Dream Life Chapter 1 Levels 11-15

Level 11

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 11. In the previous stage, we had a chance to enter Lena’s room. The room was under great protection. We had to manage on several occasions to get to the key.

That key unlocks the door that leads outside. But we’re not going out of the house. By no means. We’re going to the next room. This is Lena’s Guest Room. That’s what stage 11 is called. Fredrick has to be present in every situation.

Lena and he recently got married and the very fact that they were arguing shows that their marriage is moving in a certain direction. He tried in many ways to cheer her up, but sometimes a small token of attention in the form of understanding and listening is needed. Are you ready for the next stage? Off we go. Let us begin.

Right at the beginning, the objective was imposed on us. Open the door. We are moving towards realization. Look at the left side of the room. You will see the sofa that is located. There is a pillow on the sofa that is a different color compared to other pillows. Take a pillow and move it to the side.

There is one gold object on the bed. Save this item. It’s a Lock Pin. In the right part of the room, there is a small closet which is located right next to the fireplace. The door to this little closet is locked but we have to unlock it. Since we don’t have the key, we have to be imaginative.

Use the lock pin and open this door. There is a button behind the wooden door. This is an unknown item for now because we don’t know where to install it, but be sure to save it.

Above this little closet, we just unlocked is a picture. The picture is hung on the wall. The wall is set up so that it looks straight at us. We have to move the picture because, in every exciting movie, the picture is in the place where something is hidden. Hidden in such a way that we have to wonder what is behind it.

Click on the image and the image moves. Behind the picture is a game. A game that represents an enigma. The enigma is solved in a very easy way. Move the ball with the arrows in multiple directions so you can move the ball to your cradle. It is not a demanding enigma, but we certainly have to solve it because we have to continue. Fredrick needs our help and we will help him. Good luck!

The enigma has been successfully resolved, we do not doubt that. But the sequel is crucial to our investigation. The board with the solved enigma moves down. The key appears. The key that unlocks something for us. We’ll see what it is.

Save this key. Move on. Find a birdcage. The cage is located in the right corner of the room. Watch the right part of the screen.

There is an empty cage and we have to open it. Open the cage using the button we have assigned. Install the button and open the cage. Inside is a bowl. Empty bowl. Save this item.

Go to the left room. It’s a kitchen. Since the faucet does not work, we have to look at the valve under the sink. Unscrew the valve and let the water flow. Place the bowl you found under the faucet.

That way you will be able to fill this bowl with water. And save this bowl and carry it to the fireplace. The fireplace is full of fire that does not plan to stop burning. But we have a cure for this situation.

Pour the water into the fireplace and you will put out the fire. And that’s it for now. Now we have to move on. We will be back.

To the left of the steps is a glass shelf. Glass doors that store papers. We’ll use the key we found and unlock the glass door. Behind this door is a switch. But we don’t see him. Not a problem.

Move the paper to the upper right corner. There is a void in the wall. The switch is hidden in that void. Save the switch and let’s move on. Come to the fireplace.

The fireplace is the place where we put out the fire a few moments ago. There is a brush on the fireplace in the left corner. We will save this item because it is obvious that we have to clean something. The left corner of the fireplace is too dirty and sooty. Take a brush and remove the dirt from the fireplace. Behind the layer of dirt are 4 circles.

These 4 circles are arranged so that they are not the same size. There is something secret in that.

Now we go to the closet we knocked out. A small closet on the right side of the fireplace and in the right part of the room. The right part of the screen. Everything is right. Come and see that the drawer is locked.

Based on these circles that we have established, you are free to take a break from the combination so that the combination matches the circles.

We have attached a picture of what the drawer combination should look like.

The drawer opens. There is a Tong pincer in the drawer. Tong pincer is useful for us to get something out of the fireplace. A hot object tucked in the background. It’s a switchboard. We carry the switch and switchboard upstairs.

Feel free to climb the stairs and go to the room on the left. Upstairs and left. Some doors lead us further, but before that, insert the switchboard and the switch. In this order. Open the secret compartment and take button 1 and button 3.

Insert these two buttons into the door next to it. Insert both buttons. Since the buttons are arranged so that the order is not correct. Numbers 1 to 4 go clockwise. Arrange so that they go in that order. The door opens and you can leave this room. Mission accomplished.

We did our thing and helped Fredrick move on. The search for Lena does not stop. Find out what awaits us in stage 12. Follow our walkthrough and do not stop believing in us as before. We wish you a pleasant day and thank you for reading.

