Mystery Detective Adventure | Case 1. Troubles on the Farm
Welcome to the walkthrough for “Mystery Detective Adventure” from FIVE-BN GAMES. This walkthrough will show you how to solve your first case.
File 1. Farm Inspection
You will first arrive near the farmer’s house.

1. Speak with the farmer Harry Lloyd.
2. Approach the broken ladder. Once you get the zoomed-in picture of a broken ladder, remove the broken boards. Later, you’ll replace them with new ones.
3. Go to the dog’s house. Click on a dog’s paws to get the first evidence: “Scared dog”. Collect the boards on the left. You will need boards to fix the ladder.
4. Go to the broken barrel. There, you will find a key in the crack of a barrel. You can use that key to open a shed left from the barrel.
5. Open the shed using the key from the barrel.

5.1. Once inside the shed, tap on the beast’s tracks, either on the ground or the wall. This is the second piece of evidence.
5.2. The third piece of evidence is the broken board on the ground.
6. Enter the farmer’s house

1. Speak with Maria Lloyd.
2. Put your suitcase on the desk. You have this suitcase from the start of the case.

2.1. From the suitcase pick your lighter.
2.2. Pick the knife. You will need a knife and a lighter for many occasions later.
2.3. Remove the cloth to reveal more items.

2.4. Click on the microscope to leave it on the table for future use.
3. Pick the rope on the chest. You will need it to fix the ladder.
4. Pick the pincers and the ladle hanging above the stove.
5. Exit the house.
Place the boards on the ladder. Use the rope you picked from the chest in the house previously to fasten the boards. After you finish, click on the ladder. They will be raised so you can climb on the roof of the house.

1. On the roof is the fourth evidence. There are several traces on the roof. Pick the pouch at the chimney. Use the knife from your inventory that you picked from your suitcase earlier to open the pouch. Pick the golden flower from the pouch. You need to collect a total of 7 of these metal flowers to open a box in the farmer’s house later on.
2. There are traces of the beast on the window. This is the fifth piece of evidence. On the same window, there is a strange green substance. Use the knife from your inventory to pick a sample from it so you can further investigate it later.
Enter the farmer’s house and go to your working desk. Place the ladle on the desk. Place the green substance in the ladle.

Bring the ladle with the green substance to the stove (the same one you picked the ladle and pincers from earlier) to heat the substance.
Inspect the ladle. The green blood from it is the sixth piece of evidence. Exit the house.

Go back to the window. Once there, you can use pincers to pull out the claw from the window. Pick the claw, it is a 7th piece of evidence.
Enter the farmer’s house and go to your desk to summarize all the evidence so far for your first file.
File 2. Lost Harvest
Afterward, exit the house and speak with Harry. You will receive a door knocker from him, to open the door that leads to Harry’s crop fields.

Go to the door leading to the fields and use a door knocker on it. This will start a puzzle challenge.

In this puzzle, you need to form four groups of flowers of the same type. Each group has 9 fields. Which type of flower the group needs is represented by the pictures beside the puzzle frame. When you click one field, all the fields around the clicked field will move clockwise.
Once you unlock the gate, proceed to the field.

1. Go to the tree stump. There, you should use your knife to cut some grass near the stump. For that, use a knife from your inventory. Once you cut the grass, you will see a hidden chest. Pick it up.
2. Next, take the right path.
You will arrive at the town center.

1. Pick the shovel next to the noticeboard. This shovel will later serve to dig a hole for the offering to the totem, at the crops field.
2. Go to the cart left from the well. Once there, remove the curtain from it with the knife from your inventory. You will find a huge chest there, but you won’t be able to open it just yet. Pick the tongs next to it. Tongs will help you later to pick a door handle from the burning coal, in the temple tower.
3. Go to the temple.

