Dream Life Chapter 1 Levels 6-10

Level 6

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. In the previous stage, we tried to bribe the hotel manager. The manager is the person who runs the hotel and we needed a favor. It all happened in our memories. A boy named Stephen was standing next to us. We needed his help and he accepted. Of course, not everything happened in stage 5. We have to leave something for this stage as well.

As someone who loves his wife, Fredrick has promised to meet Lena’s expectations. He took his role seriously. The man takes care of his family. They may not love him sometimes or they may hate him at times but that means nothing to him. Because a man always takes care of his family. It is his duty. Fredrick remains in our line of sight and we continue our adventure. Lena was kidnapped, but let’s move on, it’s not over. Let us begin.

Fredrick stays in front of this hotel. The hotel’s name is Holiday Inn. This is still settled in his memories. He should hand over the Morpher to them. So that they will give him the teddy bear. This is the place for you to meet with kid Stephan. Get connected, stage 6 is full of obligations, but that doesn’t mean that all this is demanding.

We have to admit to you that it has 4 objectives. Get chocolates, Finish the minigame, Get the teddy bear, and Find the Morphers. Lena is still safe, but these are memories, memories that overwhelmed us in the most difficult moments. The feeling we have now is a feeling of helplessness and that feeling came when Lena was kidnapped. Memories cause love, love kills.

We are still standing in front of The Holiday Inn. Before we enter this beautiful hotel, we must understand that all this is one memory and remember some things that have already passed. Look around you. You will see many things. The ceremonial carpet takes us straight to the hotel. But before we go in, look at the right side of the carpet. You will see a handbag standing alone on the sidewalk.

Take a handbag and place it in a close-up. The large staff serves to analyze this new situation in more detail. Clicking on the handbag opens the handbag. There is a flashlight inside. In this case, it says the torch. By clicking on the torch, we enlarge and place the torch in the spotlight. Clicking on the back opens the torch. After that we go on, enter the hotel. Click on the door and open it. The Holiday Inn lets you get inside.

You entered the reception. Good old reception, a place we learned by heart. But every hotel has a reception and we have to get to this place. There is a thread at the fountain. It is an object we will preserve. By clicking on the threat, this case is analyzed in more detail. Take the thread and by clicking on the same item, you will develop this item.

On the left side of the hallway is a vending machine. To get some benefit from a vending machine, we need to enter a code. The code is very simple. Just go back in front of the hotel and you will see a bulletin board offered by the Holiday Inn. Count the treats. How many Hazelnut Pralines, how many strawberry pralines, how many Cherry pralines, how many Raspberry pralines? The number is 2 – 1 – 4 – 3.

Enter these numbers in the vending machine. Only when you enter 2 – 1 – 4 – 3, do you get chocolates as a gift. This completes the first task. Continue. The door leading to the kitchen can be seen on the left side of the hallway. With a simple click, open this door and go to the kitchen. There is a toy robot on the counter. Take this toy. Now that we’re here, it’s time to do one more thing.

Take scissors that are stationed in the kitchen area where the knives are kept. The knife stand has company, kicking out the intruder. You will do this by taking scissors. So much for that for now in the kitchen.

We return to the reception hall. There is a toolbox in the right corner of this room. Open the box by clicking. By the way, the box is on the floor. Open the box and take the screwdriver kept in the box. A very important item for the next period. We will use this item in the same seconds.

Place a robot toy in the spotlight and use a screwdriver to open the robot’s hull. Two screws protect the hull. That is not a problem for us. Remove the hull and take a pair of batteries that are in the toy.

We will need batteries as a power source for the flashlight. Place the lamp in close-up and insert the batteries. Close the lid and the lamp is ready for use. Climb upstairs. Go straight up the stairs and upstairs. The room to the right of the hallway is locked. Use the key and unlock the room. It’s dark inside, but don’t worry. You have a lamp that works. Light up this dark room and take the Morpher.