Level 12

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 12. In the previous stage, we found ourselves in a very large room. A hallway that led us to several rooms.

We could go to the kitchen, we could go to the fireplace. And we could go to the room that is our destination today. The stairs leading to the room are paved with the engines that have befallen us. The holidays are coming and we have decided to honor you with new enigmas. The new stage is an example of this.

Get ready because we’re moving. Stage 12 has its name. It’s called the Quest of Uncle’s Details. This gives us an indication that this stage is more dedicated to the uncle and how to get to the uncle. Enjoy. Let us begin.

Stage 12 is moving and we are in one room. We are in a seemingly chaotic situation but I don’t think that’s a problem for us. Lots of details we need to pay attention to. To avoid confusion, we will help you. Step by step and stage 12 will be overcome.

Let’s start from the beginning. The first thing we need to pay attention to is the bed. The bed where Lena sleeps. According to some sources, Lena went to her uncle. We have to be a housekeeper instead of Lena.

The bed is full of cluttered things that Lena is wearing. To make a somewhat decent layout, click on the clothes, and one by one the clothing combination will move. There is a piece of paper at the bottom. It is a kerchief. Save this item.

A wall stretches just above the bed. The wall is covered with many decorations. But we will do one important thing. We will take Embroidery drop. Save this item. Place the embroidery pad in close-up.

Close-ups are important because then we can see some things that at first glance we can’t know. At the bottom of our embroidery pad, you can see that there is a hidden needle. The needle that is important to us for the next investigation period in stage 12. The needle has been saved.

But it is the lower part of the embroidery. The central part of this item hides numbers. At first glance, it does not look good because the embryoids fall and the numbers are similar in color. But when we increase the help of close-ups, everything is clearer. Use a needle to remove the excess thread located in the central part of the embroidery pad.

The numbers are clearer (2.5, 1.2, 2.2, 4.5). Remove the excess material from the kerchief with the same needle. And here you can see certain numbers (4.8, 1.9, 2.3, 0).

In the middle of the room is a living room table. There is a wooden box on the table that attracts our attention. Save this item. After this endeavor, you can go to the desk. The desk is located in the right part of the room where the window is installed.

There is a screwdriver on the table that we need. With the help of a screwdriver, we can do many things. One of these is to use it for a box. Place the box in a close-up frame and use a screwdriver to pull one object out of the box.

That is a button. If you put the screwdriver in the box again, you can pull out another button. A large closet is set up against the wall in the room. You can’t help but see this big closet. If you look a little better, there are two gaps at the bottom of the closet. These two gaps serve to insert these two buttons we found.

Just drag them and fill in the holes. Based on the combinations we found on the embroidery pad and kerchief, enter the numbers. It doesn’t matter how important the number layout is. We will help you.

The order from right to left should be as follows: 4.8, 1.2, 2.4, and 4.5. The drawer opens because the combinations and their sequences are correct. The key is the reward. We will save this. Next to the key is a book. Save the book as well.

Place the book in close-up. Then click on the book. The book opens and there is a photo on one page. For us, photography is not as important as the information on the back. The number written is 984 578. Remember this combination.

The objective is completed. Finally, Fredrick found Lena’s uncle’s number phone number. He is going to call him and ask if Leena is with him or not. To finish this stage as it should be, we have to get out of this room.

The key we found is the key that unlocks the door in the right part of the room. It’s the exit door. Insert the key and leave the room.

That would be all for stage 12 “Quest of Uncle’s details”. We hope you are not tired because this is the period when we are preparing for great things. Great things await us in the next stages. Follow our walkthrough and find out what awaits us all in stage 13. Stage 13 is just a step closer to the grand finale.

The grand finale is discovering Lena’s location so we can find her. Follow our walkthrough. We wish you a pleasant day and thank you for reading.

Level 13

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 13. In the previous stage, we were at Lena’s house. More precisely, it was Lena’s room.

We came to this room when we went up the fire escape to one of the bedrooms. After that, we came to the hallway that led us from her room. In her bedroom, we found a book that had a picture of Lena’s uncle.

The picture showed us the details that lead to the uncle. That’s the phone number. The key to the lock and we got an exit. We went to the street and we have to continue to manage there. The name of stage 13 is Ring Up.

Probably means we’re going to the phone booth so we can use the phone number to call Lena’s uncle. We will need a lot of luck to give our way. It may not be with my uncle but it is the only clue we have at the moment. We go aggressively and enthusiastically. Let us begin.

Stage 13 starts with being on the street. We came out of the hell of a big house. A house that didn’t respect us with its room layout.

