Nobodies After Death 08-10

Hello everyone and welcome to our walkthrough for “Nobodies After Death”. In this game, you will be a “cleaner”, whose main task is to cover up the murder(s), by removing all evidence of any mischief. The main part of this task is to dispose of the body, and this can be achieved in various ways, as you will quickly discover.

In this walkthrough, we will cover missions 08 through 10.



In this mission, our target is Lorenzo Russo, a prominent Italian chemist who just received a large payment from Terra Nova. Lorenzo is throwing a New Year party at his mansion in Milan, and one of our agents will eliminate him before midnight. As before, our job is to get rid of the body without alerting the guests.

001 nobodies after death 08 10 17 11zon

Above the door on the right you will notice a “Mistletoe”. Tap on it to pick it up, because we will need it further down the road. After that, tap on the stairs on the right to go to the second floor.

002 nobodies after death 08 10 18 11zon

Tap on the “Framed diploma” located next to the door on the right, to pick it up. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to go downstairs.

003 nobodies after death 08 10 19 11zon

Let’s explore the house. Tap on the door on the right to go to the next room.

004 nobodies after death 08 10 20 11zon

We are now in the basement, and here we can find and pick up several items.

First, tap on the “Gas mask” that is located on top of the dirty laundry on the left, to pick it up.

Second, tap on the “Ball of Yarn” on the shelf on the right to pick it up.

Third, tap on the “Knitting needle” located on the shelf below the “Ball of yarn” to pick it up.

Once you’re done, tap on the stairs to go back to the first floor (we will return to the basement a bit later).

005 nobodies after death 08 10 21 11zon

Let’s go back to the second floor. Tap on the stairs on the right.

006 nobodies after death 08 10 22 11zon

Tap on the suitcase icon to open the inventory. Drag the “Ball of yarn” and combine it with the “Mistletoe”. You will create “Mistletoe with yarn”.

007 nobodies after death 08 10 23 11zon

Ok, we will now hang the “Mistletoe with yarn” and that will cause two people that are parting below to start kissing. Naturally, this will distract them, enabling us to explore the house without worrying that they will see us.

So, select “Mistletoe with yarn” from the inventory and tap on the wooden pillar on the left. 

Once you’re done, tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to go downstairs.

008 nobodies after death 08 10 24 11zon

Tap on the double door in front of you to proceed to the next room.

009 nobodies after death 08 10 25 11zon

Here, we can see a cook and he is making a cake. Let’s see what we can find out by talking to the cook. Tap on him to initiate the conversation.

We will go through all dialog options.

“That cake looks amazing”.

Unfortunately, the cook won’t let us try the cake, but we did discover that he used liquid nitrogen to cool the cake.

“Seems like a pretty small party.”

Well, Russo doesn’t like big parties. Not very useful information, let’s try the last option.

“Working on New Year’s, huh? Rough.”

He doesn’t mind because he is getting paid very handsomely.

010 nobodies after death 08 10 26 11zon

You will notice a small item on the table, just to the left of the cake. Tap on it to pick it up and “Can opener” will be added to your inventory.

After that, tap on the double door on the left to go back to the hallway.

011 nobodies after death 08 10 27 11zon

Tap on the stairs on the right to go to the second floor.

012 nobodies after death 08 10 28 11zon

Tap on the suitcase icon to open the inventory and use the “Can Opener” on “Framed Diploma”.

Your character will disassemble the framed diploma into an “Empty frame” and “Diploma”.

013 nobodies after death 08 10 29 11zon

Next, select the “Diploma” from the inventory and put it below the door.

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Select the “Knitting needle” from the inventory and tap on the doorknob to push out the key.

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The key will fall on the diploma on the other side of the door. So, tap on the diploma to pick it up, and our character will also pick up the key.

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Ok, let’s see what’s behind the locked door. Select the “Key” from the inventory and tap on the door to unlock it. Tap on the door again to proceed into the next room.

