Detective – Escape Room Games | Chapter 5: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Hello everyone and welcome to the walkthrough for Chapter 5 of the “Detective: Escape Room Games”. At the beginning of the fifth chapter, Detective Simon’s superior realizes that his most capable detective didn’t report back after he went in to investigate a lead regarding a clue in the “Collector’s” case. So, the superior, presumably a chief of police decided to investigate this clue himself. In the meantime, our character, Detective Jones, was sent to investigate the strange symbols in the Galileo factory.

001 detective escape room chapter 5 21 11zon

On the right side of the floor, you will notice a “Bloody crowbar”. Tap on it to pick it up.

002 detective escape room chapter 5 22 11zon

You will notice a cardboard box on the right, so let’s tap on it to take a closer look.

003 detective escape room chapter 5 23 11zon

Drag up to open the box.

004 detective escape room chapter 5 24 11zon

In the box, you will find a severed hand and several other items. Let’s tap on them to take a photo, and our character will file it as evidence.

005 detective escape room chapter 5 25 11zon

Let’s tap on the photo in the top left corner of the screen to examine the evidence.

006 detective escape room chapter 5 26 11zon

You will notice that we have 1 out of 5 pieces of evidence. Tap on the first photo to examine it.

Our character believes that someone is trying to imitate the Collector.

Let’s go back. Tap on the red “X” symbol in the top right corner.

007 detective escape room chapter 5 27 11zon

Next, drag the severed hand and the tools from the box, and our character will remove them.

008 detective escape room chapter 5 28 11zon

At the bottom of the box, you will find four items, so let’s tap on them to pick them up. A “Hook”, a “Fishing line”, “Hint Fragment No.1”, and a “Leaf from a Latin textbook”.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

009 detective escape room chapter 5 29 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the other cardboard box to take a closer look at it.

010 detective escape room chapter 5 30 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the tape on the sides of the box to remove it. With that, you will open the box.

011 detective escape room chapter 5 31 11zon

In the box, you will find a “Canister of lye” and a newspaper. So, let’s tap on the “Canister of lye” to pick it up. After that, tap on the newspaper to examine it.

012 detective escape room chapter 5 32 11zon

Here, we can see the “Cemetery” word written in red letters. Let’s memorize/write down this word because we will need it later in the walkthrough.

If you tap on this word, our character will conclude that the word is written in blood.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

013 detective escape room chapter 5 33 11zon

Next, select the “Bloody crowbar” from the inventory and use it to remove the large, red board on the wall in front of you.

014 detective escape room chapter 5 34 11zon

You will reveal some kind of a control panel that was previously hidden behind the board. Let’s tap on the control panel to take a closer look at it, and tap again to start the interaction.

015 detective escape room chapter 5 35 11zon

Our next task is to transfer the “Rings” from the pillar on the left to the pillar on the right. The rings should be arranged from the largest at the bottom to the smallest one at the top.

We will do this puzzle in several steps. Let’s begin.

Step 1

Tap once on the first button to select the first ring, then tap on the middle button to transfer this ring to the middle pillar.

016 detective escape room chapter 5 36 11zon

Step 2

Tap once on the first button to select the next ring, then tap on the right button to transfer this ring to the right pillar.

017 detective escape room chapter 5 37 11zon

Step 3

Tap once on the middle button to select the first ring, then tap on the right button to transfer this ring to the right pillar.

018 detective escape room chapter 5 38 11zon

Step 4

Tap once on the left button to select the first ring, then tap on the middle button to transfer this ring to the middle pillar.

019 detective escape room chapter 5 39 11zon

Step 5

Tap once on the right button to select the first ring, then tap on the left button to transfer this ring to the left pillar.

020 detective escape room chapter 5 40 11zon

Step 6

Tap once on the right button to select the first ring, then tap on the middle button to transfer this ring to the middle pillar.

021 detective escape room chapter 5 41 11zon

Step 7

Tap once on the left button to select the first ring, then tap on the middle button to transfer this ring to the middle pillar.

022 detective escape room chapter 5 42 11zon

Step 8

Tap once on the left button to select the first ring, then tap on the right button to transfer this ring to the right pillar.

023 detective escape room chapter 5 43 11zon

Step 9

Tap once on the middle button to select the first ring, then tap on the right button to transfer this ring to the right pillar.

024 detective escape room chapter 5 44 11zon

Step 10

Tap once on the middle button to select the first ring, then tap on the left button to transfer this ring to the left pillar.