1. Speak with the Saxon, priest of the Blue Fire cult. He will give you the task of repairing the totem that lies on the ground in the crop fields.
2. Read the holy book to see what you need to offer to the Fire dog totem.
2.1. Above the book, pick the Lampada. You’ll need it for the offering ritual.
3. Exit the temple.

1. You will find one of the ingredients for the Fire dog ritual in the town center. It is a sagebrush. Use the knife from your inventory to cut it and then pick it up. You can also pick the first valve here. There are two valves you need to pick and you’ll need them to start one of the puzzles in the temple, later.
2. You can pick a second golden flower from the tree behind the noticeboard.
2.1. Click on the apple to get it. Apple is one of the items you’ll need for the offering ritual.
3. Return to the fields.

From the fields, take the left road.

1. Once you are there, you can find Crocuses flowers near the fallen tree. You’ll need these flowers for the offering ritual.
1.1. In the flowers, there is a hidden mechanical part to be picked. This part will be useful for starting one of the puzzles later.
2. Next go to the sawmill.

At the tree stump, collect the second valve.
Return to the farmer’s courtyard.

Go to one of the sheds to find 15 spikelets of wheat for the ritual. The shed has a padlock. Clicking on the padlock will start a puzzle challenge.

To start the puzzle, use the mechanical part you got when you picked the Crocuses flowers earlier. Put the mechanical part into the keyhole.

To solve the puzzle you need to put green symbols next to the same pink symbols. For example, you need to place a green star next to a pink star, a green rectangle next to a pink rectangle, and so on. You can pick up two green symbols to move them, and then you can swap them with other green symbols.

Once you solve the puzzle, enter the shed. In the shed, you need to find 15 spikelets of wheat.
For a wheat spikelet tagged as number 1, you need to move a pumpkin first.

When you finish, you will have a basket full of wheat in your inventory.

Once you have all the ingredients for the offering ritual, visit the temple in the town again. Go to the door next to the priest. It leads to the brazer with blue fire. At the door, you will have a new puzzle challenge.

Place the 2 valves you have in the two slots to start the puzzle.

You need to force the liquids out of the containers by pressure, via presses in said containers. When you do that, the liquid will go to the central container. Once the central container is filled, you will solve the puzzle.
To move the press in a container you need to rotate the valve of the same container. Beware that rotating certain valves will set back progress from other containers.
After the puzzle, you will unlock the door. This door leads to a spiral staircase. Go up the stairs.

Once you climb the temple’s tower, you will arrive where the blue fire is.
A golden flower is stuck inside one of the cracks between the stones. Use the knife. Your character will fail to pick up the flower with the knife because the knife is too wide, but he will then remember that there are tweezers in a suitcase.

Go back to the farmer’s house and pick it, then go back to the temple’s tower. Use the tweezers to pick the flower.
It is the 3rd golden flower so far.

1. There is a door handle in the middle of the burning coal. You can pick it up by using the tongs you picked earlier in the town center.
2. You have a Lampada from the temple in your inventory. Fill it with coal from the brazer.

Since you have a door handle now, you can find out more about the spoiled crops. Go to the farm fields and place the door handle on the door of the tower. Go upstairs to look at the fields, so you can spot where the spoiled crops are.

You will automatically go to the spoiled crops area. When you arrive, click on the ground to gather the first piece of evidence for the Lost Harvest file.
Go to your desk in the farmer’s house and pick a measuring cylinder from your suitcase.
Go back to the fields, go to the tower (you will automatically go to the place of spoiled crops), and use a cylinder to gather some samples from the soil.
Go back to the farmer’s house and place the cylinder on the desk. Click on the cylinder and you will get a second, and the last, piece of evidence for the Lost Harvest file.
Crops died from herbicides with machine oil. After this, you will debrief everything you learned about the Lost Harvest file.
File 3. Fire at the Mill
Go to Harry to ask him who might poison the crops. After this chat, the task “Explore the dead fields” will be complete.
Go inside Harry’s house and speak with Maria, to get the cinnamon sticks. Once the conversation is over, you will get the cinnamon in your inventory. That is the last item for the offering. Select your basket full of wheat and add an apple, Crosuses, Sagebrush, and Cinnamon into it. Those are all items you will have in your inventory.
After this step, you will lose the item “Basket with Wheat” and get the “Offering” item in its place, in your inventory.