017 nobodies after death 08 10 33 11zon

Well, we found the body. If you take a closer look at the bowl on the table, you will notice a key. Tap on the key to pick it up. After that, tap on the door to go back. We will return to this room a bit later – when we find a way to “neutralize” the guests and the cook, and when we figure out a way to dispose of the body.

018 nobodies after death 08 10 34 11zon

Let’s go downstairs. Tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen.

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Tap on the double door to go to the kitchen. 

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Tap on the door in the back of the room to go to the backyard.

021 nobodies after death 08 10 37 11zon

Here, we can pick up two items. First, tap on the “Shovel” to pick it up. After that, tap on the pile of wood next to the shed, and the “Log” will be added to your inventory.

022 nobodies after death 08 10 38 11zon

Next, select the “Key” (which we found next to the dead body) from the inventory and use it to unlock the padlock on the shed.

023 nobodies after death 08 10 39 11zon

On the shelf on the left, you will notice a small white bottle. Tap on it to pick it up and “Chloroform” will be added to your inventory.

After that, tap on the door on the right to go back to the kitchen.

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Tap on the door on the left to go to the hallway.

025 nobodies after death 08 10 41 11zon

Next, tap on the hallway on the left to proceed to the next room.

026 nobodies after death 08 10 42 11zon

Well, we found the party. In the background, you can see a DJ making out with a girl. This happened because the girl was below a mistletoe when we hung it.

The DJ plans to turn on the fog machine at midnight – you will find this out if you talk to DJ before you hang the mistletoe. So, we will place the chloroform inside the fog machine and that should put everyone to sleep.

The DJ is currently distracted, so select the “Chloroform” from the inventory and insert it into the fog machine.

027 nobodies after death 08 10 43 11zon

Before we leave, tap on the “Matches” on the left to pick them up. With that done, tap on the arrow on the right to go back to the hallway.

028 nobodies after death 08 10 44 11zon

Let’s go to the basement. Tap on the door on the right.

029 nobodies after death 08 10 45 11zon

Tap on the suitcase icon to open the inventory and select “Log”. Tap on the furnace to put the log inside.

030 nobodies after death 08 10 46 11zon

Next, select the “Matches” from the inventory and use them to start the fire in the furnace.

031 nobodies after death 08 10 47 11zon

Tap on the furnace to start the interaction. We will use the valves on the furnaces to blow in the hot air into the several rooms in the house, and the rise in temperature will melt down the cake.

Tap on the first, second, and fourth valves. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to go back. 

032 nobodies after death 08 10 48 11zon

Let’s go upstairs and see the results of our actions. Tap on the stairs on the right.

033 nobodies after death 08 10 49 11zon

Tap on the double door to go to the kitchen.

034 nobodies after death 08 10 50 11zon

The cook is very sad because his cake melted, just as we anticipated. He will say that he has to go and look for a replacement cake. He will leave, and this solves one of our problems. Now, we just have to neutralize the guests, and we can freely get rid of the body, without fear that somebody will see us.

The cook has left, so tap on the “Cake server” to pick it up. After that, tap on the door to go back to the hallway.

035 nobodies after death 08 10 51 11zon

You will notice a large clock on the right side. Tap on the clock to take a closer look at it.

036 nobodies after death 08 10 52 11zon

Select the “Cake server” from the inventory and use it to open the clock.

037 nobodies after death 08 10 53 11zon

Tap on the clock hands and set them to 12 o’clock. The DJ said that he will activate the fog machine at midnight, and this will release the chloroform which we put into the machine. If everything goes according to plan, the guest should be asleep when we get back to the party room.

038 nobodies after death 08 10 54 11zon

Tap on the hallway on the left to go to the party room. (Our character has a gas mask in his inventory, so we don’t have to worry about the chloroform).

039 nobodies after death 08 10 55 11zon

Yeah, all guests are asleep. Now, let’s go back to the office and pick up the body. Tap on the arrow on the right to go back.

