unlock it with the key you got from the gramophone. Distract the pigeons with the grain.

48 greenhouse area inside pigeon cage

2. 1. Once they are distracted, pick up the door handle. This is a handle for the wardrobe in Vivian’s room.

2. 2. Inside the pigeon cage, approach the large chest. Open it and pick the first bas-relief. There are 6 bas-reliefs used to open a hidden part of the crypt, later in the story. Don’t forget to pick a key from the chest also. This key will start one puzzle challenge in the library of the lord’s mansion.

49 library bookshelf unlock

Go back to the library in the lord’s mansion. On the left side is a locked part of the bookshelf. Use the key from the pigeon cage to start the puzzle challenge.

50 library bookshelf puzzle solved

To solve this puzzle, move the tiles to get the ornament from the picture above. Once you solve the puzzle, the bookshelf will be unlocked. Inside it, pick the wrench. You will use it in the park to get a gear later. Check the portrait. This is the 4th evidence. It will also be added to your inventory. Pick the glue from the shelf as well. You will need to glue two parts of a metal star.

51 vivians room wardrobe

Go to the Vivian’s room. Go to the wardrobe and place the missing handle.

52 vivians room wardrobe part 2

Once you open it, move all the dresses to the left so you can see dirty boots. Check them. This is the 5th evidence.

53 park gear

Go to the park and on the right side is a machine that has a gear. Use a wrench that you got from the library to take the gear. You will need it to fix the mechanism for lowering the chandelier in Vivian’s room.

54 vivians room gear and chandelier

1. Go back to Vivian’s room and place the gear on the wall. Activate the mechanism to lower the chandelier.

2. Pick the only lamp that is turned off. You will need to place the lamp in the library.

55 library lamp and hidden room

1. Go to the library and place the lamp you just got on the left statue of the staircase. This will open the way to a hidden room on the right side.

2. Go there. Approach the desk.

56 hidden room

1. Check the notes in front of you. This is the 6th evidence.

2. Check the poison rack. This is the 7th evidence.

3. Pick the bell from the table. You will use it on the library wall to reveal a clue.

57 playroom clue

Go to the brothel’s playroom, go up the staircase, and sew the fabric hanging on the left wall, with the needle and thread that you got from the chest in the theatre. This fabric will give you the clue for the puzzle on the box in Vivian’s room. Once you sew the clue, cut it with your knife so you can add the clue to your inventory.

58 brothel torch

In the brothel’s hallway, use a torch on the burned candle beside Diana to light your torch. You will need a burning torch for the lake area later, to scare the snakes.

59 vivians room blue box

Go to Vivian’s room and on the blue box on the table (where the chandelier is dropped), use a heart seal that you got from the victim’s room. This will unlock a new puzzle challenge. Use the clue you got from the playroom to solve the puzzle.

60 blue box puzzle solved

You need to reconfigure the position of flowers to be the same as in your clue. You can move the rows and columns of the flowers by pressing triangular buttons on the sides of the board.

Once you solve the puzzle, the box will be opened. You will find a family tree of the Shaw family. Once you have examined it, pick the 2nd bas-relief from the box. Speak with the lord Brian Shaw.

61 car area cemetery and shop

1. After the dialogue is finished, go to the starting area near your car and check the gates to the cemetery.

2. Go to the shop on the right. The shopkeeper will tell you that to buy all the metal roses, you need to bring 7 coins to her.

62 car lab coins

Go to your car and find 7 coins. Once you find all the coins, go back to the shop and give the coins to the shopkeeper.

63 shop metal roses

Once you do that, find all 15 metal roses in her shop. You will need metal roses to access the graveyard area. Objects marked with yellow rectangles will help you find some hidden metal roses.

64 car area cemetery entrance

Go to the graveyard entrance and place the 15 metal roses around the skull. This will unlock a new puzzle challenge.

65 cemetery entrance puzzle solved

To solve the puzzle, you need to place the roses on both tables in a way that when you merge them, all the fields are filled with roses from both tables. On the left table, you can swap columns, while on the right table, you can swap rows. When you finish, move the slider on the bottom to merge the tables.

Once you solve the puzzle, the gate to the graveyard will be open. Go to the graveyard.

