Dream Life Chapter 1 Levels 26-30

Level 26

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 26. In the previous stage, we were in the garden. The garden connected us to one of the rooms where we used to be.

That room is the place where Lena tried to regain her strength. She was close to freezing. Fredrick did everything in his power to help her. Finally, the garden showed its purpose.

The purpose was to gather certain details and evidence so that we could enter one locked room. The room is such that it hides a book. There was a picture in the book. That picture showed what the terrace should be like and the place where level 26 will take place.

Our mission today is to help Fredrick secure the gift. The name for level 26 is ‘A gift for a big day. We will not add anything, everything is clear. Let’s move on. Let us begin.

Level 26 has its beginning. That beginning is such that Fredrick tells you that Lena is sleeping downstairs. He is going to use this interval to decorate the terrace in a romantic way to propose to her.

Just by saying Fredrick, you get two objectives. One objective is that he has to decorate the area. The second objective is to find a gift.

Finally, beautiful things happen. We don’t just know if this is a memory or a present, but we have to be specific because this is the day when Lena will be Fred’s fiancée.

We hope that everything will be as it should be. Looking back, this situation is just a sign for us to be careful because we have had experience with Murphy’s Law. If something can go wrong, it will.

We are located on the terrace. There is not much light and we must be careful in the dark. We have a terrace, a nice view, one table, and two chairs.

There is one item on the left chair. It is impossible to take it for now because there is no light. But to get to the light, look straight at the center wall. There is a junction box where we have to play one game to get a quality flow of electricity.

Adjust these electrodes so that the shape of the current is closed in the shape of a square. After that, the door will open and you can click on the switch. This way you will let the electricity flow through the cables and the light will illuminate the terrace.

There is a stick on the left chair. Save this item. To stay on the left, just look in the left corner of the balcony. Here you can see a flower pot. The flowers are arranged in such a way that you can have several different flowers.

The colors are different but we will take that flower that Lena loves the most. It’s a rose. The central wall is right in front of us. The right part has a built-in plate that protects one gap. Next to the plate, there is a button that must be pressed.

Let’s do this by taking a stick and pressing a button. So we will take the content. The content is clear. The item we took was a greeting card. The second item is cloth. We’ll use Cloth now. The right part of the wall is dirty.

We will see this by clicking on the wall. Let’s go through the wall and you will see that one name is written. It says the name LEENA. Very interesting. Remember this detail. Right next to the LEENA sign there is a small locked wooden partition. This partition requires a code. The code is simple.

Place a greeting card in close-up. This close-up is important because we click to open the greeting card. Inside are quotes and the word LOVE in a colorful edition. Each letter in the word LOVE has its color.

That is the word of the day. Enter our word of the day in a secret wooden partition. Love is the word that opens every door. This door, among others.

But the door doesn’t open. What is the problem? Oh well, another door requires a code. The code is important now because it requires five characters. But we have a cure for this enigma as well.

Clockwise, enter the word LEENA as written on the wall. LEENA helps us open the other part of the barrier. The word LEENA is another word of the day. Dining clothes are an item located behind a wooden door.

That will be another detail that means a lot to us. Go to the table. The table is set in the central part of the balcony. Click on the dishes on the table and move the dishes to the right chair. It just gives us space to put a tablecloth on the table.

Click and return the dishes to the table. The rose we found is dirty. Like every flower, beauty and uniqueness is something that adorns this garden of ours. A fountain is installed on the left wall.

There is water flowing that can wash our rose. Pass the rose through the water and place it in a vase on the table. In this way, you will complete the first objective in this level 26.

The level continues as we see that this seducer of ours Fredrick forgot the gift. He missed the gift which he bought for Lena. That has missed at the place where he rescued Lena. The picture shifts to the part where Fredrick saved Lena.

It is the part of the path that leads to the lake. Now follows the new objective in this part of level 26. There is a handle on the wooden driveway to the lake. Take this item. There is a wooden box in the lake. It is not a problem to take this item when we are already on that part of the trail.

