The Echo Bay Murders – Chapter VIII
Hello everyone, and welcome to our walkthrough for Chapter 8 of “The Echo Bay Murders” another game in the series of AE mysteries, developed and published by Haiku Games.
In the previous chapter, Kate and Darius met with Chelsey, Luca’s ex-wife, and investigated his family farmhouse. First, Chelsey told them about the car accident, which was caused by Luca’s mother who was driving while intoxicated. In this accident, Luca suffered a serious head injury, and his father died. Chelsey also mentioned that Luca’s mother suddenly disappeared, one day before her trial, and it was suspected that she fled the country in order to avoid prosecution.
However, after investigating the barn, Kate found the body of Luca’s mother and concluded that he killed her. She also noticed that all the other women look like Luca’s mother, so his anger and resentment towards her are probably the motives behind the murders.
We also discovered that Ellie, one of Luca’s victims, was engaged to Darius, and that’s why he was so motivated to solve this case. At the end of the previous stage, Kate and Darius were contacted by Nick, who informed them that he and Phil found Luca’s hunting cabin. Without wasting any time, Kate and Darius headed to the cabin to investigate…
The last chapter begins with Kate and Darius reaching the hunting cabin and meeting up with Nick. He tells them that the perimeter is secure and that they didn’t find Luca. With that said, Kate and Darius are free to conduct the investigation and search the cabin and surrounding area for clues that could lead them to Luca’s hiding place. In the meantime, Nick will head back to the farmhouse to secure the crime scene.
After formulating the plan of action, they decide to meet back at the police station, once Kate and Darius conclude their investigation.
After Nick left, Darius started shaking and it was clear that there was something wrong with him. So, he explained to Kate that he is very anxious because their investigation is coming to an end, and he’s dreading this moment since they will probably find out that Ellie Dixon, his fiancée, ended up as one of Luca’s victims. Darius goes on and says that he began investigating her disappearance three years ago, when, one night, she didn’t come home. He refused to believe that she left him without saying a word because they were in love and were supposed to marry next month. But, as this investigation comes to its conclusion, he becomes more fearful of its ending. He still isn’t ready to face the fact that he will never see his loved one again.
But, Kate tries to comfort him, saying that she will do everything she can to catch Luca and make him pay for his crimes.
Darius apologized to her for not revealing all the details about the case, at first, and because he didn’t mention that he was engaged to one of the potential victims, Ellie. He also explains that Ellie’s parents are ready to move on and that they are arranging her funeral. But, as we already mentioned, Darius still isn’t ready to accept that his fiancée is gone. A few moments later, he composes himself and says that they should continue with the investigation.
If you take a look at the porch, you will notice a red “Gas Can”. Tap on it to pick it up.
Ok, next, we should open the sliding door on the toolshed on the left. To do that, tap on the door, and Darius will offer to help us. Together, he and Kate will be able to lift the door.
Tap on the toolshed to proceed inside.
Ok, here we can pick up several items. First, tap on the “Rake” located on the wall behind the bike, to pick it up.
Next, on the board to the right of the bike, you will notice a screwdriver. Tap on it to take a closer look.
Tap on the “Screwdriver” to pick it up. Also, behind the screwdriver, you will see a torn photo, whose bottom half is missing. For now, just take note of it, because it will be important, later on.
Once you’re done, tap on the arrow in the upper left corner to go back.
Next, tap on the small box, located on the chair in the lower-left corner, to take a closer look at it, and you will notice a “Valve Wheel” and four dog tags.
Tap on the “Valve Wheel” to pick it up.
Also, if you pay attention to the dog tags, you will notice that at least one of them is missing (there’s some empty space). Take note of this information, because we will come back to it, a bit later.
Once you’re done, tap on the arrow in the upper left corner to go back.
Ok, on the right we can see a lawnmower, however, you won’t be able to start it right now, because it has no gas. So, select the “Gas” from the inventory, then tap on the lawnmower to fill it up.
After that, tap on the handle to pull the cord, and you will start the engine.
Well, Kate thinks that using a lawnmower to cut some tall grass would be a good idea, so let’s do that.
Our character will automatically go outside, and she will cut down the tall grass at the front gate. However, while she was cutting the grass, she heard the blades striking some hard object. Let’s see what it is.
Tap on the item in the lawnmower basket, and “Dog Tag” will be added to your inventory.
Let’s put these dog tags in the box with other items of the same kind. First, tap on the box on the chair to take a closer look at it.