We had to do a few unusual things, solve a few enigmas and do a few physically demanding jobs. It is not difficult for us because we know what our goal is. Fredrick is a person looking for his wife Lena.

We must help him as we know-how. The street is dark, with little lighting that helps us a certain amount. In the middle of the street is a broken key. Part of the key. It is strange how it is on the street and we are not even aware that it is an item that means a lot to us. Save this item.

Look at the podium on the sidewalk. The payphone is placed in the location where we need it. We guess we can’t get into the payphone so easily because it’s the only location where we can make a phone call to Lena’s uncle.

But we will do just that. Open the phone booth. Open the phone booth. How are we going to do that? Very easy. Insert part of the broken key into the door and nail the broken key into the door.

The door will open wide. There is a spoon on the floor of the podium. Save this item. We will need it for the next period.

In the phone booth, in addition to the phone, there is a secret compartment. A barrier that is not so secret, but we can find many things there.

Open the door of the partition and you will see so many small things, you will not be able to count them all. Looking at the bulkhead and objects, you will see a series of silhouettes of objects that need to click in order.

Looking from left to right, click on the items you see in the offer, and in this way, you will eliminate the item one by one. Until every item that is in your line of sight is removed.

The reason for that is that the way will be opened to take the only object that we will save from the partition. These are wires of different colors. You have 5 wires and each must be saved to enable the phone to talk.

Next to the phone, on the right, is a small black door. Open the door and you will see 124 at the top. You need to connect the wires.

Install the wires and connect them so that each wire on the left is connected on the right with the same color. You will then make contact that can be connected to the phone. The phone starts to glow. In the lower right corner of the phone, there is a small compartment that can be opened.

You find four buttons that click in a logical order. At that moment, you can see what these buttons show on the phone display. These are the characters (@ * #!). Remember these characters.

If you look closely, you will see that there is a display below the phone where you can enter these characters. Enter them (@ * #!) In the display. Unlock the compartment under the phone and take the key. It is the key to the engine parked behind the payphone.

Also, get a card that says R10. Insert the card into your phone so you can make phone calls. There is a phone credit that allows you to spend free minutes on any phone number. Fredrick is calling Lena’s uncle. But there is another problem.

Lena’s uncle is not picking up the call. Why? Is he doing like this or she is persuading him intentionally? Fredrick just does not know if she has some problem or not. He wishes to visit him in person.

The engine is behind the payphone. It is covered with a large platon to prevent contamination from rain or dust caused by passers-by to their vehicles. In any case, Lena’s uncle is a must-visit. We get on the bike with Fredrick and move on.

Stage 13 thus ends in an extremely interesting way. Follow our walkthrough and find out what awaits us in the next stage. Stage 14 is at the end of the ride taken by Fredrick. It is up to us to follow him and be the wind in our backs at every stumbling step. Have a nice day. Thank you for reading.

Level 14

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 14. In the previous stage, we were standing in front of the house. We stepped out of Lena’s big house where we were standing in the rain.

We found her uncle’s contact phone number and we have to go to him. The payphone was a key location. We tried to call my uncle and no one answered. Maybe she doesn’t want to answer or Lena said we’re not welcome.

Certainly, the thing is not clean. That’s why we found the key to the motorcycle parked behind the phone booth. The key was saved and we used it to turn on this machine. We got on the bike and went on.

It further means that we went to the house where Lena’s uncle lives. Let’s move on, no stopping. All this is suspicious, but we must not allow that to be the reason. Stage 14 is called “First Aid to Tom”. That tells us something. Let us begin.

You are in front of the gate. The gate that guards the house is the first hurdle at this stage. Fredrick says he is going to treat Tom with this first aid box. Before going for treatment, the house must be looked at in detail.

Fredrick will take care of that. We have to help him but he will take all the credit. Shall we go? The first objective is to give treatment to a dog.

Open the gate. That is a logical move. Enter the courtyard and just look straight up the stairs. These are the stairs that lead to the house. But before we do anything, there’s a box on the left side of the stairs. Take this item and save it.

We will not keep it with us. We will place this subject in a close-up. Click on the box and the strip that holds the box together will be removed. There are several items in the box.

Each subject has its primary function. In the previous situations, we found that the secondary functions were in the foreground for us. The first item we take out of the box is a knife. Folding metal knife. It will serve us.

The mechanism that this knife has is amazing. To be able to remove the blade from our mold, we will use three clicks to move the blade upwards. Each click is one step closer to pulling out the blade. Try it, it’s not hard.