The box is locked but opens with an old trick. We don’t have to look for the key to this box because the key is in the box itself. That is, the box unlocks itself. Here’s how we’re going to do it. You have East, West, North, and South boxes.

Four hours are required to be adjusted in such a way as to comply with the rules of this unlocking. Click on each clock to make the white arrow in the same direction as the white arrow on the center clock of the box. We have shown you in the picture how it is done.

The box opens. There is a net inside. It is a network that means to us to continue at this level. On the left side of the driveway to the wooden driveway, there is a stone. Let’s take this stone because it is needed to break some types of stereotypes and this level.

Let’s take a look at the tree. Two tall tree trunks are right in front of us. They have a nailed nail on it and a wooden board is hung on the nail. This board is not as important as the content on the board. A mountain with several peaks.

Each mountain has one, two, three, or four peaks. We will arrange the mountains so that they are set from one peak to the fourth peak. A wooden box placed on the road requires a code.

The code is right through these mountain peaks. Arrange the tops from one to four. This unlocks this box.

The lid opens and there is a knife. The knife is positioned so that it has a slanted blade but is a very dangerous object. It doesn’t matter if this blade touches you. Looking at the previous knives, this knife is designed so that it can belong to the times when work was done in the field.

Vintage design. Place the handle in close-up. Place the blade above the handle and use the stone to nail the blade to the handle. That way you get a complete knife that can now be used for many dangerous things. Cutting is one of the options.

We will use the newly created knife immediately. Cut the bush that grew between the two tree trunks. These are the trees where we found the wooden board. There is confusion at the foot. Cut out the excess confusion to take the hidden object.

It’s a new stick. The second tree, looking from left to right, has a rope hanging on a branch. The branch is high and we will reach everything with the help of a rope. Remove the rope by cutting with a vintage knife. Place the stick in a close-up frame. Add the net to the stick and connect it all with a rope.

That way you will be able to put everything together into one solid whole. Let’s use the new net to catch some items in the water immediately. Go from the end of the trail, there into the distance.

You will see the vortex that captured our gift. It is a box made of wood. Drop the net and take the box. Place the box in a close-up. Click on the box. Open it and take the gift. It is a beautiful gold necklace. The perfect gift for Lena.

Finally, Fred found the gift. He has to wake up Lena soon. But Murphy’s Law comes into play.  He lost her again. Where did she go this time? Someone might have abducted Lena when he was searching for the gift. We are not willing to have some kind of tragedy again.

We have to be concentrated because this is an important part of when Lena disappears. We had experiences and hopefully, it’s nothing terrible. Follow our walkthrough and find out what happened to Lena. Have a nice day. Thank you for reading.

Level 27

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 27. In the previous stage, we had to show that we are romantic.

Lena deserved to be proposed to and allowed to be happy with her current life. She was kidnapped and tormented in the lake. While she was lying in bed and resting, we made an effort to find her a gift to give her during dinner.

It is a beautiful feeling when you realize that there is a person in the world to whom you would give everything you can without asking for anything in return. While you were preparing the balcony and determining the details of the romantic dinner, she disappeared.

You came to check on her and make sure she was ready for dinner. But Lena was not there. Have you ever wondered if this is all possible? The reason for this is that you have had problems with the safety of your loved ones before.

Not only Lena, but Lena’s uncle also had an accident. We hope all is well with Lena. We will check this in level 27, which is called “Go Inside”. Let us begin.

Van abducted Fred’s wife in front of his house. He reached his home because he has to rescue his wife Lena. The door is locked. Now, Fredrick has to open the door. We concluded that Lena was kidnapped. Again.

Everything went wrong and we don’t have much time. We have the greatest desire of all at the moment. It’s to find Lena and unlock the door. That will be our objective. To open the door. We are on the streets and we have to be aggressive on that issue.

If you remember in the initial levels, we already had this view at one point. That was the moment before we went to find out what happened to Lena’s uncle. Street booth, motorcycle, and evening hours on the streets.

Everything used to be in our hands, it is no more. We had everything but someone is constantly taking it away from us. We will not allow it again.