After that, select the “Dog Tag” from the inventory and place it in the empty space.
Well, that’s it for now. We will come back to the dog tags, a bit later. For now, tap on the arrow in the upper left corner to go back.
Ok, we are done with the tool shed, for now. Tap on the door to go outside.
If you look closely, you will notice some objects hidden below the porch. So, select the “Rake” from the inventory and use it to pull out this object.
Your character will find a “Bolt Cutters” and it will be added to your inventory.
Previously, you might have noticed a chained cabinet in the toolshed. Well, since we found a “Bolt Cutters” we can easily remove the chain. So, let’s go back into the shed.
Select the “Bolt Cutters” from the inventory and use them to cut the chain on the cabinet (on the right wall).
After that, tap on the cabinet to open it.
Tap on the “Key” and the “Torn Photo” to pick them up.
Select the “Key” from the inventory and use it to unlock the small cabinet, located in the bottom right corner of the room.
In the cabinet, you will find two items, a “Note” and a “Hose”. Tap on them to pick them up.
Ok, we found the bottom half of the photo (with paratroopers), so let’s assemble it. Tap on the photo on the board (where we found a screwdriver) to take a closer look at it.
Select the “Torn Photo” from the inventory and merge it with the other half.
There’s nothing else of interest here, right now, so tap on the arrow in the upper left corner to go back.
Let’s go back, outside.
Just to the right of the hunting cabin, you will notice a faucet and a hose wheel. Tap on them to take a closer look.
Well, we can clearly see that the valve wheel is broken, so let’s replace it with the one in our inventory. First, select the “Screwdriver” from the inventory and use it to remove the broken valve wheel.
Next, select the “Valve Wheel” from the inventory and use it to replace the broke one that we removed.
After that, select the “Screwdriver” from the inventory and use it to tighten the screw on the valve wheel.
Ok, now, select the “Hose” from the inventory and install it on the hose wheel.
Kate will automatically turn on the water, and she will use the hose to extinguish the fire in the nearby stone ire pit.
After extinguishing the fire, tap on the stone fire pit to take a closer look.
Well, it looks like we will need to find a four-digit code in order to interact with the fire pit. Tap on the arrow in the upper left corner to go back.
Let’s go back to the toolshed.
Ok, now let’s examine the list in our inventory by tapping on the magnifying glass.
On the list, we can see Luca’s platoon mates that were killed in action. Kate will add this information to her evidence book “Luca’s Fallen Friends”.
Ok, let’s memorize/ write down the names and the equipment number of Luca’s fallen comrades. There are five of them. Starting from top to bottom we have,
Wilson, B. / 86
Sanchez, A. / 24
Wong, K. / 15
Smith, T. / 101
Davis, M. / 8
When you’re done, tap on the arrow in the upper left corner to go back.
Let’s take another look at the photo on the board.
Ok, in the photo we can see five paratroopers and they have the same equipment numbers on their helmets as the KIA soldiers on the list.
Our next task is to memorize/write down the position of each paratrooper on the photo, and to identify him by matching his equipment number with the name on the list. So starting from top to bottom we have,
First spot – left = equipment number 8. If you take a look at your notes (or the list in your inventory) you will find out the name of the soldier who was issued equipment under number 8. His name was Davis, M.
So, First spot – left = Davis, M.
Second Spot – right = number 24 = Sanchez, A.
Third spot – left = number 15 = Wong, K.
Fourth spot – right = number 101 = Smith, T.
Fifth spot – left = number 86 = Wilson, B.
Write down the position and name of each paratrooper, because we will need this information for the next part of the puzzle.
Once you’re done, tap on the arrow in the upper left corner to go back.
We should now take another look at the dog tags, so tap on the small box.
Ok, we can immediately see that the names on the dog tags match the names of Luca’s fallen comrades. Our next task is to rearrange the dog tags to match the position of the paratroopers in the photo. Well, this will be very easy, since we already wrote down their position in our notes. So, we have
First spot – left = Davis, M.
Second Spot – right = Sanchez, A.
Third spot – left = Wong, K.
Fourth spot – right = Smith, T.
Fifth spot – left = Wilson, B.
Ok, now let’s take a look at the serial numbers on the dog tags. You will instantly notice that on the last dog tag, Wilson, Bernard, somebody deleted the last four numbers. So, if we discover these four numbers, we will have the four-digit code for the stone fire pit.