Across the room is a bulletin board. That board is full of stickers, but there is also a magnet. That magnet is very important to us. Take a magnet and do the following. Thread develop to get the rope. Cut part of the ball with scissors and take a piece of thread. Connect the thread and the magnet. Thread the thread through the magnet and you will get a very good tool to use. Be a little diligent and go down the stairs.

Return to the front of the hotel. It is our next destination because we have to take something. The reason is that we found a tool to find these things. In front of the hotel entrance, there is a bar. The grille is on the left side of the sidewalk. There is a board with the number of sweets and the grid is on the left side of this board. Use the newly made tool and take another Morphet that is under the grate.

The next scene is in the form of a movie. Fredrick gives the Morphet and chocolates to the children. The boy agrees to play in the arcade. The second task is done. The third and fourth tasks are destined to work in parallel. The third task is to play the game. The goal is to use the arrow to eat your way to the chocolate bar.

You play several times and the game is not demanding. Everything is great when you have someone to play for you. Stephan played great and tasks 3 and task 4 are automatically completed. You play the game and get a teddy bear. After that, you can only pleasantly surprise Lena. Fredrick gives this teddy bear to Lena and she thanks him. Fredrick now gives candy and a teddy bear to Lena.

This is how stage 6 is completed. It is full of challenges, but it’s not that demanding, is it? The next stage is number 7. Let’s do our best to help Fredrick do everything in his power to find his Lena. Follow our walkthrough. Thank you for reading.

Level 7

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. In the previous stage, we had several goals to accomplish. It doesn’t matter when the happiness of your most important person depends on other people. Chocolates, toys, and other things are very important for Lena. Fredrick is a person who wants to fulfill all that. Looking back on what happened, we came to a point where there is no going back. We are still in our memories and those memories do not fade.

Memories flood like an avalanche the moment Lena is kidnapped by the kidnappers. The next stage has its name. It’s called “It’s a cake day.” This means that the memory is still in progress and we must, as the memory commands us. Don’t think this is all over. The end is not even close and we have just woken up. Whoever kidnapped Lena is not aware that we have the power to find him and give him back for everything he did. With all interest. Let us begin if you are ready.

This phase begins with Fredrik saying that he will impress Lena with his expertise in baking. Lenin’s birthday will be ready in a day. The goal at this stage is to make a birthday cake. In the first scene, you are in a restaurant. The restaurant is an integral part of the hotel and from this point, you have to start your ascent as a culinary master. There is a box on the table closest to you. Handkerchief box. Save this item.

On the other table, a table north of the box table is a menu. The menu card is littered with certain culinary ingredients, so we can’t see what’s written. Take the handkerchief out of the box. Clicking on the tissue box will pull out one tissue. Wipe the dirt off the menu card and read what’s on the menu today.

Go to the kitchen. Doors in the northern part of the hall. Go to the kitchen so you can make a birthday cake. We need to find the ingredients for the cake. The first place we should look is the top shelf in the left corner of the kitchen. Code-protected closet. But that is not a big problem for us. We have 4 unknown characters. Signs are easy to find. Copy 4 characters from the menu card to the place where the code was entered. That way you can unlock this secret door. The first sign is bread. The second sign is a cookie. The third sign is a culinary hat. The fourth sign is a croissant. The door unlocks and you take the Booklet.

A booklet is one small book that has a picture of the process of making a birthday cake. It is interesting that whenever we need the help of the staff employed at the hotel, they are never there. The hotel is empty when we need help. But never mind, let’s move on. The drawer on the left side of the kitchen is an indicator that order is very important to us. By clicking on the drawer on the left side of the kitchen, you will see exactly that order.

Each color has its image and the two images of the cake in the Booklet are connected by lines of the same color. Three cakes. Based on the color of the lines, enter the specific image of the cake that is provided. That’s how you unlock this drawer. The drawer hides Cone. To cooking cone. It is used for applying the filling that decorates the cake. Save this item.