To prevent this, we will first remove the cover from the engine. The cover is in the deeper part of the street. A motorcycle is parked there. Click on the motorcycle and you will see that some numbers are printed. The numbers are 4 8 5 0. Remember these numbers. Just behind the podium is a brick building.

The two windows on the ground floor are set so that there is a gap between them. Between the windows is a mailbox. It is password protected. And the code is exactly through the numbers we discovered. Enter 4 8 5 0 in this mailbox.

As a reward, you get a key and crumpled paper. The crumpled paper seems to be of no use, but when you place it in a large frame and open it with a click. You will see that this is more than just paper. The letters are important. The letters S A V H.

The key we got unlocks the door to the street booth. Unlock the payphone and go inside. The only thing on the podium that is worth paying attention to is the bag. Save the bag because we will analyze the contents.

Content analysis is simple. Place the bag in a close-up frame. Click on the bag and open it. Inside is a key with a pendant. And that would be all about this part of the street. Now we have to move on.

We have to go to the part where we had the opportunity to climb the fire stairs. Click on the arrow pointing to the right and approach the part behind the building.

We are located behind the building next to the fire escape. On the left side, next to the fountain, there is one item on the sidewalks. It’s a knife. We had a lot of knives in the previous levels and that is an important item in the game.

This is a specially designed knife and saves it. Right next to the foot, along the edge of the building, there is a rod. Save this item as well. And next to the rod is a box. The box is located right next to the basement passage.

The box is password protected. A code is printed on paper. S A V H is the code entered in the box. After entering, the box opens. There are scissors inside. Save this item. Next to the scissors is Nut. All the items we find are important to us because they help us. Above the basement is a terrace.

This terrace is shown as a high place. We will not climb. But we need a T-shirt upstairs. Help Rod take the shirt off the floor and save it.

Cross the street. Feel free to relax and cross the street. There is a lawn. The bike is parked next to the lawn and there is another item on the lawn. That’s another knife. These are two parts that together make one big knife.

By connecting these two blades, we get scissors. Adding a nut to the blades to keep them fastened together, we get one stable blade in the shape of scissors. Fasten the nut with the item we saved.

Cutter is the only tool we have at the moment. Put a T-shirt in the fountain. Soak it in water. Then save the wet version of the clothes. It is necessary to wipe the bicycle seat with wet clothes.

The erased part of the dust shows us two signs that we must remember. And ordinal number 1. This means that these two characters go first when the time comes.

Click on the right arrow and go to the gate. A gate that protects the yard of a house. In the yard, as in many yards, vehicles are stored. This time we go to cars and trunk cars. Use the key to open the trunk. Inside is a suitcase.

The code that unlocks the suitcase is not complete. That is important information. We go to the right part of the yard, to the right of the stone path that leads to the house and the front door.

The right part is covered with thick grass. Use a cutter and cut the part that is overgrown with grass. There is a hidden book. This time, place the book in close-up. Click on the book to open it. Under the ordinal number, two are these two characters.

It is a combination of the first two signs we found on the bike seat. First, two characters from the seat are placed in a row because they have the ordinal number 1. After that, there are two new characters from the book that has the ordinal number 2.

Opening this suitcase is something new. New but seen before. It is the key that unlocks the door of the house in the third part of this level. Take the stone path to the front door. Insert the key into the keyhole and enter.

This will complete this level. We hope you have been patient because the next stage is very important to us. Fredrick has no more patience because he’s looking for a gun. Revenge is near.

Follow our walkthrough and find out what awaits us in Level 28. Have a nice day. Thank you for reading.

Level 28

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 28. In the previous stage, we found a way to get into the house. We were in three places on the streets.

The first place was on the sidewalk of the street where the telephone booth is located. Here we found some details on the motorcycle. Those details took us further. It was further into the street behind the building.

Behind the building, we were in the part where the fountain is. There we found new details and the key to the trunk. All the items behind the building took us to the last place on level 27. We reached the yard and the car in front of the house.