On the right side of the stairs, there is confusion. People confuse it like some kind of ornament. That must be maintained, but that is not our priority now. We need to be focused.

In front of the confusion is a metal box. It looks like a first aid box. Hopefully, it’s a box that contains some other items. The metal knife we disassembled a few moments ago can now serve us.

We tell you, the secondary options of a subject have become every day for us. Take a metal knife and use the knife to open the box. First, place the metal box in a large frame. Then pull the knife and put it in the hole where the key is to be inserted.

You will remove the two screws that are inserted into the padlock. The box opens and you can see the contents of the box.

Let’s start by slowly analyzing the composition of the box. We start from the beginning. Like any previous stage, the button is an item we usually find. Let’s save this item. Another button was found.

Let’s save this item as well. At the moment, those are the only two things that interest us in this metal box. Move on. We go to the other side of the path leading to the house. The left part of the yard is very interesting.

A dog house is important to us. A place where pets, such as dogs, reside. The door of the dog house is locked. They unlock in several ways. We will in a very simple way. Install the two buttons on the door. In this way, an enigma emerges.

That enigma is a game we have to play. It is not a problem since we have had similar challenges before and we have solved them without any problems.

The goal of this game is simple. Each ball has its color and each sign has its color. Click to transfer the ball to your slot. It is not easy but we will help you. First, move the red ball from left to right.

Then transfer the yellow ball to where the picture of the yellow dog is. To the place where the red ball was. Transfer the green ball to where the yellow ball was.

It is a slot next to which a green bone for dogs can be seen. Move the blue ball to the slot where the green ball was placed. It is a slot with a picture of a blue paw from a dog. It’s not hard for now, is it?

We’re almost done. Finally, move the red ball to the slot where the blue ball was. In just two clicks. After that, the enigma is solved and we can continue with the investigation. The door opens and you see a dog sleeping.

A guard dog is a very important animal in such circumstances. Wake the dog. Fredrick will be overjoyed. It is Tom. He is breathing heavily. That is not a good thing. It might be something serious. That sounds deadly. Something happened to him and you have to find out for Fredrick.

Around his neck, Tom is wearing something very valuable. It’s a pendant. We will not be evil but we must preserve this item. Pendant keeps something very important for us.

We were thinking of a time when we kept the dog with us one day. Put pendant in close-up. One simple click on the pendant and the key will be you.

But we still don’t know what that key is. We’ll tell you. That’s the key to the junction box. An electric box is used to store fuses that control the current in the house. Unlock this box with a key.

The box is located to the right of the path leading to the main entrance. An electrical junction box is installed on the facade of the house. There is a first aid box in the junction box. Something bad happened. We have to move on. Look to the right. There is a fence on the right and a shovel leaning against the fence. Save this item.

We’ll use the shovel right away. Go to the left part of the yard. In the upper left corner of the yard, there is a pile of stones and leaves that hide something valuable to us. With a shovel, you will be able to move a lot and take bones.

Bone is the main subject for controlling a dog. Of course, we are not without a soul either. In the right part of the yard, there is a bucket of water. The bucket was placed a few steps from where we found the shovel. Put the bone in the water and wash it. We need clean bone, no dirt.

Something can be read on the bones. It is a bone with three numbers. The numbers are 6, 4, and 7. These are the same numbers that unlock the first aid box.

Enter these numbers. Before that, place the first aid box in the close-up. Then enter the numbers to unlock the first aid box. There is medicine in the box, save this item.

You can find roller gauze. Save this item as well. That is the important thing. After that, the screen will change and you will see that your objective is completed.

The end of stage 14 will crown the speech prepared by Fedrick. He says he is going to treat Tom with this first aid box. He doesn’t understand why Tom is looking at the house and barking out loud. Perhaps the uncle might have been stuck inside the house.

A search of the house follows. It will be stage 15. Prepare because things are extremely suspicious. Follow our walkthrough. We wish you a pleasant yes and thank you for reading.

Level 15

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 15. In the previous stage, we fought a battle with the secrets of the yard of this house.

Uncle’s house is located in the backyard where we could only find a few essential items. These items helped us discover the passage to the house. A dog that is in his house has health problems.

He is breathing hard and constantly barking in the direction of the house. Something is happening, either with the house or with the dog. It is our job to discover. Looking at some details in the yard, we had a lot to do. It wasn’t easy when you found out you weren’t getting an answer from anyone around you.

Lena is not there, Uncle is not answering the phone. You have to enter the house. We wish you luck and we want to tell you that we are here for you. Let us begin.