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Step 11

Tap once on the right button to select the first ring, then tap on the left button to transfer this ring to the left pillar.

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Step 12

Tap once on the middle button to select the first ring, then tap on the right button to transfer this ring to the right pillar.

027 detective escape room chapter 5 47 11zon

Step 13

Tap once on the left button to select the first ring, then tap on the middle button to transfer this ring to the middle pillar.

028 detective escape room chapter 5 48 11zon

Step 14

Tap once on the left button to select the first ring, then tap on the right button to transfer this ring to the right pillar.

029 detective escape room chapter 5 49 11zon

Step 15

Tap once on the middle button to select the first ring, then tap on the right button to transfer this ring to the right pillar. With that, you will solve this puzzle.

030 detective escape room chapter 5 50 11zon

You will unlock and open the box as soon as you solve the puzzle. In this box, you will find a “Key to the case”. Tap on it to pick it up.

After that, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

031 detective escape room chapter 5 1 11zon

Next, select the “Hook” from the inventory and combine it with the “Fishing line”. You will create the “Hook with line”.

032 detective escape room chapter 5 2 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the space under the stairs to take a closer look at it.

033 detective escape room chapter 5 3 11zon

Here, you will discover a key, but our character won’t reach through the cobweb to grab it. So, let’s select the “Hook with line” to reach the key. “Box key” will be added to your inventory.

After that, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

034 detective escape room chapter 5 4 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the large chest on the left to take a closer look at it.

035 detective escape room chapter 5 5 11zon

Select the “Box key” from the inventory and use it to unlock the chest.

036 detective escape room chapter 5 6 11zon

On the left side, you will notice a “Piece of paper with symbol No.1”. Tap on it to pick it up.

After that, tap on the note with the grid (also on the left side) to start the interaction.

037 detective escape room chapter 5 7 11zon

Here, we can see a 6 by 6 grid, and it is also divided into six blocks. Our task is simple. We should populate each field of the grid with numbers while following three simple rules.

First, each row should have numbers 1-6 (no duplicates)

Second, each column should have numbers 1-6 (no duplicates)

Third, each block should have numbers 1-6 (no duplicates)

Also, you will notice that four cells have outlines (red, green, yellow, and blue).

You can find the solution to this puzzle in the image below.

Here, you will discover the numbers,

Red = 5

Yellow = 1

Green = 6

Blue = 3

Let’s memorize/write down these numbers (and the colors associated with them) because this information represents part of the solution for the next puzzle.

Once you’re done, tap on the green button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

038 detective escape room chapter 5 8 11zon

In the chest, we also have a locked box. On the left side of the box, you will notice a rainbow. Let’s memorize/write down the order of the colors of the rainbow, starting with the largest color. The order of the colors represents the correct order of the numbers that we discovered previously.

First = Red = 5

Second = Yellow = 1

Third = Green = 6

Fourth = Blue = 3

When we put it all together, we will get the number “5163”. Let’s memorize/write down this number.

Once you’re done, tap on the keypad on the locked box to start the interaction.

039 detective escape room chapter 5 9 11zon

Next, enter the number “5163” and you will unlock the box.

040 detective escape room chapter 5 10 11zon

You will open the box as soon as you enter the correct numbers. Inside you will find the “Office key” and “Hint fragment No. 2”. Let’s tap on these two items to pick them up.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

041 detective escape room chapter 5 11 11zon

Select the “Office key” from the inventory and use it to unlock the door on the left. After that, tap on the door to proceed to the next room.

042 detective escape room chapter 5 12 11zon

Let’s explore this room. Tap on the green board on the wall on the left to take a closer look at it.

043 detective escape room chapter 5 13 11zon

Our character thinks that the photos on the board represent different parts of the crypt. Our task is to rearrange the photos. If you examine the photos, you will notice that there is one or more letter(s) on each photo. If you recall, previously we saw the word “Cemetery” written in blood. So, to correctly arrange the photos, we just need to form the word “Cemetery”.

We will do this puzzle in several steps. Let’s begin.

Step 1

Tap on the second photo in the first row (“Ce”). The letters “Ce” will appear on the board.

044 detective escape room chapter 5 14 11zon

Step 2

Tap on the second photo in the second row (“m”). The letters “Cem” will appear on the board.

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Step 3

Tap on the fourth photo in the first row (“e”). The letters “Ceme” will appear on the board.