There we opened the trunk and took the suitcase. The suitcase separated us from entering the house. The key we found there was essential to entering the house.

Something is going on and we have to be aggressive in our efforts to find and take the gun. The time is such that we do not have time for easy methods. Easy methods have passed and we have lost the battle every time.

Maybe the battle is lost but the war is still going on. We are trying to win this war where we do not know who the enemy is. There are strange ways when paranoia comes to its pedestal. We do not allow ourselves to lose. We are fighting. Good luck! Let us begin.

Level 28 has begun. For the most part, each introduction briefly describes Fredrick’s situation. He states that Lena was abducted in a van, but that she was in her room when it happened.

That’s a fact because we left her there. Lena’s voice is heard. She asks us to save her and we will do it. Let’s help Fredrick save her because that’s the only right thing to do right now.

He is coming with a gun. She should not worry. That monster is going to die, according to Fredrick. Therefore, Fred has to find his gun.

But there is another problem. He forgot the place where he kept. There is some good news. He noted in his diary the place he kept his gun. It is time to stand in the way of all those people who harass other people for no reason.

Violence is not the solution and we all know it. Because words are the most powerful weapon. It is possible to inflict enormous damage and they have great power to heal wounds.

We are in a room where there was once a battle over spatial orientation. Lots of space and lots of space. But we start from the beginning. In the left part of this room, there is a bed. Let’s say this is a couch.

There is one item on the couch. It’s a photo frame. Save this item. In the central part of the room, right in front of us, there is a table. A table decorated with flowers.

This is important because there is another item next to the flowers. It’s a cutting plier. Save this item. On the left side of the stairs, behind the dining table, there are showcases where papers are hidden.

Click on the glass door and move the door to the left. Open the display case and take one piece of paper. In the right part of the room, there is a birdcage.

The cage is empty but we don’t need a bird but part of a cage. Using cutting pliers, cut out one part of the cage and save. The part is called Steel Wire.

The next room is a room upstairs. We climb the central stairs. We go right to the only door on the right side of the floor is our door.

We enter the new room where we used to be, but now the schedule is different. The left part of the room has a bed. There is a toy on the bed. Under the toy is the thing we need.

Click on the toy to move this item to the side. Take a photo frame. But this is a new photo frame. We have two now. On the table in front of us is a wooden box protected by a code. Save this item.

And while we’re in this room, put the wire in a close-up. Distort it with a cutter plier so you can get the shape of the key because we don’t have the key. This way we will use it to insert the wire into the keyhole. But which one?

We have three available. Let’s go to the right side of the room. There is a desk. The drawer on the table is locked. Insert the steel wire and unlock the drawer in the old and proven way. There is a pen and a key in the drawer. Save both items.

Next to the large closet, on the left is a smaller closet. There’s another drawer. We unlock this drawer with the key we just found. After opening the drawer, take the cassette. Now comes the interesting part.

When the tape is placed in a close-up, you can use an old technique used in the twentieth century. Cassettes were used then, and for people to rewind the tape or remove the tape, they had to use some kind of stick and rewind or unwind the tape.

We will do the same. Take the pen and put it in the plastic hole of the cassette. Unroll the tape to come out of the cassette and you will see the tape with the numbers printed. The numbers are 1 5 3 2.

These numbers are the code for the next step. Now we have to go back downstairs. Let’s go back to the ground floor and enter the code in the closet next to the cage on the right side of the room.

A small closet is located below two paintings hanging on the wall. Enter 1 5 3 2 in the drawer and open it. Get the book.

Place the book in close-up. Set it so that it can be opened with one click. When it opens, you will see some details that are printed in the book. Take one picture from one side of the book.

Take another picture from the same page of the book. Now it is important to connect the pictures and the picture frame. Place one image in one frame, place another image in another frame.

One photo frame has a picture and a drawn butterfly shape. Another photo frame has a drawn flower shape.

And that’s what it takes to form an image in frames. Now back to the floor. We return to the room where the second part of our research activity is. There are two paintings on the wall.