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Tap on the stairs to go to the second floor.

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Tap on the door on the right to go to the office.

042 nobodies after death 08 10 58 11zon

Tap on the “Dead body” to pick it up, then tap on the door on the right to go back.

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We will use the garbage disposal in the kitchen to get rid of the body. Tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to go downstairs.

044 nobodies after death 08 10 60 11zon

Tap on the double door to go to the kitchen.

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Select the “Dead body” from your inventory, then tap on the container on the right to freeze it. “Frozen dead body” will be added to your inventory.

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Ok, since the body is now frozen, we can easily break it down into smaller chunks. Tap on the suitcase icon to open the inventory and use the “Shovel” on the “Frozen dead body” – our character will break the body with the shovel, and “Dead body chunks” will be added to your inventory.

047 nobodies after death 08 10 63 11zon

Lastly, select the “Dead body chunks” from the inventory and put them into the garbage disposal. Luckily, this is a very powerful garbage disposal, and it will quickly consume the body.

Ok, that solves our problem. Now, we just have to return everything back where we found it before the guests wake up.

048 nobodies after death 08 10 64 11zon

Tap on the door in the back to go outside.

049 nobodies after death 08 10 65 11zon

Select the “Chloroform” from the inventory and place it on the shelf on the right.

050 nobodies after death 08 10 66 11zon

Select the “Key” from the inventory (small, blue key) and use it to lock the shed.

051 nobodies after death 08 10 67 11zon

Next, select the “Shovel” from the inventory and put it down on the grass.

After that, tap on the door to go back inside the house.

052 nobodies after death 08 10 68 11zon

Select the “Cake server” from the inventory and put it to the right of the cake.

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Next, select the “Can opener” from the inventory and place it just to the left of the cake.

After that, tap on the door on the right to go back to the hallway.

054 nobodies after death 08 10 70 11zon

Tap on the clock to take a closer look at it, and tap again to close the clock.

Once you’re done, tap on the stairs to go to the second floor.

055 nobodies after death 08 10 71 11zon

Tap on the door on the right to go to the office.

056 nobodies after death 08 10 72 11zon

Select the key from the inventory (small, blue one) and place it into the bowl on the table.

After that, tap on the door on the right to go back to the hallway.

057 nobodies after death 08 10 73 11zon

Tap on the suitcase icon to open the inventory and combine the “Empty frame” and the “Diploma” into a “Framed diploma”.

058 nobodies after death 08 10 74 11zon

Select the “Framed diploma” from the inventory and hang it on the wall on the right, next to the office door.

059 nobodies after death 08 10 75 11zon

Next, select the “Key” from the inventory (the large, gold key) and use it to lock the office door.

060 nobodies after death 08 10 76 11zon

Select the “Key” again then tap below the door to slide the key into the office.

Once you’re done, tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to go back.

061 nobodies after death 08 10 77 11zon

Next, tap on the door on the right to go to the basement.

062 nobodies after death 08 10 78 11zon

Here, we have to return three items.

First, select the “Gas mask” from the inventory and put it in the laundry basket.

063 nobodies after death 08 10 79 11zon

Next, select the “Ball of yarn” and place it on the middle shelf on the right.

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Lastly, select the “Knitting needles” and put them on the bottom shelf on the right.

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Before we leave, tap on the furnace to turn it off.

After that, tap on the stairs to go to the first floor.

066 nobodies after death 08 10 82 11zon

Ok, the only thing left to do is to return the matches. So, tap on the hallway on the left to go to the party room.

067 nobodies after death 08 10 83 11zon

Select the “Matches” from the inventory and put them on the table on the left.

068 nobodies after death 08 10 84 11zon

Oops. There is one thing that I forgot to do. We didn’t return the mistletoe. Let’s do that now. To pick up the mistletoe, we will have to climb to the second floor. Tap on the arrow on the right to go back to the hallway.

069 nobodies after death 08 10 85 11zon

Tap on the stairs on the right to go to the second floor.

