The Abandoned Planet | Act 1 – The Crash


Welcome to our walkthrough for Act 1 of the “Abandoned Planet” from Snapbreak (publishers) and Dexter Team Games (developers). Our protagonist enters a mysterious wormhole that leads her to an unknown planet. Her ship crashed entering the planet and now she must explore this strange world.


First, to exit your spaceship, you would need to press the button behind the glass to eject the airlock door. You first need to find something to break the glass.

the abandoned planet 1 act 1

Use the arrows in the bottom-right corner to navigate your character. Leave the cockpit

the abandoned planet 2 act 1

Take the broken pipe and return to the cockpit.

the abandoned planet 3 act 1

Use the broken pipe to break the glass, then press the red button to eject the door.

the abandoned planet 4 act 1

Leave the cockpit and exit your spaceship.

the abandoned planet 5 act 1

Open the compartment at the side of the spaceship and take the hatchet.

the abandoned planet 6 act 1

Return to your spaceship, break the box with your hatchet, and pick the powered handgrip.

the abandoned planet 7 act 1

Exit the spaceship and take the ultrasonic dish.

the abandoned planet 8 act 1

Open your inventory and combine the powered handgrip with the ultrasonic dish to create a sonic emitter. Later, you will use this item to scare off one alien wild animal.

the abandoned planet 9 act 1

If you click on your character’s portrait, you can see suggestions for places to inspect, either for important items and clues or for some optional information. This guide will not cover all locations where your character will comment on.

the abandoned planet 10 act 1

Go towards the forest, either by selecting the up arrow in the bottom-right corner or by clicking on the forest path.

the abandoned planet 11 act 1

Continue through the forest.

the abandoned planet 12 act 1
  1. After the cutscene, you will encounter a strange fountain. Use your hatchet to cut the bamboo and pick it up. The bamboo receptacle will be added to your inventory. You will need it later to pick up some water.
  2. Go right.
the abandoned planet 13 act 1
  1. Pick the first ring under the bush. You will need to collect 5 rings to unlock one area later.
  2. Press the button on the pedestal to unlock the gate.
  3. Go through the gate.
the abandoned planet 14 act 1

Turn left.

the abandoned planet 15 act 1

Cut the bushes with your hatchet and descend into the hole.

the abandoned planet 16 act 1

Elevate one of the lily pads so you can cross the lake later. For now, return to the surface.

the abandoned planet 17 act 1

Return to the pedestal area and go right.

the abandoned planet 18 act 1

Pick the rope. You will need it to descend underground later. Next, you need to solve the puzzle of the monument on the right, but first, you need to find and remember a few clues.

the abandoned planet 19 act 1

Go back to where you unlocked the gate and check the symbol on the wall.

the abandoned planet 20 act 1

The next symbol is on the fountain.

the abandoned planet 21 act 1

Return to the statue, near the tree where the rope was.

the abandoned planet 22 act 1

Rotate the first segment to get the symbol that was on the wall. The second segment should be the symbol you saw on the fountain. For the third segment, rotate until you get the correct one and the statue will react.

the abandoned planet 23 act 1

The statue will reveal one ruby belonging to the fountain you encountered before. Use the hatchet to pry out the ruby and take it.

the abandoned planet 24 act 1

Go right.

the abandoned planet 25 act 1

Pick the shaped block.

the abandoned planet 26 act 1

Go to the fountain and place the ruby inside the empty slot. This will unlock two buttons in the area where you just found the shaped block. Return there.

the abandoned planet 27 act 1

Press the right and then the left button.

the abandoned planet 28 act 1

Place the shaped block inside the designated slot. You need to rotate the block into the correct position first.

Once you complete this, the opening will be sealed by the circular lid. On that lid, you will see 7 circles. Pay attention to the order in which they start glowing.

the abandoned planet 29 act 1

Go to the area shown in the picture above and approach the central circle.

the abandoned planet 30 act 1

Press the buttons in the same order as the order of glowing circles in the previous section. The order in which you need to press buttons is shown in the picture above.

the abandoned planet 31 act 1
  1. Once you unlock the passage to the sewers, tie the rope to the tree.
  2. Go inside the sewers.
the abandoned planet 32 act 1

Go left.

the abandoned planet 33 act 1

Go forward toward the skeleton.

the abandoned planet 34 act 1

From the skeleton, turn right.

the abandoned planet 35 act 1

Collect the 2nd ring.

the abandoned planet 36 act 1
  1. Scan the water with the fusion scanner. Your character will analyze the water and she will mention that it’s the less toxic form of sulfuric acid. You can use this acid to get the ring from the skeleton’s eyesocket.
  2. Pick the acidic water with your bamboo receptacle.
  3. Go right.
the abandoned planet 37 act 1

Approach the table.

the abandoned planet 38 act 1

Pick up the 3rd ring.

the abandoned planet 39 act 1

Scan the plants with the fusion scanner. Pick up the glowing plants. You will use it soon.

the abandoned planet 40 act 1

Approach the skeleton. Use the filled receptacle to remove the calcified material, then take the 4th ring.

the abandoned planet 41 act 1

Go left from the skeleton to reach the area with lily pads. Walk on lily pads to go to the staircases.

the abandoned planet 42 act 1

Pick the last ring.

the abandoned planet 43 act 1

Go to the area near the skeleton and use the glowing plants on the stone slab. The stone slab will have many rectangular holes. Notice which one of them is glowing. It is a clue for the next puzzle.

the abandoned planet 44 act 1

Go to the table where the glowing plants are. Place all the rings in the same positions as the positions of the glowing holes from the stone slabs. The solution is in the picture above. When you solve this puzzle, the staircases you visited earlier will be connected.

the abandoned planet 45 act 1

Go to the staircases and exit the sewers.

the abandoned planet 46 act 1

Continue to the path forward.

the abandoned planet 47 act 1

Use your hatchet to dig out the block, then go forward.

the abandoned planet 48 act 1
  1. Pick the shaped block. You will need it for a similar puzzle to the previous shaped block.
  2. Go forward.
the abandoned planet 49 act 1

To cross the river, press the buttons in the following order:

  1. Middle
  2. Right
  3. Left
  4. Middle

Cross the river.

the abandoned planet 50 act 1

From the pedestal area, go right.

the abandoned planet 51 act 1
  1. Use the sonic emitter to scare away the alien animal.
  2. Place the missing block you found recently.
the abandoned planet 51b act 1

Press the blocks in the order you see in the picture above. This will unlock the pedestal in the area you just passed by. Return there.

the abandoned planet 52 act 1

Place the shaped block inside the slot. Like before, you need to rotate the block into the correct position first. The opening will be sealed by the circular lid. On that lid, you will see 7 circles. Pay attention to the order in which they start glowing.

the abandoned planet 53 act 1

Return to the area with blocks and go forward, toward the city wall.

the abandoned planet 54 act 1

Press the buttons in the same order as the glowing circles in the previous section. The order in which you must press buttons is shown in the picture above.

Our protagonist enters the abandoned alien city. What happened to its population? What is the history of this place? She wonders while an alien watches her from the shadows.

Thank you for reading!