Both images have certain colors next to their frames. But every picture on the wall has a drawn shape on its frame. Next to the frames are other colors. Different colors.

Now place two newly formed pictures on the wall and remember which colors go with which shape on the frames. Remember well and we will help you. Enter this combination in the part where there is a large closet in the bedroom.

There is a drawer that requires a code. The code is a combination of the wall. Here, we will show you what the combination is.

There is a light bulb in the drawer. It is the bulb that is missing from the table lamp. Install the bulb in the lamp.

The light will illuminate the desk. But that’s not the end of it. Place the paper we saved under a beam of light to see what the paper shows us. It is a combination of a new code.

Based on simple mathematical functions that justify our solution, we conclude that the difference between the two upper numbers is equal to the lower number. Therefore, the code for opening the box we have is 1, 2, 6, and 4.

There is only one key inside the box. It is the key to our large closet door. This is the top door of a large closet in the bedroom. There is a backpack inside.

Put the backpack in close-up. Click on the backpack to open and see the contents. Inside is a diary. Save this item. Thus the objective in this level 28 is completed and realized.

Now that Fredrick has a diary, he can continue on his quest to find Lena. The problem in this situation is that the diary shows that there is a secret room somewhere. The solution must be to the next level. Level 29 is called the Secret Room.

That means the end is near. We must be persistent because the moment is approaching when we will find ourselves face to face with the truth.

Follow our walkthrough and find out what awaits us in Level 29. Have a nice day. Thank you for reading.

Level 29

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 28. In the previous stage, our task was to find the gun. The problem arose when we didn’t find the gun but we found some important things.

Those essentials are our gun ticket. We were looking for a diary that shows us that there is a secret room somewhere in the house. That secret room is where Lena is. During the game, we found and lost Lena.

It’s just our fault that we didn’t manage to keep it. We have to find her at this moment because her life is in danger. Looking back, we must pass every part of the house because we hear her voice calling to us.

Our wife’s voice is calling to us because she was obviously abducted but did not go far. We will show that in level 29. Lena must be saved. Let’s help Fredrick help Lena. Good luck! Let us begin.

Level 29 begins at this point. Progress can be seen. That progress is noticeable because we are very close to finding a secret room where our gun is hidden. It is time to end this terror.

Now that we know what our goal is, we need to know the details. One part of the objective is that we have to keep the lamp lit. The second part of the objective is to open the secret way. Let’s move!

We are in front of the house. In the yard. This part around the house is important because here we find some things that allow us to go further into the secret room. A car that has been parked has not moved for some time.

Now is the moment when we dedicate ourselves to the car. Open the door next to the front passenger seat. There is a gift box. Knowing our skills, we need to open this package.

Next to the car, there is a folding knife on the grass. This knife unfolds with one click. After that, we take a knife and cut the decorative paper on the gift. We do this by placing a gift in the close-up.

We take a knife and cut out the decorative paper so we can remove the lid of the box. Inside is a frame. Numbers in different colors are written on the frame. The numbers are 2 1 4 3.

Let’s open the door to the house. Let’s go inside. The door is unlocked and there is no reason to worry. We are in the room where we were and level 28. It is no coincidence that we hear the voices of our Lena in these moments.

She is somewhere in the house and we will help her. On the left side of the room, there is a sitting bed. That bed contains a lamp that functions as a lantern. Lanterns are a source of light in ancient times and function by pouring fuel into a lantern.

In this way, the light is maintained and the fire burns until the fuel in the lantern runs out. Save the lantern. Walk to the fireplace where the fire is burning. Place the lantern next to the fireplace. Wedge on the lantern cover and remove the cover.

Take a fire branch from the fireplace and lean against the lantern to light the fire. That way you will keep the lantern lit and the fire will not be put out. Cover the lantern with a lid and hold the lantern. This concludes the first objective in this section.

Now we go to the room that is located upstairs. We go up the stairs and cross to the right room where we were in Level 29. Everything is changing, the interior is different. And we will do the most important thing at this moment.