There is a gray metal box under the microwave. Save this item for later. Before we move on, take a look at the kitchen work area. The central table where culinary magic takes place. There’s a broken plate. A plate that is broken can be used as a cold weapon but we will not do that. We will move parts of the broken plate to get a clear picture.

After that, take the pieces and assemble the plate. The goal is to get a clear picture from the plate so we can see what is painted. By assembling the parts and moving the parts in a circle, we get a clear picture. There is a picture of a knife and fork on the plate.

We need a few items before we move on. Count the cutlery in the glass with the number 1. The glass with the number 1 is on the early part. Looking at the order in the location where all this is placed, it goes in order: Knife, fork, spoon, knife. It’s a code. The code was entered into the metal box. This code securely unlocks the box. A key is glued to the bottom of the lid. This is an important item that allows us to continue safely in this game. Use this key to unlock the metal cabinet above the sink. There is a bottle that you should keep.

Open the fridge. The first thing you will see is the huge amount of groceries. We need some groceries, not all. Take a bowl of cherries and nuts. Making a cake for someone’s birthday is a special art. In addition to the physical ingredients, the main ingredient is needed. And that is attention and desire. Desire alone is enough for many things that seem impossible to us.

The crust for the base of the cake is already in the work area. After that, decorative ingredients are added. Cherry goes to the right of the cake. Bottle with topping and nuts go on the left side of the cake. Let’s go in order. Pour the topping from the bottle. Then pour the nuts. When it all comes together nicely, pour the cherry from the plate. All this would not be perfect if we did not take the zones and write Lena’s name on the cake. Lena is inscribed with decorative ingredients that perfect this birthday cake. The objective of “make a cake” is fulfilled.

Fredrick could not predict the taste of this birthday cake. Let Lena taste it. For Lena, this is heavenly. Lena is cutting her birthday cake and still enjoying it. Fredrick was awesome. All thanks to you. Stage 7 is over. There are no more problems at this stage. We wind in the back for people like Fredrick. You are the engine that drives our love ship. Don’t think it’s over. We have to go further, the story has just taken shape. Be careful because this is just the beginning. Follow our walkthrough. Fredrick is a very grateful man. Thank you. Have a nice day. Thank you for reading.

Level 8

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This stage 8. In the previous stage, we had to help Fredrick justify his status with his wife Lena. Namely, Lena is the person who asked her husband to make a birthday cake. We had to gather strength and help Fredrick. There was a search for ingredients that would be key to making the perfect cake.

In the end, we managed to achieve the desired goal. Lena was thrilled and we got bonus points from his wife. The credit goes to Fredrick but our goal is to be the driving force behind young Fredrick. We are still in the memories. It’s not over. Stage 8 is called “A special gift”. Let’s try to be on top of the task. Let us begin.

The gift box is inside the car. Fredrick should get it soon. This is his token of love for Lena. In this case, our objective is to find the Ring box. Rings, necklaces, earrings. It’s all glowing jewelry. And women like Lena love glittery things. Let’s make sure everything is in the best order.

We are in front of the Holiday Inn Hotel. Don’t think that this is the starting point. To the left of the hotel is a plastic bottle. The bottle stands on the floor. Take this item. We need this item at this stage. On the right is a women’s handbag but we don’t need this item for now. Let’s take a step back. A step back is a logical move given what is objective to us. Click on the arrows on the left. Get back to your car. This is where much of this stage takes place. You will see a picture of the parking lot and Fredrick’s car.

The right part of our new field of vision is very important. Apart from the car, which is located on the left side, the right part is rich with an installed fountain and a rubber hose that is attached. Right now, we need our car. Open the front passenger door. There is a female purse. Take this item. Open the purse. Inside is a business card in the compartment. The bulkhead is mostly empty, but we only need that business card.