070 nobodies after death 08 10 86 11zon

Tap on the red string on the left to pick up the mistletoe. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to go back.

071 nobodies after death 08 10 87 11zon

Select the “Mistletoe” from the inventory and hang it above the door on the right.

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Ok, now we’re done. Tap on the last icon in the upper left corner to finish the mission.

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Our employer is happy with our results, although he thinks that we solved this job in a gruesome manner, so he’ll omit a few details from the report.

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We slowed down Terra Nova’s progress, but now our organization aims to completely shut down its operations. To achieve this, they plan to assassinate Leland Prince who is organizing their supply chain. This time around, the agency doesn’t want you to just hide the body. Instead, they want to make a public display, so your task is to make Leland’s death look like an accident. Preferably, this “accident” should happen in some public place and be as gruesome as possible.

075 nobodies after death 08 10 91 11zon

Ok, we’re in Leland’s home, and obviously, our assassin has already done his thing, because we can see the dead body on the floor.

We can pick up four items in this room.

First, you will notice a pair of “Tickets” on the table. Tap on them to pick them up.

Second, on a small table, between the two windows, you will notice a plastic bottle. Tap on it to pick it up and “Laxative” will be added to your inventory.

Third, tap on the “Hanger” locate in the closet on the left to pick it up.

Lastly, tap on the “String” located in the upper part of the closet to pick it up.

NOTE: There is also a wrench in the closet drawer, but we will later come back to pick it up because soon we will go to the building with the metal detector, so we wouldn’t be able to bring the wrench with us.

076 nobodies after death 08 10 92 11zon

Ok, that’s it, for now. Tap on the front door to go outside.

077 nobodies after death 08 10 93 11zon

If you tap on the car you will see that it is locked. So, select the “Hanger” from the inventory and tap on the driver’s door to unlock the car. After that, tap on the trunk to open it.

078 nobodies after death 08 10 94 11zon

In the trunk, you will find a “Wheelchair”. Tap on it to pick it up, and close the trunk.

079 nobodies after death 08 10 95 11zon

Let’s see what’s down the street. Tap on the arrow on the left to proceed to the next area.

080 nobodies after death 08 10 96 11zon

Tap on the phone booth on the left to take a closer look at it, and you will notice bubble gum. Tap on the “Bubble gum” to pick it up.

081 nobodies after death 08 10 97 11zon

Let’s go into the large building and see what we can find out. Tap on the front door.

082 nobodies after death 08 10 98 11zon

Tap on the security guard to start the conversation and he will inform you that you are in the Sky Tower. Let’s go through all the dialog options.

“How’s the view at the top?”

The guard was never at the top of the building, because he has a fear of heights.

“Don’t you get tired of standing still all day?”

He does, but he is not allowed to sit down.

“Why isn’t there a walk-through metal detector?”

The guard will get offended because that would mean that machine would replace him, and he would lose his job.

083 nobodies after death 08 10 99 11zon

If you tap on the guard he will request that you show him the ticket. So, tap on the suitcase icon to open the inventory and select “Tickets”. After that, tap on the guard to initiate the conversation.

084 nobodies after death 08 10 100 11zon

Tap on the elevator door to proceed. Before that the guard will check you for metals, but we don’t have anything on us at the moment, so he will let us through. (If you picked up the “Wrench” earlier, just return it back to the drawer, and come back to the guard).

085 nobodies after death 08 10 101 11zon

Tap on the “Observation” button to go to the last floor. Also, take note of the restricted area numpad on the right, we will come back to it later.

086 nobodies after death 08 10 102 11zon

We are now at the top of the building. Looks like the man in front of us is in charge of bungee jumping. Tap on him to start the interaction.

Let’s go through all the dialog options.

“How much to jump?”

The price is included in the ticket.

“Is this thing safe?”

It is, they never had an accident. Well, I guess that’s about to change.

“Pretty quiet up here.”

