The Abandoned Planet | Act 5 – The Exodus


Welcome to our walkthrough for Act 5 of the “Abandoned Planet” from Snapbreak (publishers) and Dexter Team Games (developers). In the previous part, our protagonist managed to leave the obelisk, but she found herself in a strange underwater facility. This is her last time to escape this planet.


the abandoned planet 1 act 5

When you arrive at the new location underwater, go right.

the abandoned planet 2 act 5

Go through the tunnel.

the abandoned planet 3 act 5
  1. While in a tunnel, you can pick a spec of dust. You will earn a special achievement for that.
  2. Continue forward.
the abandoned planet 4 act 5

After you pass the tunnel, approach the center of the room.

the abandoned planet 5 act 5

Touch the triangle on the ground. The pedestal will appear.

the abandoned planet 6 act 5

Approach the pedestal.

the abandoned planet 7 act 5

You need to rotate the 3 shapes into the correct positions. The correct positions are shown in the picture above. You will have 2 more puzzles of this type, with more complex objects.

the abandoned planet 8 act 5
the abandoned planet 9 act 5
the abandoned planet 10 act 5
the abandoned planet 11 act 5

Once you complete all 3 puzzles, you will be transported to deep underground.

the abandoned planet 12 act 5

Continue forward.

the abandoned planet 13 act 5
  1. Approach the cabinet. You can open it by pressing the button in the middle. You will see controls for activating the portal, but first, you need to find a clue.
  2. Continue forward and ignore the door.
the abandoned planet 14 act 5

At the end of the path, you will see an inactive portal. And something more interesting…

the abandoned planet 15 act 5

You are at the edge of a destroyed planet!

the abandoned planet 16 act 5

Pick the T-shaped gadget.

the abandoned planet 17 act 5

Return to the pathway and approach the door you passed previously.

the abandoned planet 18 act 5

Use the T-shaped gadget on the keyhole to unlock the door and proceed.

the abandoned planet 19 act 5

While walking downstairs, you will see symbols of alien numerals on the ground. Remember them.

the abandoned planet 20 act 5

Go back upstairs and return to the cabinet.

the abandoned planet 21 act 5

Activate the switches following the clue you just saw.

the abandoned planet 22 act 5

You will activate the portal but you can’t use it. It will teleport only aliens.

the abandoned planet 23 act 5

Return to the door you recently unlocked and go all the way downstairs, until you reach the capsule on launch pad. Activate the switch on the right. This will unlock the controls on the left side.

the abandoned planet 24 act 5

The controls will have one control board in the middle and two switches on both sides. Pull both switches to open the door of the capsule. Next, focus on the control board.

the abandoned planet 25 act 5

The last puzzle of the game is the test of your knowledge of alien numerals. You’ve seen these numerals many times during the game before. Here, you can see them on the top row and the left column. The “+” sign is 0, the “-” sign is 1, the “=” sign is 2 and so on. The range of the numerals on this board is from 0 to 7. You need to move the switches in a way that the sum of the switches in the same column is 7. The value of a switch is determined by the left column, beside which numeral the switch is standing.

For example, in the first column, you need to place 2 switches on that column. The first switch is at position 1 (the sign “-“), and the second switch is at position 6 (don’t forget that the first row is meant for position 0). 1+6=7 so the first column is solved.

  1. On the top, you can see the indicators if a certain column has too low sum, too high, or exactly 7. Indicators will have a grey color for too low sum, a red color for too high sum, and a green color when the sum is 7.
  2. The upper scroll button is useful to change the active column.
  3. The lower scroll button is where you will move the switches inside the currently active column.
the abandoned planet 26 act 5

When you solve the previous puzzle, the space pad will activate. Enter the pad.

the abandoned planet 27 act 5

Press the button and our protagonist will be launched into outer space.

the abandoned planet 28 act 5

Meanwhile, our alien friend is in the room where the doll is and he picked it up. If you remember locations from Act 4, you can skip this part of the guide and go to the part about the Act 5 locations.

Exit the room.

the abandoned planet 29 act 5

Go back all the way until you are inside the elevator.

the abandoned planet 30 act 5

Approach the elevator’s controls.

the abandoned planet 31 act 5

Select the floor described in the picture above. To select, just click on the 6th line (line above the last line) and the switch will move there. Activate the upper switch to activate the elevator.

the abandoned planet 32 act 5

Go inside the railcar.

the abandoned planet 33 act 5

Approach the front seat and activate the switch to start the railcar.

the abandoned planet 34 act 5

You will arrive at the same area where our human protagonist was before. When you pass the tunnel and reach the triangle on the ground (where the shape puzzles used to be), open the inventory and place the alien’s stuff in the hole, in the middle of the triangle. The alien will go underground, the same one where the human went.

the abandoned planet 35 act 5

Go forward and reach the portal that you activated before. Activate the portal.

the abandoned planet 36 act 5

The alien will be transported to a forest. Click on the right side of the screen to walk the alien toward the right. Click on the building in the distance.

This will conclude Act 5 and you have finished the game! Watch the cutscenes to find out what shocking discoveries the alien and our human protagonist discovered!

Thank you for reading!