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Step 4

Tap on the first photo in the first row (“t”). The letters “Cemet” will appear on the board.

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Step 5

Tap on the third photo in the first row (“er”). The letters “Cemeter” will appear on the board.

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Step 6

Lastly, tap on the first photo in the second row (“y”). With that, you will form the word “Cemetery”.

049 detective escape room chapter 5 19 11zon

Our character will take a photo and file it as evidence, as soon as you form the word “Cemetery”.

Also, the third photo in the first row will move, and you will notice something sticking out behind it. Tap on this item to pick it up. “Hint fragment No.4” will be added to your inventory.

After that, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

050 detective escape room chapter 5 20 11zon

Let’s tap on the photo in the top left corner of the screen to examine the evidence.

051 detective escape room chapter 5 2 11zon

You will notice that we have 2 out of 5 pieces of evidence. Tap on the second photo to examine it.

Our character believes that photos of the crime scenes were placed on the board for a reason, and she also believes that there might be a hidden clue in the photos. 

Let’s go back. Tap on the red “X” symbol in the top right corner.

052 detective escape room chapter 5 3 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the desk to take a closer look at it.

053 detective escape room chapter 5 4 11zon

Drag on the papers to remove them.

054 detective escape room chapter 5 5 11zon

Below the papers, you will find a “Sheet with symbols” and a “Shower key”. Tap on these two items to pick them up.

After that, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

055 detective escape room chapter 5 6 11zon

We found the “Shower key” and we can use it to unlock the door in the first room. So, let’s go back. Tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

056 detective escape room chapter 5 7 11zon

Select the “Shower key” from the inventory and use it to unlock the door on the right. After that, tap on the door to proceed to the next room.

057 detective escape room chapter 5 8 11zon

Tap on the bench to take a closer look at it.

058 detective escape room chapter 5 9 11zon

Under the table, you will find a “Locker key with hand mark”. Tap on it to pick it up.

After that, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

059 detective escape room chapter 5 10 11zon

On the left, you will notice a locker with a bloody handprint. Let’s tap on this locker to take a closer look at it.

060 detective escape room chapter 5 11 11zon

Select the “Locker key with hand mark” and use it to unlock the locker.

061 detective escape room chapter 5 12 11zon

In the locker, you will find “Hammer and chisel”. Tap on these two items to pick them up. At the bottom, you will also notice a locked box. We will come back to it a bit later.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

062 detective escape room chapter 5 13 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the wall at the end of the hallway.

063 detective escape room chapter 5 14 11zon

We can see the blood dripping through the cracks in the wall. Let’s see what’s behind the wall. Select the “Hammer and chisel” from the inventory and use them to break down the wall.

064 detective escape room chapter 5 15 11zon

Behind the wall, you will discover a dead man. You will notice a puzzle on his left hip, so let’s tap on it to take a closer look.

065 detective escape room chapter 5 16 11zon

Here, we have another puzzle, and our task is to assemble the picture. We will do this puzzle in multiple steps. Let’s begin.

Step 1

Tap on the first slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece up. After that, tap on the first slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up.

066 detective escape room chapter 5 17 11zon

Step 2

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down.

067 detective escape room chapter 5 18 11zon

Step 3

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the third slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece down.

068 detective escape room chapter 5 19 11zon

Step 4

Tap on the second slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece up.

069 detective escape room chapter 5 20 11zon

Step 5

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the fourth slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the left.

070 detective escape room chapter 5 21 11zon

Step 6

Tap on the fourth slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece down. After that, tap on the third slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece to the right.

071 detective escape room chapter 5 22 11zon

Step 7

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece up. After that, tap on the third slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up.

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Step 8

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down.

073 detective escape room chapter 5 24 11zon

Step 9

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the third slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece down.

074 detective escape room chapter 5 25 11zon

Step 10

Tap on the second slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece up.

075 detective escape room chapter 5 26 11zon

Step 11

Tap on the first slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the first slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece down.

076 detective escape room chapter 5 27 11zon

Step 12

Tap on the second slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the third slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece to the left.

077 detective escape room chapter 5 28 11zon

Step 13

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece up. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the right.

078 detective escape room chapter 5 29 11zon

Step 14

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up. After that, tap on the third slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the left.

079 detective escape room chapter 5 30 11zon

Step 15

Tap on the fourth slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the fourth slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down.