Go to the crop fields. On the left, there is a totem lying on the ground. Use the shovel you picked earlier in the town center, near the noticeboard, to dig a hole next to the totem. Once you do this you will also get a fourth golden flower.

Once the hole is dug, you can raise the totem upright again. Use the shovel to cover the hole. Place the burning lampada that has blue flame in it, and the basket with offerings in front of the totem. Once you finish, go back to the town’s temple to speak with the cleric Saxon.
From Saxon, you will get a protective amulet and a new task to explore the burnt mill. Before that, you’ll need to fix the bridge that leads there.
Go to the crop fields and take the path on the left, to go to the abandoned part of the village.

Enter the hunter’s cabin on the right side. There is a huge chest with a lock. Place your protective amulet in the keyhole of the lock to start the next puzzle challenge.

In this puzzle, you will see that tiles on the right-most column have four animals. You need to move orange tiles so that all orange tiles with animals go to the same right-most tile with the same animal. If you complete this puzzle in less than 120 moves and if you play the game on Steam, you will earn the “Craftsman” achievement.
In the chest, you will find a journal of the hunter who was hunting the “demon dog”. Besides that, there is an axe you should pick to add to your inventory.

Once you exit the hunter’s cabin, go to the tree on the right. Use the axe to chop on its center. There, you will find a mysterious bundle.
Open the bundle, and you will get a small dragon-shaped statuette and a handle.
Next, go to the sawmill.

1. Go to the tree stump and use an axe to chop wood. Once you finish, the firewood will be added to your inventory Once you chop the wood, you will see a crowbar that was beneath the pile of wood before. Pick it.

2. Return back to the sawmill. On the right side, go to the large toolbox. Open it with your crowbar. Once open, pick the gear from the toolbox. You will need this gear to repair the saw engine.
With this new crowbar, you can also open the box in the cart, in the town center.

1. Go there and use the crowbar to open it. Inside it, you will find a saw.

2. Go to the well and use your axe to remove the locks from the well. Open the well and pull up the bucket via the well’s mechanism. In the bucket, you will find yet another dragon-shaped statuette.

1. Go to the sawmill again and go to the table saw. Remove the old saw and place the new saw you just got from the box in the town center.

2. Next, go to the engine, next to the table saw. Open it, remove the old gear, and put the new gear you collected from the toolbox inside it. Place the handle you got from the tree earlier on the side of the machine. Before you can pull the handle to start the engine, you first need to light the stove.

3. Go to the stove and place firewood from your inventory. Pick the sawdust to place it atop the firewood and use the lighter to light the fire.
You can go back to the saw engine and pull the handle to activate it. Once you do that, you will get new boards in your inventory. You will need them to fix the bridge to the mill.
On the right side of the sawmill, go to the toolbox you previously opened with a crowbar. There, you will find some nails. You will need them to fix the bridge to the mill.
Go to the crop fields

1. You will find a broken bridge on the right.
2. Place the boards you got from the sawmill.
3. Place the nails.
4. Use the axe to drive nails.
5. Once you are done fixing the bridge, you can cross it to go to the mill area.

1. Go to the sacks of grain near the shed.
Remove the cloth from one of the sacks. Pick the “chain with a hook”. You will need it to get access to the mill’s basement.
2. Go to the burned mill
Go to the center of the mill.

1. Place a chain with a hook on a hand crank reel. Use the handle of the hand crank reel to remove the beam.
2. Open the trapdoor to the mill’s basement and go there.