It is written with the word Vintage on the card and below Vintage is a sign. That sign doesn’t matter to us. The color combination at the bottom of the card is important. Remember this combination. We will need it, trust us. Take the box from the passenger seat. The box is locked and we will have to open it with a code. The code is revealed in the next step.

Step to the back of the car. There’s a trunk. You will see that the license plate is dirty with mud. We do not see the details from the license plate. Use a bottle of water and wash this detail. This way you will see a combination of letters and numbers. You will see FRW 643. FW64 are members that are underlined in color.

Remember this combination because it has to do with the colors on the business card. The winning combination is F4W6. The letter F is underlined in green. Number 4 is underlined in blue. The letter W is underlined in yellow. Number 6 is underlined in red. And that’s the combination.

Now comes the breaking of the code. The code for the box is clear, we found out earlier. The code is F4W6. Open the lid of the box and take the hidden item. The hidden item is the car keys. A very important subject to continue. We go back to the trunk of the car again. We are taking easy steps because we are not staring anywhere. Insert the keys and thus take the contents of the trunk.

Contents include Bag and Suitcase. Take the Suitcase and place it in a close-up. You must unlock this item. You have a scheme of how to unlock it, but we’ll tell you. Click on the left button. Then right-click. Then double-click on the left button. Then double-click on the right button. At the very end, click once on the left button. And so you will unlock this Suitcase.

There is a key in the Suitcase. Save this item. The key unlocks the Bag we found earlier with the Suitcase. Unlock the Bag and get the gift box. There is a knife on the floor next to the fountain. We will use this knife so we can remove the decorative paper. The decorative paper prevents us from taking the contents of the gift but a knife will help us.

The ring box is hidden in decorative paper. Everything is perfect. We found a ring box. You can also make a ring box and put it in a close-up. Clicking on the ring box opens the box. This will make sure that the ring is in the box and that we have done the perfect job in a very short time. Mission completed.

Fredrick hopes Lena likes this gift. He is presenting this gift to Lena. Lena has impressed by Fredrick’s gift and involvement in their relationship. The last scene is a depiction of their departure from the meeting place. Going into a night where one can only imagine how happy the two of them are. But unfortunately, this is not the end. Not a happy ending yet. Hopefully, it will be for Fredrick and Lena.

Presenting such details in stage 8 is a bit confusing. As it seems to us, we have to go through some details from the past to be able to hope for the future. Although the future cannot be predicted nicely, our commitment will be the same. Prepare Fredrick for the challenges ahead. The other plan is to find Lena because she was kidnapped. We are with you for the next stage. Be careful. Follow our walkthrough. Have a nice day. Thank you for reading.

Level 9

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 9. In the previous stage, we had to show again why Fredrick is a good husband. He needs a ring to propose to Lena. It all happened in previous years, the years when love flourished and when Lena was his girlfriend. We had a bit of trouble figuring out the code and unlocking the suitcase.

The bag and suitcase are unlocked. The ring box was found and the ring was delivered. Lena is overjoyed and stage 8 ended with them leaving for the night as a happy newlyweds. Stage 9 is called “Path Towards up”. We don’t know what this is about. Therefore, we do not take a break because we have to go immediately and investigate every detail. Let us begin.

This stage takes place somewhere deep in the marriage. We enter stage 9 assuming they are married. Quarrels are an integral part of marriage and that is one of the most important things. Lena is so angry with Fredrick, she must be at home. She will not unlock the door because of her remorse for Fredrick. He has to surprise her. So, Fredrick should find a way to enter the house. The objective in this stage is clear. Path Towards Up.

We look at the street behind the building. We assume that a happily married couple, Lena and Fredrick, live here. We don’t know at the moment what went wrong and what is the reason why Lena is angry with Fredrick. We only know that we do not ask questions, we ignore them. We simply know our task.