Also, if you take a closer look at the dog tags, you will notice that all of them have the same first five digits (926-25). So, the last four digits are different, and in the next step, we will focus on them.
Finally, we can begin deciphering the four-digit code. Let’s focus on the first of the last four digits on each dog tag, and look for a pattern.
Here, we have 1/3/1/3. If the pattern would continue, the first number on the fifth dog tag would be 1.
So, the first number = 1.
Next, let’s focus on the second of the last four digits on each dog tag, and look for a pattern.
Here, we have 8/6/4/2. So, we can see that each successive number decreases by 2, which means that the number on the fifth dog tag should be 0.
So, the second number = 0.
Next, let’s focus on the third of the last four digits on each dog tag, and look for a pattern.
Here, we have 9/8/7/6. So, we can see that each successive number decreases by 1, which means that the number on the fifth dog tag should be 5.
So, the third number = 5.
Next, let’s focus on the fourth of the last four digits on each dog tag, and look for a pattern.
Here, we have 0/1/2/3. So, we can see that each successive number increases by 1, which means that the number on the fifth dog tag should be 4.
So, the fourth number = 4.
When we put it all together, we get the code “1054”. Memorize/ write down this code, then tap on the arrow in the upper left corner to go back.
Ok, let’s go back to the stone fire pit. Tap on the door to go outside.
Tap on the stone fire pit to start the interaction.
Enter the code “1054”.
As soon as you enter the correct code, the secret mechanism will slide stone fire pit, and below it, you will find a hatch that leads to some kind of secret underground shelter.
Kate will inform Darius about her discovery, and she will also tell him that she intends to go down and investigate.
Tap on the hatch to open it, then tap again to proceed to the underground shelter.
Ok, let’s search the underground shelter. Tap on the chair to move it aside.
After that, tap on the bottom drawer to open it.
Inside the drawer, you will find the first “Puzzle Piece”. Tap on it to pick it up.
Next, tap on the right-most cabinet door to open it, and inside you will find a “Sledgehammer”.
Tap on the next cabinet door to open it, and you will find another “Puzzle Piece”.
Next, select the “Screwdriver” from the inventory and use it to remove the bolts from the hinges on the left-most cabinet.
After that, tap on the cabinet to move it aside.
Well, after we moved the cabinet, we can see that the wall behind it is covered in cracks, so we should be able to break it. Select the “Sledgehammer” from the inventory and use it to break down the wall.
You will find another victim, which was walled in by Luca in his underground shelter. At this moment, Darius will come down, because he is worried after hearing Kate hammering at the wall. However, as soon as he saw the body on the wall, he immediately recognize it. It was Ellie, his fiancé, and he recognized her because she still wore the engagement ring on her finger. Darius was crushed, and he collapsed to his knees, weeping beside the body of his loved one…
Fortunately, his friend Kate was there to hug him, and comfort him. After several minutes, Darius calmed down. After overcoming the initial shock, he was now more determined than ever to continue the investigation, and catch Luca, the man who killed his loved one.
Kate will add another entry to her evidence book, “Ellie’s body”.
Ok, let’s continue with the investigation. Next, to Ellie’s body, you will see another “Puzzle Piece”. Tap on it to pick it up.
We have collected three Puzzle Pieces, but we will also need the fourth one in order to solve the next puzzle. To get the last puzzle piece we will have to go back to the surface, so tap on the ladder.
Let’s proceed into the toolshed.
If you take a look at the concrete in the toolshed, you will notice several cracks. So, select the “Sledgehammer” from the inventory and use it to smash the concrete.
In the hole, you will find the last “Puzzle Piece”. Tap on it to pick it up.
Let’s get back to the underground shelter. First, tap on the door to go outside.
Next, tap on the hole below the hatch to go down, into the shelter.
Ok, now let’s take a closer look at the puzzle on the wall, above the blue cabinet.
We can see that four pieces are missing, so select “Puzzle Pieces” from the inventory and place them into the empty slots.
Our next task is to assemble the picture, by rotating the pieces of the puzzles. We will do this in several steps. Let’s begin.
Step 1
Tap on the seventh (left to right) button in the fourth (top to bottom) row to rotate the pieces.
Step 2
Tap on the sixth button in the first row to rotate the pieces.
Step 3
Tap on the sixth button in the second row to rotate the pieces.
Step 4
Tap on the sixth button in the third row to rotate the pieces. With that, we almost assembled the yellow car.