1. In the basement, your first piece of evidence for the “Fire at the Mill” file is the corpse of a miller on the ground.
2. Pick a miller’s key. Open Miller’s handbag. Inside it, you will see a code for safe on paper, which is 915.
3. Use Miller’s key to open the largest cage. Inside the cage, pick the brush on boxes of explosives.

4. On a smaller cage, there is a 2nd piece of evidence – Dog’s fur. Use the brush to wipe the wall and you will see a code 812. It is the second part of the safe code.

5. Go to the safe and enter the safe code. The first three digits are 915 and the second three digits are 812
Inside the safe, pick up the key. This key from the safe can open the box you picked near the tree stump, at the crop field. The box is in your inventory.
You will also find the letter about the rejection of a purchase request, written by the miller, to count Babington. This is the 3rd piece of evidence.

With the key you picked from the safe, open the box you picked earlier at the crop field. Once you unlock the box, you will get a new puzzle challenge.

You will have four wheels. Each wheel has 4 parts. Parts have different color patterns. You need to ensure that each wheel has only one color pattern in all of its 4 parts. The color pattern that the wheel needs to have is represented by a smaller wheel beside that particular wheel.
You can spin the parts of any wheel by clicking on its center. If you click on the bird’s center button, the parts of the wheels facing the bird will be exchanged between the wheels, clockwise.
Once you solve the puzzle and open the box, you can pick the dog figurine from it. You will need it to open the gate in the town center that leads to the count’s estate. Exit the basement.

On the field in front of the mill, on one of the fences is the 4th evidence for this file. It’s a mark from a lightning strike.
With this evidence, you will conclude the file and your character will debrief what’s new so far. The task to explore the burnt mill is completed.
File 4. Mystical scam
Go to the farmer Harry, in front of his house, to speak with him. You will receive a new task, to talk to the count.

Go to the town center. From there you can access the gate leading to the count’s estate. Use the dog figurine you obtained from your box, to open the gate and go to the estate.

1. Speak with the butler.
2. At Gorgoyle’s feet, you can find 1 out of 5 details shields. You will need them to start a puzzle to unlock the count’s library.
3. The second piece of detail shield is on the ground, near the red flowers. Click on the flowerpot first to approach it and then see the details shields on the ground.
4. Near the Gorgoyle’s fountain, there is a water drain. You will find your first evidence in this file. It’s a green liquid, the same one as in the window of Harry’s house. Use the crowbar to open the water drain. Pick the screwdriver, and pick the 3rd piece of details shields.
5. Go to the bench and remove the golden flower with a screwdriver you just picked. This is the 5th golden flower so far.
6. Go to the count’s mansion.

1. Speak with the Count Babington. You will receive a new task to explore the legend of the demon dog.
2. Pick the 4th piece of the details shields above the fireplace.

3. At the fireplace, there is a fireplace poker. Use it to move the embers at the fireplace. You will find an orange stone. Pick it up. You will need four stones of different colors to place in a special pendant later.
4. Go to the cabinet where you can find the last piece of the details shields.
5. Pick the newspaper on the table. Once you leave the newspaper, you will see another golden flower on the desk. It’s the 6th golden flower so far.

6. Go to the library door upstairs. On the door, there are five empty slots. Use the 5 details shields you collected to unlock the puzzle.

You need to open all of the mini-books. When you click one book to open, any closed book next to it will open as well. If you open a book and some books next to it are already open, they will close.

Once you solve the puzzle, enter the library.

1. To open the display case, use the knife.
2. Pick the third dragon-shaped statuette.
3. Pick the order badge. You will need it later to start a puzzle challenge in the library’s secret passage.
4. Picking the book will start a new puzzle challenge.

On the right side, you can see the symbols you need to find on the cover of the book. There are 5 instances of each of the symbols. You will know how many instances of the symbol you found by seeing how many green circles around the symbol you have.

On the left side is the cover of the book. Pay close attention to where the symbols are. You can use the cover’s mechanisms to change the surface.

Use the lighter on the first page of the book to see what is inscribed with the invisibility link.