080 detective escape room chapter 5 31 11zon

Step 16

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the right.

081 detective escape room chapter 5 32 11zon

Step 17

Tap on the second slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece down. After that, tap on the third slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece to the left.

082 detective escape room chapter 5 33 11zon

Step 18

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece up. After that, tap on the third slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up.

083 detective escape room chapter 5 34 11zon

Step 19

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down.

084 detective escape room chapter 5 35 11zon

Step 20

Tap on the first slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the first slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up.

085 detective escape room chapter 5 36 11zon

Step 21

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down.

086 detective escape room chapter 5 37 11zon

Step 22

Tap on the second slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece down. After that, tap on the first slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece to the right.

087 detective escape room chapter 5 38 11zon

Step 23

Tap on the first slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece up. After that, tap on the first slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up.

088 detective escape room chapter 5 39 11zon

Step 24

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the third slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the left.

089 detective escape room chapter 5 40 11zon

Step 25

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the right.

090 detective escape room chapter 5 41 11zon

Step 26

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up. After that, tap on the third slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the left.

091 detective escape room chapter 5 42 11zon

Step 27

Tap on the fourth slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the fourth slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down.

092 detective escape room chapter 5 43 11zon

Step 28

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the third slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up.

093 detective escape room chapter 5 44 11zon

Step 29

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the first slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the right.

094 detective escape room chapter 5 45 11zon

Step 30

Tap on the first slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the left.

095 detective escape room chapter 5 46 11zon

Step 31

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the third slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up.

096 detective escape room chapter 5 47 11zon

Step 32

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down.

097 detective escape room chapter 5 48 11zon

Step 33

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the fourth slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the left.

098 detective escape room chapter 5 49 11zon

Step 34

Tap on the fourth slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up. After that, tap on the third slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the right.

099 detective escape room chapter 5 50 11zon

Step 35

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the first slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the right.

100 detective escape room chapter 5 1 11zon

Step 36

Tap on the first slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down. After that, tap on the first slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece down.

101 detective escape room chapter 5 2 11zon

Step 37

Tap on the second slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece up.

102 detective escape room chapter 5 3 11zon

Step 38

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up. After that, tap on the third slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the left.

103 detective escape room chapter 5 4 11zon

Step 39

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the right.

104 detective escape room chapter 5 5 11zon

Step 40

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up. After that, tap on the first slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the right.

105 detective escape room chapter 5 6 11zon

Step 41

Tap on the first slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the left.

106 detective escape room chapter 5 7 11zon

Step 42

Tap on the third slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the left. After that, tap on the third slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece up.

107 detective escape room chapter 5 8 11zon

Step 43

Tap on the second slot in the third row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the second slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece down.

108 detective escape room chapter 5 9 11zon

Step 44

Finally, tap on the first slot in the second row to move the puzzle piece to the right. After that, tap on the first slot in the first row to move the puzzle piece down. With that, you will solve this puzzle.

109 detective escape room chapter 5 10 11zon

Tap on the letter in the box to examine it.

110 detective escape room chapter 5 11 11zon

We can open this box with two pieces of pepperoni and one whole margarita. Let’s memorize/write down this information.

Once you’re done, tap on the empty space on the screen to put down the letter, then tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

111 detective escape room chapter 5 12 11zon

Next, let’s tap on the locker on the left to take another look at it, then tap on the box in the locker to start the interaction.

112 detective escape room chapter 5 13 11zon

Previously, we discovered that to open the box we will need “two pieces of pepperoni and one whole margarita”. The triangle represents the pepperoni, and the circle represents the margarita.

So, let’s tap twice on the triangle, and once on the circle.

113 detective escape room chapter 5 14 11zon

With that, you will open the box. Inside you will find, a “Key card” so let’s tap on it to pick it up. After that, tap on the photo on the right to take a closer look at it.

114 detective escape room chapter 5 15 11zon

Our character will automatically take a photo and file it as evidence. On the back of the photo, we can see an interesting text.

Leslie Simons brought some crates into this building, but when John looked inside one of them, he was found dead a few days later. So, the person who wrote this text (the dead guy that we found behind the bathroom wall) believes that Leslie killed John to cover something up.

Also, it would be reasonable to assume that Leslie also killed the guy who wrote this text.

Interesting. Let’s tap on the letter to start the interaction.