Step 5
Tap on the fourth button in the first row to rotate the pieces. With this step, you will assemble the green car.
Step 6
Tap on the fourth button in the second row to rotate the pieces. With this step, you will assemble the yellow car.
Step 7
Tap on the second button in the first row to rotate the pieces.
Step 8
Tap on the first button in the first row to rotate the pieces, and you will assemble the orange car.
Step 9
Tap on the fifth button in the fifth row to rotate the pieces.
Step 10
Tap on the fourth button in the fifth row to rotate the pieces.
Step 11
Tap on the third button in the fifth row to rotate the pieces.
Step 11
Tap on the first button in the fourth row to rotate the pieces, and you will assemble the red car.
Step 12
Finally, tap on the first button in the third row to rotate the pieces, and you will assemble the blue car, completing this puzzle.
Well, we assembled the image of racing cars, but Kate isn’t sure how this could help us.
Ok, let’s look at how close each car is to the finish line. This will be important for the next puzzle.
The Red Car, number 9 is the closest to the finish line
Next, we have the Yellow car, number 2
Next, we have the White car, number 16
Next, we have the Blue car, number 13
Next, we have the Orange car, number 85
Lastly, we have the Green car, number 44
Memorize/write down the order of the cars, their color, and their number. Once you’re done, tap on the arrow in the upper left corner to go back.
Below the puzzle, you will see the blue cabinet. Tap on the left door to open it.
Inside the compartment, you will notice something that looks like Rubik’s cube. Let’s take a closer look at it.
If you pay attention to the numbers and colors on the fields, you will see that some of them match the color and the numbers of the racing cars on the wall puzzle.
So, the first car (closest to the finish line) was the red car number 9, so the red field with the number 9 will be our starting point.
The second was the yellow car number 2. To reach the yellow field with number 2, we will have to go “DOWN”.
So, our first direction is “DOWN”.
Next was white car number 16. To get to the white field with the number 16, we will have to go “LEFT”.
Next was blue car number 13. To get to the blue field with the number 13, we will have to go “UP”.
Next was orange car number 85. To get to the orange field with number 85, we will have to go “RIGHT”.
Next was green car number 44. To get to the green field with number 44, we will have to go “LEFT”.
So, when we put all directions together, we will get,
“DOWN” – “LEFT” – “UP” – “RIGHT” – “LEFT”
Memorize/write down this information. Once you’re done, tap on the arrow in the upper left corner to go back.
Next, tap on the padlock on the green cabinet to take a closer look at it.
Here, we can see four orange arrows, pointing in different directions, and above them, there are four lights, but all of them are currently off.
So, let’s try tapping on the arrows, in the order that we discovered by solving the wall puzzle and Rubik’s cube puzzle, and see what happens.
Tap on the “Down” arrow.
As soon as you press on the “Down Arrow” the first (green) light above the arrows will be turned on.
So, since this seems to be working, let’s continue the pattern that we discovered previously.
Tap on the “LEFT” – “UP” – “RIGHT” – “LEFT” arrow (in this exact order), and you will unlock the padlock.
Tap on the cabinet door to open it, and you will find two items. “Letter Pieces” and “Power Cord”.
If you tap on the monitor (on the wall on the right) you will find out that it is missing a power cord.
So, select the “Power Cord” from the inventory and attach it to the monitor.
Well, the monitor is now on, so let’s take a closer look at it.
On the monitor on the left, we can see the cabin basement. Kate was tied up in this very basement when Luca kidnapped her, so she suspects that he also brought his other victims to the basement and used it as a holding cell. Of course, he used the cameras in the underground shelter to observe his victims, before killing them. At least that’s the theory.
With all that said, Kate will add another entry to her evidence book, “Video Surveillance”. She also concluded that a lot of evidence could be collected by going through the videos on the hard drive, so she should call the experts to review the material, as soon as possible.
Let’s look at the monitor again. This time we will focus on the camera on the right. This camera overlooks the side gate, and if you tap on the “Unlock” button, you will discover that we will need to find a code in order to unlock the gate. So, let’s go back and look for it.
Tap on the board on the floor (next to the board), to examine it.
Here, we can see that some letters on the sign are missing. So, select the “Letter Pieces” from the inventory and add them to the sign.
Ok, our next task is to arrange the letters and form the writing on the sign. Silver letters (the ones that were already present) can’t be moved around.