Our task is to help in every situation. Fredrick is our person. Look at the left side of the screen. You will see that the fountain is set. There is one item in front of the fountain. That is an iron rod. Save this item. Below the fire escape, you can see another useful item.

It may seem to us at first that there is no reason to take this item, but we will take it. This item is can. Gasoline is stored there, but we will not talk in advance. For now, we need to preserve this item. If we look a little better around us, you will see in the distance that there is a wooden barrel.

That barrel has some content but we have to find out. Use an iron rod and take out the barrel cap. You will see that some liquid is slowly leaking, we believe it is oil. Take a can, remove the cap and lean on the place where the oil leaks. Pour the oil into the can and that’s how you get the oil can. Oil can be of great importance to us in the continuation of this stage.

Be content that you can walk to the lawn. The lawn is across from the building, on the right side of this street. You still have to find a way to climb to the top. The mower is the only machine located on the lawn. Each electric mower has its tank where oil is poured. This mower has the same tank. Pour the oil into the mower, but first remove the cover. Pour oil and click on the back of the mower. You have a button. The mower will mow the excess grass on its own and free up space for you to take an item that has been hiding in the grass all the time. Item is Screw.

Move on. Let’s use Screw in the best possible way. A fountain is a type of building that has the effect of conducting water in such a way that a person is thrilled. We are not thrilled yet and the reason is that there is no water. The screw is the object that we install in the base. That way we will let the water flow and the water will bring us a Button. The button is red and it is the only item that means anything to us at the moment.

The button we got is the key to the next step. The right part of the screen is unexplored. Look into the distance. Looking into the distance rests his eyes. As you rest your eyes, you will see that a statue of a monkey has been placed in front of the barn. Before we go to the barn, we have to deal with this statue. Install the button at the base of the statue where the button is missing. Click on the button and the monkey will move his hands. He will reveal his palms and you will see the signs engraved on his palms. It is a combination of a barn door.

The barn is right behind the monkey statue. There is a code on the door and the code is exactly the characters engraved in the palm of a mechanical monkey. Enter the code and you will be able to open the barn. You have two items inside. Hook and rope. Save both items and place them in the close-up immediately.

If you place these two objects in close-up and attach one object to another, you will get a rope with a hook. It sounds funny but it is an important item. Go to the fire escape and throw a hook with a rope. So you will go down the stairs and climb to the terrace. When you climb the fire escape, you will see that there is a door. The door that brings you to the apartment. But that door is locked. You don’t know how to get in.

Fortunately, we know. We are here for you to help you. The lock is locked and composed of various signs. We have to face the enigma and solve it. Each empty slot has a coin that matches the slot. Place the coin in your slot to match the character it displays. This is done in 4 moves because it is not difficult to enter coins and your slots. The door opens for you and that’s how you managed to enter the apartment.

Objective completed. That’s the notice we get at the end. Quarrels are an integral part of a relationship. They are the most important part. Problems strengthen the relationship and where there is no quarrel, the relationship weakens and fades. It eventually falls apart. So don’t shy away from arguing. Accept it with your partner. Solve the problems and move on. We promise you, that you will be stronger than ever. Follow our walkthrough and find out what awaits Fredrick in the next stages. We wish you a pleasant day and thank you for reading.

Level 10

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 10. In the previous stage, we had to find a way to climb to the terrace. The terrace is upstairs and we could not lower the metal fire escapes. We had to be imaginative and persevere in that fat. We found many ways to make the passage to Lena possible.

She’s mad at Fredrick for some special reasons that don’t interest us. We live life according to the rules imposed on us. And that’s not a good thing. But when you are married, compensation is very important. Fredrick may not be guilty of some of these things but he is forced to correct them. After successfully entering the apartment, we move on. New moments await us and we will take advantage of them. The next stage has a name. The name is ’’Unlock The Room’’. Probably, we will have to unlock the room. Let us begin.