115 detective escape room chapter 5 16 11zon

Well, our character knows Simon Leslie because he is one of the detectives in her station.

Let’s go back. Tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

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Let’s tap on the photo in the top left corner of the screen to examine the evidence.

117 detective escape room chapter 5 18 11zon

We can see that we gathered three out of five pieces of evidence. Tap on the third photo to examine it.

Our character thinks that Simon Leslie was the “inside man” who informed the Collector about everything that the police knew.

Let’s go back. Tap on the red sign in the top right corner.

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Let’s go back to the previous room. Tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

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Just to the right of the window, you will notice a key card slot. So, select the “Key card” from the inventory and use it to unlock the window.

After that, tap on the window to proceed to the next room.

120 detective escape room chapter 5 21 11zon

Tap on the cabinet on the left to open it, and inside you will see a pyramid. Tap on this pyramid to start the interaction.

121 detective escape room chapter 5 22 11zon

Here, we have another puzzle. We will solve this puzzle in several steps. Let’s begin.

Step 1

Tap once on the top part of the pyramid.

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Step 2

Tap twice on the second (looking from top to bottom) part of the pyramid.

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Step 3

Tap three times on the third (looking from top to bottom) part of the pyramid.

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Step 4

Lastly, tap twice on the bottom part of the pyramid.

125 detective escape room chapter 5 26 11zon

The top of the pyramid will open, as soon as you solve the puzzle, and inside you will see a key. Tap on it to pick it up, and “Key to the drawer in the cabinet” will be added to your inventory.

After that, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

126 detective escape room chapter 5 27 11zon

Actually, I forgot something, so let’s go back to the pyramid.

127 detective escape room chapter 5 28 11zon

At the bottom of the pyramid, on the right side, you will see a note. Tap on it to pick it up and a “Piece of paper with symbol No.3” will be added to your inventory.

After that, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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Let’s go back to the previous room. Tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

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Next, tap on the door in front of you to go to the office.

130 detective escape room chapter 5 31 11zon

Next, tap on the cabinet on the right to take a closer look at it.

131 detective escape room chapter 5 32 11zon

Select the “Key to the drawer in the cabinet” from the inventory and use it to unlock the drawer.

132 detective escape room chapter 5 33 11zon

Here, you will see a small, locked chest. On the left side of the drawer, you will see two items. Tap on them to pick them. “Hint fragment No.3” and a “Piece of paper with symbol No.2” will be added to your inventory.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

133 detective escape room chapter 5 34 11zon

Next, tap on the “Piece of paper with symbol No.2” in your inventory to examine it.

134 detective escape room chapter 5 35 11zon

You will notice the symbol “DCCVII”. Let’s memorize/write down these symbols because they represent the hint for the next puzzle.

Once you’re done, tap on the “Leaf from a Latin textbook” to examine it.

135 detective escape room chapter 5 36 11zon

We can see “DCCVII” here, and next to it, we can see the number “707”. Let’s memorize/write down this number because it represents the solution for the next puzzle.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to put down the note.

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Next, let’s tap on the drawer on the right to take another look at it, then tap on the to start the interaction.

137 detective escape room chapter 5 38 11zon

Enter the code “707” that we just discovered, and you will unlock the small chest.

138 detective escape room chapter 5 39 11zon

In the chest, you will find a “Cabinet key”. Tap on it to pick it up. After that, tap on the note under the key to examine it.

139 detective escape room chapter 5 40 11zon

Here, we can see some text in Latin, but our character can’t remember the meaning of the words.

Let’s tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

140 detective escape room chapter 5 41 11zon

Let’s go back to the previous room, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

141 detective escape room chapter 5 42 11zon

Tap on the window on the left to proceed to the next room.

142 detective escape room chapter 5 43 11zon

Select the “Cabinet key” from the inventory, then tap on the bottom part of the cabinet on the left to unlock it.

143 detective escape room chapter 5 44 11zon

Inside you will find a lever, so let’s tap on it to activate it.

144 detective escape room chapter 5 45 11zon

The cabinet will slide to the left, and behind it, you will discover another puzzle. Let’s tap on it to start the interaction.

145 detective escape room chapter 5 46 11zon

Your character will automatically place all hint fragments on the left side. Our next task is to match the shape on the hint. We will do this puzzle in several steps. Let’s begin.

Step 1

Tap twice on the first slot in the first row to change the symbol to the horizontal line.