If you pay attention to the empty spaces, you will also notice several green arrows and some brown shapes below them. So, when we combine the brown blocks/shapes with the specific letter, they should form a rectangle. In other words, the brown shapes should fit into the empty space in the letter.
After the first example, all of this will become much clearer. Let’s take a look at the first green arrow and the shape below it.
We can easily conclude that the letter “L” would fit in perfectly, so let’s drag it below the green arrow.
So, let’s combine the other shapes below the green arrows with appropriate letters/numbers.
Below the second arrow, we should place the letter “H” piece.
Below the third arrow, we should place the letter “Y” piece.
Below the fourth arrow, we should place the letter “E” piece.
Below the fifth arrow, we should place the number “1” piece.
Below the fifth arrow, we should place the number “7” piece.
After that, we could also place the other pieces into the correct position.
Ok, next, we should memorize/write down the combination of letters and numbers below the green arrows, because they represent the code for opening the gate.
So, we have “LHYE17”.
Ok, let’s tap on the monitor to start the interaction. After that, tap on the unlock button on the right screen (gate camera).
Enter the code “LHYE17” and you will unlock the gate.
Naturally, Kate wants to explore the area below the side gate, which we just unlocked, so tap on the ladders to get back to the surface.
As soon as Kate got out of the underground shelter, Luca appeared at the side gate. Somehow, he managed to drive right up to the gate on his ATV without Darius noticing him. Without any delay, Luca fired two shots at Darius. Kate tried to warn him, but she was too late. The first shot missed, but the second one hit Darius in the left shoulder, and he collapsed to the ground.
Tap on Luca to take a shot.
Kate tried to return fire, but Luca quickly drove away, and she missed her shot.
After that, she tried to help Darius, but he insisted that she should leave him behind, and go after Luca, before he gets away, once more. The detective reasoned that the chase is pointless because she won’t be able to catch him on foot. However, at this moment, Darius will throw you the keys. Kate quickly concluded that these are the keys to the dirt bike that we saw in the toolshed earlier.
So, let’s go after Luca. First, tap on the toolshed.
Select the “Keys” from the inventory and use them to start the dirt bike.
Kate was worried about wounded Darius, but he assured her that he will be ok, and told her to go after Luca. With that, Kate gave chase and drove into the forest beyond the side gate.
Here we have another minigame, and it is very similar to the previous minigame that we played during the fight on the bridge (turn-based, Kate had to hide behind the wooden crates and disable Luca’s vehicle). So, during this minigame, we will be able to interact with the objects on the map. Luca is armed, so we will have to avoid getting into his line of sight.
The goal is to disable Luca’s vehicle, and we can (eventually) do this by interacting with the objects on the map. Just like in the previous game, every time you move by one field, Luca will also move. Strangely enough, Luca will chase you around the map, instead of the other way around. Also, for some reason, Kate doesn’t want to use her handgun during the chase, so we will have to find a way to disable Luca’s vehicle.
NOTE: Picking up objects and interacting with them doesn’t count as an action. In other words, Luca won’t get a free move when you interact with the objects.
We will solve this puzzle in several steps. Let’s begin.
Step 1
Go towards the axe in the bottom row (two fields left, two fields down, one field left).
Tap on the axe to pick it up, when you reach it.
Step 2
Let’s go back, toward the tree in the third row (one field right, two fields up, one field left).
Reaching the tree will initiate the conversation between Luca and Kate.
Luca will taunt Kate, in a classic villain manner, saying that the hunter has become the hunted, and now he’s chasing her, not the other way around. Kate realized that her opponent is armed with the automatic rifle, and concluded that she can’t win in an open fight. With that said, she decided to search the area for objects, hoping that she will find something with which she could disable Luca’s bike, and fight him on even terms.
Select the “Axe” from the inventory and use it to cut down the tree in front of you. This will open up a path, and “Logs” will be added to your inventory.
Step 3
Let’s go back to the first row. Proceed toward the left side of the map until you reach the tree in the second row. (one field right, two fields down, six fields left).
After that, select the “Axe” from the inventory and use it to chop down the tree in the second row. “Logs” will be added to your inventory.
Step 4
Next, we will go up and left, until we reach the river. (two fields up, four fields left).
After that, select the “Logs” from the inventory and use them to create an improvised bridge.
Step 5
Go across the bridge and toward the shovel. (two fields up, two fields right).
After that, tap on the “Shovel” to pick it up.