The stage begins with Fredrick entering the room where Lena is. But the problem is that Lena is not there. The question is where she went. She must have left a note if she left the house. He is going to check if she left any clues. The objective is clear. Unlock the door.

If we look straight at the screen, we will see a fireplace. A fireplace that serves to light a fire there. There are many things on the fireplace. One of those things is a gift wrapped in decorative paper. Take this gift. We need to open up but it doesn’t matter which way. Take off the decorative paper and take the items that are hidden inside.

It’s wood. Two pieces of wood with certain symbols. These two symbols are very important. In the left part of the room, there is a closet. The lower part of the closet is protected by a code. The code is the principle of filling in the blanks with certain symbols. That is our task. These two pieces of wood have their symbols. Place the symbols in the slots. That is the goal.

A chair next to the closet can be very helpful. Take a chair and click to move it to the other end of the room. The closet on the right side of the room has something hidden at the top. The chair moves next to the closet. Climb to the closet and a book can be found at the top of the closet. But that endeavor will have consequences. The closet will fall and block the exit. The door will be blocked. Don’t be intimidated by this because there are ways to get rid of it. The cupboard blocks the way and Fredrick has to remove all the stuff from inside to move it.

Place the book with the cupboard in a close-up. You will see that something is written in the book. Open the book and you will see a picture and a combination on one of the pages. Suddenly, Fredrick will be clear. She must have gone to her uncle. But Fredrick couldn’t believe he hadn’t taken that into account.

He can’t find Lena’s uncle’s phone number. And in that way, he is powerless now. He wondered on a couple of occasions what he was going to do. We will help him. Look above the front door. You will see metal balls arranged in a certain sequence. Those balls are on the right wall. Between the door and the photo. Now, look at the violin that hangs from the right side of the fireplace.

There are two signs on the violin. The left and right signs determine the position and number of balls in the combination next to the door. If you look carefully at the line, it will show you where it is going and in what order the combination is going. The order in which the balls are selected from the combination. The door will open. Take the right key. Save this item. That key unlocks a small closet to the left of the fireplace.

Insert the key and unlock the drawer. Take the papers that are in the drawer. Place this bundle of paper on a table in the left part of the room. Place these papers and arrange them from 1 to 5. After that, the sheets will turn themselves and show you the combination you need.

Now follows a mild unfolding. This is a combination that is brought into the closet where we inserted wooden boards with signs. The papers show us which characters click in which order. From left to right, click on each sign and you will knock out this cupboard. There is a box in the cupboard. Lots of mystery and lots of gossip.

We can’t take it anymore either, but we have to. Just before the end of stage 10. The Box opens by looking at the book we appropriated at the beginning of stage 10. Open the book and you will see a combination. This combination is a demonstration of how this box is unlocked. The first button is clicked up and down. Another button is clicked left and right. The third button is clicked left and down. The fourth button is clicked up and right. The box opens and the contents of this item are displayed.

The book is the first thing that comes to our attention. The key is another thing we will take. Take the book and place it in a close-up. Click on the book and open it. On the left side of the footer is a series of numbers with a decimal notation. On the wardrobe that has been knocked down, enter the combination that refers to the previously detected combinations. The first combination is 0821. Turn the number 08 over the handle on the left. Turn 21 on the right. You have 4 combinations and do so for each combination. All four combinations fit together perfectly. It’s up to you to enter them.

This cupboard blocks the way and Fredrick needs to remove all the stuff from inside to move it. Get everything out of the closet and don’t be afraid of Lena’s reaction. You have to get out of the room. Remove the key stored at all times and unlock the door. This way you will complete stage 10 and be able to leave the room. Perfect day for you as a detective. Stage 10 is complete and you don’t have to worry. This stage is behind you. Will Fredrick be able to find Lena? Will she get angry? Will Fredrick otherwise manage to come back from memory and go in search of his wife? You can find all the answers in our walkthrough. Follow our works. Have a nice day. Thank you for reading.