You will see a drawing of the three leaves. The positions of these leaves are key to solving the puzzle later on.
Go to the abandoned part of the village.

1. On the left tree, click on a bird. The bird will fly off and drop the golden flower in the hole below.
2. Use an axe to cut down the roots. Pick the last golden flower. It is glowing in the dark in the hole.
Now that you have 7 golden flowers, you can open the box in Harry’s house. Go there.

Go to the chest. Place the flowers in the 7 slots. You will get the 4th dragon-shaped statuette.
Now that you have all 4 dragon-shaped statuettes, you can use them in the Count’s Estate. Go there first.

At the Gargoyle’s fountain, there are four slots. Place all dragon statuettes there. Order is not important.
Once you do that, you will unlock a new puzzle challenge. You can move small circle tokens along the lines, between the nodes. If your tokens are in the rotation circle, you can rotate the tokens by clicking on the rotation circle.

Your goal is to set a certain configuration of tokens. At the center of the board, there have to be pink Celtic knots. Further away from the center should be purple rhombuses. Further away from the center should be blue circles, and at the edges should be green spirals. If you complete the puzzle in less than 3 minutes and you play the game on Steam, you will get the “Connoisseur” achievement.

Click on the other Gargoyle which just moved. You will find a stucco molding at his feat (it looks like one of the leaves inscribed in the book in the library).

Go back to the library. Approach the right-most lamp holder. Insert a stucco molding into the slot there

Now you need to change the positions of the leaves on all the lamp holders to match the ones displayed in the book.
Once you solve the puzzle, a hidden compartment behind the books will be revealed, on the left side of the library. Approach it.

Use the Order badge you got from the display case to unlock the compartment. This will unlock a new puzzle challenge.

In this challenge, you have 12 sections, and each section has 4 books. Each section has a number in Roman numeral. Your task is to switch books so that the sum of numbers in those books matches the Roman numeral of the section. You can only switch places between two books at a time.
Once you solve this puzzle, you will discover a passage to the secret room. Go there.

1. In the secret room, check the dog statue on the left. Use a knife to cut the pendant around its neck. Pick the pendant. This pendant will be used as a key later, but first, you need to collect the stones of different colors. You already have the orange stone.

2. Go to the desk

2.1. Rotate the figurine of the white dog to open a small compartment.
2.2. Pick the key from that compartment. You can unlock the drawer above the desk with it.

3. Unlock the drawer with the key you just obtained.

Open the notebook on the left and read it, to complete the task “Explore the legend of the dog”, and you will find out about the new location in the forest.

Go to the library and look at the picture above the book display case.

At the bottom of the painting, on the frame, there are three symbols. Memorize those symbols to unlock the new puzzle in the secret room.

Go back to the secret room, and go to the painting of the demon dog. Below it, rotate the symbols to get the ones from the previous painting from the library.

Once you do it, pick the note with the clues.

Go back to the secret room and approach the chair in front of the desk. Use a knife to cut open the chair seat.
Open the small box you find below the seat. Pick the red stone. You’ll need stones of different colors to place on the pedant you got from the demon dog statue.

Go to the abandoned part of the village. Continue to the forest.

Once you are in the forest, whenever you see a path that has a green tree, go there.
In the end, you will reach the sunken bridge. To repair it, you need to collect 10 weights. Below are the pictures where you can find the weights. Make sure to explore the forest until you see all the locations from the pictures.

In this location, throw stones at the weight.

Once you are done collecting all 10 weights, go to the bridge and place the weights. Afterward, cross the bridge.
File 5. Strange Ritual
You will get a new task, to investigate the ritual. You will also start working on a new file “Strange Ritual”.

1. Open the bag and pick the figurine. This figurine will open display case in the temple.

2. The ritual circle is your first evidence for the Strange Ritual file. Remember the sigils. You will use them to unlock one of the doors in the temple later.
3. Go to the car. Use the crowbar from your inventory to open its door. Open the bag in the car to get the key for the chest behind the car.