The large closet has a drawer in its lower part. That drawer is password protected. The code is arranged in several colors. Based on the frames and numbers associated with the colors, you will be able to do something ingenious.

You will have to click on a certain color as many times as it says on the frame. To be clear, double-click on the third button. One click on the fourth button. Click four times on the second button.

Click three times on the first button. After that, the drawer is unlocked and there is a new wooden box inside. Place the box in close-up. Click to open the box and take the toys out of the box.

Place the toys in a close-up. You will see that they are not fully aligned physically. This is because the toy heads are in different places. This is an important detail because now we have to move our heads with a click and get back in place.

After successfully returning to a few clicks, you see that each toy is marked with a certain number. The numbers are 2 9 4 0. We enter the same numbers in the closet. But which closet? Go down to the ground floor of the house.

To the right of the fireplace is a small closet with books on top. Enter the numbers 2 9 4 0 in the drawer and open the drawer. Take the photo frame from the drawer and save it. Let’s go back upstairs to the bedroom.

Place this photo frame on the wall. On a wall drawn in various shapes. Each corner of the image has its color. And that angle is connected to the sign that is drawn next to the corner of the picture.

And we will use that knowledge immediately. Below the picture is a small shelf. There is a drawer protected by a code and the code is clear. Adjust the characters to a specific color so that you can open the drawer. The code is associated with the characters and colors from the picture and the wall above.

The small door opens and there is the key. Save this item. Now go to the top of the first steps. Mezzanine. There is a picture on the central wall.

Click-to-move image. Behind the picture is a secret door. Doors that are unlocked by clicking. Insert the key. You open the door. Since it is very dark, you will need a lantern. Insert the lantern into the darkroom and access inside.

In this way, you will solve the second part of the objective. And that is to enter the secret door and find it.

The secret room has opened. The last part of this chapter follows. We don’t have much time because Lena is in danger. We’ll see where he hides and what happens. We hope that this horror will end in our favor. Follow our walkthrough.

Find out what awaits us in level 30. This is the last level in Chapter 1. We will do our best to be your greatest support because you deserve it. Trust us because we want to give you back in the best possible way. Have a nice day. Thank you for reading.

Level 30

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough for the game Escape Room Adventure – Dream Life Mystery 2021. This is stage 30. In the previous stage, our biggest problem was finding the secret door. These are the doors leading to the secret room.

Lena is somewhere in that room and the house is built to have all kinds of rooms in case of danger. The name for level 30 is “Did I Shot Myself?” Is a bit confusing.

This means that there is a state in which the person is not aware of whether he has committed a certain act that is extremely noticeable and painful. What does this title suggest to us?

Do you know maybe what could happen at the end of Level 30? We think we have reached the very end and the answer must be delivered to us at this level.

We will not stare when it comes to finding out, but we will hurry to analyze the problem because Lena’s life depends on us. We hope it’s good because we want it to work out between Lena and Fredrick. Good luck! Let us begin.

At the beginning of this level we know one fact. And that fact is not unclear. Fredrick has to find his gun. This is a hypothesis that cannot be refuted.

The gun is the last solution we have at the moment. The secret room is such that it is dark and there is not much light.

The only source of light is a lantern. We took it to level 29. Now it serves as a little help to find some things in the dark. We will see which part of us believes that Lena is alive. Let’s go together!

We are in a secret room. Never seen before. Our primary goal is to find the gun. Let’s start from the beginning. Looking at the scene shown to us, we look straight up the stairs. Stairs leading to the first floor.

We will now stay in this room for a few moments. Take the handle that is placed on the step. Save the handle as we use it for the next step. The next step is to install this handle somewhere.

And we will do that by going past the stairs on the left. There is one closet in the background. That closet is essential because it lacks a handle. Install the handle in the door and open the door. There’s a big hammer. Take this item. Use it to break the glass. Glass itself is a fragile material.

And we will do that by going back a few steps from where we took the hammer. We will break the glass case in the left part of the room. We’ll break the glass in a few strokes so we can take the clue paper.