66 cemetery arrival

1. On the ground, there is a last box part stuck in the ground. Use the hammer to get to the box part.

2. Go to the overgrown wall and pick the hand net. You will need it to catch the ball in the central square.

3. Go straight until you reach the lake area.

67 lake arrival

1. On a rowboat, pick the colander. You will need it to get emeralds.

2. On the right side is a giant tree. Use the burning torch to drive away the snakes. Pick the shovel. Together with the colander, it will be useful to find emeralds near the theatre.

68 central square digging emeralds

1. Go to the central square and approach the bushes near the theatre wall.

2. Place the colander on the ground.

3. Use a shovel to dig emeralds from the ground.

Pick the 7 emeralds from your colander. You will need 8 emeralds to place on the angel’s statue in the graveyard. You need one more.

4. On the bridge, use the hand net to catch a ball from the river. You will need the ball for a billiard table in the playroom.

Go to the lord’s estate. On the left, you can see a fountain. Approach it.

69 lords estate fountain

1. Use the corkscrew to let the water flow.

2. Use the dirty part of the box to wash it. Now the cleaned version of the box part will be added to your inventory.

70 vivians room vase

Go to Vivian’s room and use a shovel on the flower pot near the window. You will get the first piece of the broken star. You will need both parts to unlock the greenhouse.

71 playroom unlocking box

Go to the playroom and add all 5 parts of the box you collected so far. This will unlock a new puzzle challenge.

72 playroom box puzzle solved

You need to rotate the hex fields in a way that all paths are connected. When a hex field is rotated correctly, it will shine.

Once you solve the puzzle, the box will open. Pick the 3rd bas-relief.

73 playroom billiard ball

In the same playroom, but downstairs, approach the billiard table and place the ball you got from the bridge on the hole in the corner. The second piece of the broken star will drop to the ground. Pick it.

73b emeralds and angel

1. Go to the cemetery and pick the 8th emerald that is stuck in the tombstone.

2. Place the 8 emeralds on the angel’s statue. You will get a 4th bas-relief.

74 greenhouse area star

Use the glue you got from the library and merge the 2 broken star pieces. The star will be added to your inventory. Approach the greenhouse and use the star to unlock a new puzzle challenge.

75 greenhouse unlock puzzle solved

Place the branches in such a way that they do not touch each other. Once you solve the puzzle, the entrance will open. Enter the greenhouse.

76 greenhouse inside

Once inside, you need to find a set of items in a specific order. You will use each item to find the next one.

In the end, you will get a seal with the shape of a tree. Use it on the wooden cabinet. This will start a new puzzle challenge.

77 greenhouse cabinet puzzle solved

You need to swap the fields to get a picture of a tree.

Once you solve the puzzle, the cabinet will open. In the cabinet, pick the machete. You will need it to cut the overgrown branches on the wall in the graveyard.

Exit the greenhouse, and go to the workshop. Pick the oar. You will need it on the rowboat so you can go to the crypt, across the lake.

78 library clue for crypt gate

Go to the library in the lord’s mansion. On the right side, above the fireplace, is a hidden clue for the crypt’s gate. Place the bell you got from the hidden room to reveal the clue.

79 cemetery overgrown wall clue

Go to the cemetery. On the overgrown wall, use the machete you got from the greenhouse and cut the branches. This will reveal the next clue for the crypt. It will also reveal the last piece of bas-relief. Don’t forget to pick it up.

80 boat

1. Go to the lake area. Place the oar in the rowboat.

2. Now you can access the crypt’s gate. On the gate is a new puzzle challenge.

81 crypt gate solved puzzle

Configure the nodes in a way described in a previous clue from the library.

Once you solve the puzzle, the gate will be opened. Enter the crypt.

82 crypt arrival

1. On the wall is the next puzzle challenge. Use the portrait of Vivian’s grandmother to start the challenge.

83 crypt portrait puzzle solved

Find all similarities between the portrait and the stone relief. Once you solve the puzzle, a hidden compartment will open. Pick the 5th bas-relief.

2. In the crypt, on the right side, use the 6 bas-reliefs you collected so far. This will start a new puzzle challenge.

84 crypt occult scroll puzzle solved

Each circle has a letter in it. Move the circles in such a way that they form the mysterious words from the clue on the graveyard wall.

Once you solve the puzzle, you will find a scroll from Vivian’s grandmother that describes the occult magic. This is the last piece of evidence for this file and this case.