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Step 2

Tap three times on the second slot in the first row to change the symbol to the diagonal line.

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Step 3

Tap once on the third slot in the first row to change the symbol to the diagonal line.

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Step 4

Tap three times on the second slot in the second row to change the symbol to the horizontal line.

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Step 5

Tap four times on the third slot in the second row to change the symbol to a circle.

150 detective escape room chapter 5 1 11zon

With that, you will open the safe, and inside you will find the “Hatchet”. Tap on it to pick it up.

After that, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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In the right corner of the room, you will notice a wooden crate with a bloody handprint. Let’s tap on it to take a closer look.

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Select the “Hatchet” from the inventory and use it to smash the crate.

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In the create, you will find a “Manual”. Tap on it to take a closer look, and tap again to start the interaction.

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Here, we have another puzzle. Our task is to discover the correct three-digit code, based on the hint. This is a very interesting puzzle, although it might seem complicated at first glance. We will do this puzzle in two steps. Let’s begin.

Step 1

If you take a look at the hint at the bottom, you will see the number “738” and below them, you will see the text “Everything is wrong”. So, we can eliminate the numbers 7, 3, and 8 from all the other hints.

Next, if we take a look at the second hint in the second row, we will see the numbers “780” and below them, you will see the text “One of the numbers is correct, but it is out of place”. We already eliminated the numbers 7 and 8, so we can conclude that 0 is the correct number. We can also conclude that 0 shouldn’t be in the third position.

Next, if we take a look at the first hint in the second row, we will see the number “206” and below it, you will see the text “Two numbers are correct, but they are out of place”.

Well, we already know that 0 is the correct number and that it shouldn’t be in the third position. From this hint, we also discovered that the number 0 shouldn’t be in the second position. So, the number 0 should be in the first position.

Also, we discovered that there is number 2 in this code and that it isn’t in the first position.

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Step 2

Next, if we take a look at the first hint in the first row, we will see the numbers “682” and below them, you will see the text “One of the numbers is correct, and stands in its place”.

Well, we already know that there is number 2 in this code and that it isn’t in the first position. So, the number 2 should be in the third position.

Also, we can eliminate the number 6 from the second hint in the first (because only one of the numbers is correct).

Next, if we take a look at the second hint in the first row, we will see the numbers “6I4” and below them, you will see the text “One of the numbers is correct, but it is out of place”.

So, we already eliminated the number 6, and we can eliminate the letter “I” (because it isn’t a number). So, the number 4 is the correct number, but it isn’t in the third position.

We already know that the number 0 should be in the first position and that the number 2 should be in the third position. So, the number 4 has to be in the second position.

When we put it all together, we will get the number “042”. Let’s memorize/write down this number because it represents the solution for the next puzzle.

Once you’re done, tap on the screen to put down the manual, then tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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Next, let’s tap on the large safe on the left to take a closer look at it, and tap again to start the interaction.

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Enter the code “042” that we discovered previously, and you will unlock the safe. Tap on it to open it.

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Next, tap on the note on the top shelf to take a closer look at it.

159 detective escape room chapter 5 19 11zon

It looks like the Collector left a message for our character, “If you want to see him alive, play by my rules”. So, Detective Simons is still alive, so we might have a chance to save him. Also, our character will take a photo of the note, and file it as evidence.

Tap once on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to put down the note.

160 detective escape room chapter 5 20 11zon

Before we proceed, you will notice a note under the message that we just saw. So, let’s tap on this note to pick it up. Our character will merge this hint with other ones, and “Sheet with symbols” will be added to your inventory.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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Let’s go back to the office. Tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back to the first room.

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Next, tap on the door in front of you to go to the office. 

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Next, tap on the picture on the wall in front of you to take a closer look at it.

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Our character will notice that the symbol here is the same as the symbol on the safe. More importantly, you will notice some text in Latin, but one word is missing. Let’s memorize/write down this text.

Eripitur –Missing Word- manet res.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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Next, let’s tap on the open drawer on the right to take another look at it.

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Let’s tap on the note to examine it.

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We are interested in the last piece of text because it matches the text that we saw previously.

Eripitur –Missing Word- manet res.

So, we have now discovered the missing word, “fictus”. Let’s memorize/write down this word because it represents part of the solution for the next puzzle.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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On the wall on the right, you will notice a safe. Let’s tap on it to take a closer look.

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Our character will automatically place the hint on the left side of the puzzle. Let’s tap on the hint to examine it.