Place the clue paper in a large frame. That is an important detail. Click on the clue paper and you will open this item. Something new can be seen here. Details on paper are something we need to remember.

There is one shelf in the right part of the room. There is a toy horse on the shelf. We will not wait for time to pass, but we will immediately place the toy in a close-up frame to see some more detailed information.

The data that are important to us are written on the toy. That’s the 16:44 detail. That is the time it takes us to enter the clock. And where is the clock now? The clock is placed on the armrest at the beginning of the stairs.

The railing that forms the direction for the steps starts from the floor. There is a clock on the right railing and backrest. Click on the clock to access the clock in close-up. Enter 16 hours with a small hand.

Use the large one to set the time point to 44 minutes. That’s how you get 16:44. And then something unexpected happens. A secret compartment in the armrest opens.

Take the book from the secret compartment. The book can be placed in close-up. But we won’t do it yet. Click on the top of the stairs and go upstairs. There is a large bedroom.

You can see a large semicircular arch that represents the entrance to the room. There is a knife on the floor. Save this item. Use a knife to cut out the drawing on the wall on the left side of the entrance.

You will see this if you look at the top left of the screen. The background of the drawing is important because it shows the other part of the code. The first part was discovered earlier. Looking at the opposite side of the ceiling and screen, there is a wall clock in the upper right corner.

A clock that contains a plastic coward so that the clock can ring. In the place where the bird is a coward, there is another key. Save this item. Enter the room. We look straight at the bed.

The foot of the bed is locked because it has a specific code. But we know the code. Based on the paper bench and the drawing on the wall, we get a certain combination for the code. The combination is shown in the picture below.

The drawer opens and we take another toy. Place the toy in a close-up. That is an important detail because we have to show how much news we have. Insert the key into the gap on the toy. Launch the toy with a click.

The toy changes shape and color. They get numbers that are related to the part of the body where they are located. Remember these details. And now we understand that as a code. Let’s go to bed.

On the left side of the pillow is a bedside table. The drawer requires a color code. We’ll tell you what the code is. A picture speaks more than a thousand words.

Take the book out of the drawer. Above the bed is a picture. Click on the image to get closer. Click on the image again to move it because it covers one secret gap. Here is a new book that we will save.

The fourth book is on the table in the right part of the room. Part of the room has a window. Here is a new book. Each book has its color. But what we said is that every book can be placed in a close-up, which means that every book has its letter engraved.

With the combination of letters and colors in the book, we get the word LUCK. Because that’s the word that unlocks our closet. The wardrobe is located on the left side of the bedroom.

After unlocking the closet, in addition to all the values ​​we can see, we also see the key. We’ll just save the key. This key unlocks a small partition in the area of ​​the central wall. Just above the bed, right side. Next to the picture. Enter the key in the keyhole and take the contents.

And the contents are a box. We place the box in a large frame. And finally, open with a click. Inside is what we’ve been looking for. It has been a while. It’s a gun. And we are ready to fight.

Fredrick has his gun. He has it. Also, Fred says that this monster is going to die. He saw Lena being trapped in the hands of the kidnappers. Fredrick shoots very clearly and accurately.

He hit the kidnapper in the head. The kidnapper falls to the floor, dead and white. He knows that this villain has a familiar face. Later he knows that he is affected by the multiple personality disorder.

Fredrick has come out of this dream. He has realized everything. He has known that he was affected by this terrible multiple personality disorder. He took treatment for that.

After some days everything is changed to normal. Fredrick and Lena continued to live together happily ever after.

This is the end of one chapter. We are known for helping you when needed. We hope you enjoyed our guidelines as we were full of privileges to read our walkthrough.

Fred and Lena got the end they wanted, in the end, it came to the point that they damaged themselves but also healed themselves.

We do not know what awaits us in life, but we know for sure that this is one of those periods when we need the love of loved ones. We will not be people who spoil other people’s lives, but sometimes we have to spoil ourselves so that we can fix ourselves.

Dream Life continues the story in Chapter 2. We wish you a pleasant day. Thank you for your trust. Thank you for reading.