Step 6
Next, we will go right, then all the way and to the right, toward the tree in the first row. (two fields right, four fields up, one field right).
Just like before, select the “Axe” from the inventory and use it to chop down the tree. “Logs” will be added to your inventory.
Step 7
Next, we will go to the right, and slightly down, between the two rocks, and next to the tree on the right. (5 fields right, two fields down).
Just like before, select the “Axe” from the inventory and use it to chop down the tree. “Logs” will be added to your inventory.
Step 8
Next, we will go one field to the right.
Select the “Logs” from the inventory and use them to create an improvised bridge.
Step 9
Move one field to the right, and step on the bridge.
After that, select the “Shovel” from the inventory and use it to dig on the field marked with the “X” sign.
You will find a “Key”, and it will be added to your inventory.
Step 10
Now, we will have to find a way to avoid Luca, since he almost caught up to us. Move one field up.
After that, move one field down.
Step 11
Now, go two fields up.
After that, move nine fields to the left.
Step 12
Step 13
Ok, now we will go two fields down, and two fields to the left in order to reach the chest.
Select the “Key” from the inventory and use it to unlock the chest, and you will find a “Tripwire”.
Now, we have to find a way to set a trap for Luca. In order for the trap to work, it can’t be placed out in the open. So, the only way to hide the trap is to set it in the field just after the jump ramp.
Step 14
Next, move toward the jump board, and go over it. After that, move one field to the right.
Select the “Tripwire” from the inventory and place it down.
Step 15
Step 16
Well, we have set the trap, so let’s move one field to the right, and then go up.
Luca will fall straight into your trap, and you will disable his vehicle.
After Luca crashed his bike, Kate went after him. She took another shot, but this one also missed. Well, she ordered him to surrender himself, but I doubt Luca will oblige. I think we will have to fight him, one more time.
Ok, this part is also similar to the bridge firefight that we played earlier. In the top left, you can see Luca’s health bar, and it seems that we will have to hit him six times in order to kill him. Well, Luca is one really tough guy.
In the bottom left, we can see Kate’s health bar, and it’s much smaller. I think Kate would go down in three hits.
Take a look to the left, and you will see Luca hiding behind the tree. Just like before, when you have Luca in your sights, tap on the red dot, and Kate will hold her breath to steady her aim. Tap again to fire once your aim is within the borders of the blue circle and your aiming circle will turn green.
NOTE: If you miss, you will lose one-third of your health bar.
Well, after the first hit, you just have to repeat the same process five more times.
Next, Luca will move further to the left and take cover behind the tree. So, let’s shoot him for the second time.
Next, Luca will take cover behind the tree on the right. This time, he will be a bit further away.
Next, Luce will move further to the right, taking cover behind another tree.
Next, Luca will move to the left, behind yet another tree.
Ok, last shot. Luca will move a bit to the right. Take a shot and bring him down.
In the next scene, we can see Luca severely wounded, and Kate is above him ready to end his life if he makes any sudden moves.
At the side gate, we can see Darius. Nick and the other police officers finally arrived, and Darius instructs them to go after Kate and Luca.
Finally, we can see Luca, back on his feet, but riddled with bullets. Even though he tried his best, he couldn’t beat Kate in a firefight, and now, with the handcuffs on his hands, he is being taken to the local jail. Considering the heaps of evidence that we already gathered against him, I am pretty sure that Luca will spend the rest of his life in jail.
Darius was shot, so in the next scene, we can see him lying in the hospital bed while talking to Kate. Fortunately, it looks like his injury wasn’t serious, and he should fully recover in no time.
Also, Kate will receive another phone call from her friend Murphy, who will excitedly say that he just saw the news about Kate arresting the serial killer. Naturally, he is calling to congratulate her.
In the following scenes, the conversation between Kate and Murphy continues. After asking about Darius’ health, Murphy said that he doesn’t want to stand between him and Kate. However, Kate explained to him that there was nothing between her and Darius. She also explained that Darius needed her help with the case because his fiancée was one of the missing women, and he was hoping that Kate might be able to help him find her. Well, they solved the case but, unfortunately, they also found Ellie’s body. She was dead for some time, buried inside the wall of the underground shelter.
But, Kate wants to put all these dark thoughts behind her. So, she asked if Murphy is still interested in visiting the new sushi restaurant. He happily agreed.
With Luca behind bars, Darius recovering in a hospital, and Kate on her way back home, we have come to the end of this story.
Thank you for reading.