4. Use the key you just got to unlock the chest behind the car. Once you unlock the chest, you will start a puzzle challenge. You need to place silver tokens next to the golden tokens. Silver tokens must have an association with the golden tokens.
When you finish the puzzle, the chest will open. Pick the garden trowel and detail from the chest. You will need a garden trowel for a flowerpot later and a detail to open a large chest in the farmer’s house.

5. Pick the stick. Use the stick to reach the hanged object. The hanged object is a blue stone for your pendant.

Go to the temple in the town center. To open the central door, use the sigils from the ritual circle in the forest.

Before you take anything from the hidden room, in the temple, go to the left display case and use a figurine you found in the ritual site to open it.

Look at the miniature of the town center.
1. Move the Blue Flame to the temple’s tower.
2. Move the bird from the 1st (left) house to the house behind the temple.
3. Move the fire from the roof of the 1st house to the bonfire.
4. Move the door from the 1st house to the temple.
5. Move the barrel behind the temple to the rest of the barrels at the center of the square.
6. Move the bucket to the well.
7. Move the wheel from the 3rd house to the cart.
8. Move the roof window from the cart to the roof of the temple.
9. Move the timber in front of the temple to the pile of timber.
10. Move the fence from the temple’s courtyard to the house in the middle.
11. Move the door to the 2nd house.
12. Move the window from the 4th house to the 2nd house.
13. Move the attic window from the 4th house to the 2nd house.
14. Move the part of the roof from the 1st house to the 2nd house.
15. Move the chimney from the temple to the 1st house.
Once you solve this puzzle, a drawer will open. Pick the signet.

Go back to the hidden room you recently opened. Go to the book on the shelf and use the signet you just picked to open the book.
Read about the ritual from the book. This is the second and final evidence for the Strange Ritual file. Your character will start debriefing about the case now.
File 4. Mystical Scam Part 2.
1. Go to the farmer’s house to unlock the huge chest. Use the detail you got from the car’s chest in the ritual site.

Pick the dog-shaped statuette. You will need it to place it above the fireplace in the mansion’s living room.
Return to the count’s mansion to start following the clues from the count’s secret room. You need to find all the symbols for opening the secret safe.

Go to the mansion’s living room and activate the owl statue. You will see one of the symbols to open the safe.

Go to the mansion’s library, find the clock, and change it according to the drawing of the clock in your clues paper.
Once you solve the clock puzzle, the clock can be opened. Pick the lever arm. You will use the lever to drop down the chandelier in the living room.
Inside the clock, you can see the 2nd symbol for opening the safe.

Return to the living room. Move the curtains near the windows. You will see a lever without an arm. Place the lever arm you just got from the clock to activate it. This will drop down the chandelier.

1. The 3rd symbol for the safe is on the chandelier
2. While you are in the living room, place the dog statuette you picked from the farmer’s house above the fireplace to open the hidden compartment behind the painting. You will find the green stone, which is the last stone for your pendant.

Go to the courtyard to continue seeking the symbols. Go to the flowerpot. Use a garden trowel you picked from the chest in the ritual area to dig out all the flowers and hummus. Deep inside the flower pot is the fourth symbol for the safe.

Go to the library. Approach the left lamp holder. Use the screwdriver to unfasten the lamp holder and move it. You will see the 5th symbol for the safe.

Go to the sawmill area. Pick the pendant you obtained from the demon dog figure and place all the stones you have so far (red, orange, blue, and green) in it.
Place the completed pendant on the pedestal. This will unlock a new puzzle challenge.

You have 4 tokens that you need to move to their designated spots on the right side. Tokens can move only through the fields of the same color, e.g. a red token can only move through red fields. When you move a token, that token will change the color of the previous field. Red will leave the yellow field behind it when moved, yellow will leave blue, blue will leave green, and green will leave yellow.
When you complete the puzzle, you will reveal the 6th symbol for the safe.