Stage 15 is called “Where is Uncle?” The objective is simple. Open the door. You passed the yard and all the enigmas that were there. We have to move on.

We pass to uncle’s house. We can take easy steps to access the back of the house. A lot of things that need to be analyzed and we believe it is a little confusing.

The reason for this can only be that we do not know what to do first. But don’t worry, we are here for you. We start from the first item. T

here are two symbols on the corner of the house. They are visible to the naked eye because the two light symbols are on a dark surface. They are painted in two different colors and that is how we will classify them. Save both symbols.

We move on. If you look carefully in front of the door, a few steps from the door there is a box. The box is placed on the ground. We will have one task at this time. We will not move the box, we will just insert two symbols in the slots engraved on the box.

Two symbols open this box and the contents will be visible. Inside is a new box that we will save. Next to the box is clue paper.

We will save both items because it is very important to appropriate this. We have to open the box because the contents of the box are very important to continue our story. Looking at clue paper, you will see that clue paper is full of dots and lines.

Since the box has a dot and a line instead of a padlock, we will connect the paper to the box. The code is printed on clue paper. The code reads a line, point, line, point, point, line, point, line, line. The box opens and the contents are available.

There is a telescope and a key in the box. An interesting combination. The telescope can be extended by making just one click.

There is a crack in the window of the house. That crack is enough to set up a telescope and see the condition inside the house. After placing the telescope in the window cavity, you will see passionate scenes.

Scenes we wouldn’t wish on anyone. Uncle lies on the floor and a click to the right shows us is the cause of these scenes. You will see that the chandelier fell and injured Lena’s uncle.

Fredrick will not remain indifferent this time either. His legs got stuck under the chandelier. He wants to save him from this.

We have to help Lena’s uncle. We don’t have much time. In front of the door are a trolly leaning against a wooden wall. Save this tool.

But right after that, we go to the place where the laundry is dried. The wires are installed in the background and there is the laundry. The clips are different colors and start from the first clip on the left side.

The green brace is removed first. Then remove the second green bar. And so start on the left side and take off the sticks one by one.

Do this only for the first row of laundry. After that, you will be able to move the laundry aside and take what you need. It’s cloth. Take a knife immediately afterward. The legs are hidden in a place where it is barely visible.

The tree trunks across from the front door have been planted so they have been there for years. A knife was driven into a tree and that knife is very important to us. Take this knife.

A little closer to us, right next to the trees is a small green bush. That bush is poorly passable but we will only stay for a short time.

Take the wooden stick out of the confusion and save this item. And now we’re going to do something phenomenal. In a place where there is no confusion or trees, right in front of the house and next to the confusion, place a trolly.

Set so that it falls to the side and spread the trolly legs. Place the cloth on its legs as if you were making a catapult. There are a lot of stones next to it. Stones will be a key factor in making a catapult.

One by one the stone is placed until it is loaded trolly. Beneath the pile of rocks lies a sharpening plate. That is an important subject for us.

Place the sharpening plate in close-up. After that, we do the logical thing. Place a knife that will sharpen. Let’s sharpen the knife because previously the knife was very blunt and useless for the only thing it was intended for.

And that’s for cutting. Sharpening a knife is a very good thing because we need a sharp knife. Place the wooden stick in close-up and use a knife to cut the excess branches on the stick.

We need to shape the branch in such a way as to make a boomerang. Make one very simple boomerang.

There is clue paper on the tree. We have to use a boomerang to remove the clue paper from the wood. Let’s do it like a real teenager. Fredrick used to be a kid and he boomeranged.

Throw a boomerang and clue paper will fall to the ground. Open the clue paper and you will see vertical lines drawn in different colors. This combination is crucial. Red vertical lines are a sign of where the ball is placed.

The first ball is placed on the left side. Another ball to the right. The third ball is placed on the left side. These three balls are located on the front door of the house. Only in this way and with such a schedule can we hope to unlock the door. The keyhole opens and inserts the key you found earlier.

The door opens and you can enter the house and help Lena’s uncle who is trapped unconscious under the chandelier. The chandelier has fallen off his legs and he can’t move.

As we said, the chandelier has fallen and Lena’s uncle is unconscious. He is under the chandelier and that is why he could not answer the phone.

We hope he’s alive because things like this are unpredictable. Stage 15 is over and we can be satisfied because we have once again shown what it means to be a good observer.

It will be very difficult to help Lena’s uncle but stage 16 is key to his life. Follow our walkthrough and find out what awaits us in stage 16 and the following stages. Have a nice day. Thank you for reading.