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Here, you can see some symbols, and you will also notice that there is a letter below each symbol. Our task is to discover the symbols that would form the word “fictus”. Let’s do that.

Letter “f” = sixth symbol in the first row

Letter “i” = second symbol in the third row

Letter “c” = sixth symbol in the second row

Letter “t” = fourth symbol in the first row

Letter “u” = fifth symbol in the second row

Letter “s” = eighth symbol in the first row

Let’s memorize/write down these symbols. Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

171 detective escape room chapter 5 31 11zon

Let’s tap on the symbols that we discovered.

First, tap on the symbol located at eleven o’clock in the middle ring.

Second, tap on the symbol located at five o’clock in the middle ring.

Third, tap on the symbol located at four o’clock in the outer ring.

Fourth, tap on the symbol located at two o’clock in the outer ring.

Fifth, tap on the symbol located at ten o’clock in the outer ring.

Sixth, tap on the symbol located at eight o’clock in the outer ring.

172 detective escape room chapter 5 32 11zon

You will unlock and open the safe as soon as you tap on the correct symbols. Inside, you will find, a “Key to the case”, a “Crowbar”, and a note. Tap on the first two items to pick them up, then tap on the note to examine it.

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Here, we can see “Y” in the large slot on the left. On the right, we can see six slots arranged in two rows. The red “X” is in the third slot, first row. Let’s take note of this information.

After that, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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Let’s go back to the first room. Tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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Next, tap on the wooden crate on the right side of the room to take a closer look at it.

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Select the “Crowbar” from the inventory and use it to open the crate.

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Tap on the items in the crate to take a photo, and our character will file it as evidence.

After that, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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Next, let’s tap on the window on the left to proceed to the next room.

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If you tap on the wooden crates on the left, you will discover that our character can’t open them with her bare hands. So, select the “Crowbar” from the inventory and use it to open the crate on the right.

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Inside, you will discover a dirty suitcase. So, select the “Canister of lye” from the inventory and use it to clean the suitcase.

181 detective escape room chapter 5 1 11zon

Select the two “Keys to the case” from the inventory and use them to unlock the suitcase.

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In the suitcase, you will find a “Locker key on the right”. Tap on it to pick it up. Under the key, you will see a file, so let’s tap on it to examine it.

You will discover a list of Crawford Cemetery owners. Our character will double-check this information once she gets back to the station.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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Let’s go back to the first room. Tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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Let’s tap on the door on the right to proceed to the next room.

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Next, let’s tap on the locker on the right to take a closer look at it.

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Select the “Locker key on the right” from the inventory and use it to unlock the locker.

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On the bottom of the shelf, you will see a safe. We will need a seven-digit password in order to open this safe.

On the top shelf, you will notice a file. Let’s tap on it to examine it.

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Here, you will discover the first three letters of the password, “ABY”, but the other three letters have been erased. Let’s memorize/write down these letters.

Below the letters, you will notice a strange symbol. Just take note of it, there is no need to memorize the exact shape.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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Let’s look for the other four letters. Tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back to the first room.

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Tap on the door in front of you to proceed to the office.

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Next, let’s tap on the open drawer on the right to look inside, then tap on the file in the drawer to examine it.

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In the bottom right corner of the file, you will see the same symbol that we saw in the file above the safe.

On the left side, we can see the letters “SSUS”. When we merge these letters with the three letters that we previously discovered, we will get,

“ABYSSUS”. Memorize/write down this word, because it represents the password that we will use to unlock the safe.

Once you’re done, tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

193 detective escape room chapter 5 3 11zon

Let’s go back to the safe. Tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back to the first room.

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Next, let’s tap on the door on the right to proceed to the next room.

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Tap on the locker on the right to look inside, then tap on the safe to start the interaction.

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Enter the password “ABYSSUS” and you will unlock the safe.

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In the safe, you will see a photo. Let’s tap on it to examine it.

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Well, we now have the confirmation that Detective Simons is still alive. Let’s tap on the button in the bottom left corner of the screen to go back.

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All the evidence points to Detective Leslie, but our character isn’t convinced that he is the Collector.

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In the next scene, we can see that Detective Leslie has been arrested, and our character wants to interrogate him.

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We reached the end of the fifth chapter of the walkthrough. You can check out the walkthrough for the sixth chapter, “Ashes to Ashes”, by tapping on the “Next Part” button.

Thank you for reading.