Go to the ritual site. Go to the tree stump with a human face carved on it. Use a knife from your inventory to remove the moss. Once you remove it, you will see the last symbol for the safe.

Go to the secret office in the count’s mansion and go to the safe to start a new puzzle challenge. Use the buttons to combine the symbols into a pattern. To know which patterns to make, use the clue paper.
Pick the book from the safe where you will find out about the tunnel’s location. This will start the new task of exploring the tunnel.

Go to the ritual site to find a tunnel. Behind the ritual circle, there is a huge tree. The entrance to the tunnel is below the tree but the entrance is blocked with an overgrown poisonous ivy.
Go to the farmer Harry at his house to speak about the poisonous ivy. Harry will give you a key to the barn where you can find a syringe of herbicide.

Go to the barn and unlock the door with Harry’s key you just received.

Pick the Syringe and the Lantern. You will need a lantern to have some light at the tunnel entrance. Go to Harry’s house and go to your desk. You left some herbicide from earlier on the desk. Use a Syringe to pick some of the herbicides.

Go back to the ritual site and use a syringe full of herbicide on the poisonous ivy. Use a knife from your inventory to remove the dead ivy.

Before entering the tunnel, hang the lantern at the entrance. There will be one problem, you need to blow up the passage with explosives first.

Go to the basement of the mill. In the large cage, there are boxes of explosives. Use the crowbar to open one of the boxes. Pick the explosives.

Return to the tunnel entrance below the tree. Place the explosives in front of the boulder and use the lighter from your inventory to light the explosive fuse.
You will automatically go outside to the ritual site and the lantern will be back to your inventory. Once the explosion happens, you can return to the entrance and hang the lantern one more time. Proceed to the tunnel.

You will arrive at the gold mine. Remove the rope with your knife. The rope will go to your inventory. You will reveal four barrels of herbicide. This is the second clue of the Mystical Scam file.

2. Go to the desk on the left.

Attach the rope you just got to the hook on the table. Take the “rope with hook” item.

3. Look at the door on the ceiling. Use the hook with the rope. Pull the ladder.
Climb the ladder and peek through the door. Eavesdrop on the conversation. You will get a new task, to collect evidence of the Count’s guilt.

Proceed through the ceiling door. You will be in a gazebo that was previously locked.
Go to the table on the left. Pick the ring. You will need this ring to unlock the cabinet in the mansion. Exit the gazebo to arrive at the courtyard. Go to the mansion.

In the mansion’s living room, approach the cabinet near the window. Unlock it with the count’s ring you picked from the gazebo. Pick the bunch of keys. They are the keys to the attacker’s lair, in the gold mine.
Go back to the mines. You can use the shortcut – go to the estate courtyard -> the Gozebo -> the trapdoor.

Once you are in the mine again, use the keys on the door in the middle. Once you do that, the new puzzle challenge will start. You need to solve it to unlock the door.

You can move the left and right pins to adjust them and you can rotate the main circle. You need to merge parts of the animal figurines. You have all the animals you need to collect on the paper above the circle.
Once you solve the puzzle, the door will be open. Proceed to the new room.

1. Approach the desk. Open the drawer and read the contract. This is the 3rd evidence.
2. Besides the drawer, there is a bottle of green paint. It’s the 4th evidence.
3. Below the desk, there is a 5th evidence which is boots with paws.
4. On the desk, there are paw prototypes. 6th evidence.
5. Besides the paws there is a claw blank. 7th evidence.
6. Approach the barrels in the left corner. Besides the barrel, there is a herbicide canister. 8th evidence.
7. At the corner of the room is a helmet with an animal face. 9th evidence.
8. On the right wall is a cloak that looks like animal skin. This is the 10th evidence

9. Go to the smaller desk on the left. Look at the documents. This is the 11th evidence.
10. Click on the dog whistle. This is the final evidence.