Most tourists come on Saturdays.

087 nobodies after death 08 10 103 11zon

Next, tap on the machine on the right to take a closer look at it. Select the “Gum” from the inventory and insert it into the coin hole.

088 nobodies after death 08 10 104 11zon

Tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to go back to the elevator. After that, go to the lobby. 

089 nobodies after death 08 10 105 11zon

Tap on the “Water bottle” to pick it up. After that, go back to the elevator and go to the top floor.

090 nobodies after death 08 10 106 11zon

Ok, now we are going to neutralize the bungee jump worker. Tap on the suitcase icon to open the inventory and put the “Laxative” into the “Water bottle”. You will create “Doctored water”.

091 nobodies after death 08 10 107 11zon

Next, select “Doctored water” from the inventory and use it to replace the water bottle in the fridge on the left.

092 nobodies after death 08 10 108 11zon

Well, the poor man will have a very bad time once he drinks this water. Tap on the machine on the right to take a closer look at it, then tap on the coin slot. “Coin” will be added to your inventory.

Well, our character realized that he is constantly broke and has to look for cash while he is on the mission. Previously, I mentioned that he should ask for a raise, considering the job that he is doing for the agency.

093 nobodies after death 08 10 109 11zon

Ok, the worker is gone. He probably ran into the bathroom as soon as he tasted the water. Tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to go to the elevator.

094 nobodies after death 08 10 110 11zon

Tap on the note in the upper right corner to take a closer look at it. You will notice the name “Keyton Douglas” and the phone number “395-2438”. Memorize/write down the name and the number, because we will need it in order to complete this mission.

Once you’re done, tap on the “Lobby” button.

095 nobodies after death 08 10 111 11zon

Tap on the safe box number 14 to open it and inside you will find “Sunglasses”. Take them, because we will need them later.

After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to go outside.

096 nobodies after death 08 10 112 11zon

Tap on the phone booth to take a closer look at it. After that, select the “Coin” from the inventory and insert it into the coin slot.

Enter the number “395-2438”.

097 nobodies after death 08 10 113 11zon

The woman from the agency needs to know your name before she can give you the access code for the maintenance room. Answer “Keyton Douglas”.

098 nobodies after death 08 10 114 11zon

She will give you the code “9364”. Memorize/write down this code.

099 nobodies after death 08 10 115 11zon

Before we go back into the building, let’s quickly go back to the apartment. Tap on the right side of the screen.

100 nobodies after death 08 10 116 11zon

Tap on the front door to go inside.

101 nobodies after death 08 10 117 11zon

Tap on the drawer on the left to open it, then tap on the “Wrench” to pick it up.

Once you’re done, tap on the front door to go back, outside.

102 nobodies after death 08 10 118 11zon

Tap on the arrow on the left to go to the Sky Tower.

103 nobodies after death 08 10 119 11zon

Ok, we will use the balloons to get the “Wrench” to the top of the building. Select the “Wrench” from the inventory and tie it to the balloons.

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Next, select the “String” from the inventory and tie it to the balloons.

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Lastly, tap on the balloons to let them slide up.

Ok, that’s it. Tap on the front door to go into the lobby.

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Tap on the elevator.

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Tap on the green button (Maintenance).

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Enter the code “9364”.

109 nobodies after death 08 10 125 11zon

Tap on the uniform to pick it up. We want to be disguised as maintenance worker while we mess around with the bungee jump machine. That way, we won’t raise any suspicion if somebody sees us from the street below.

Once you have the uniform, tap on the ladders to go to the top of the building.

110 nobodies after death 08 10 126 11zon

Ok, we can see that our previous plan worked, and the “Wrench” tied to the balloons is now near the top of the building. Tap on the “Wrench” to pick it up.

111 nobodies after death 08 10 127 11zon

Next, select the “Wrench” from the inventory and use it to sabotage the bungee jump machine.

112 nobodies after death 08 10 128 11zon

We will have to return everything back where we found it before the end of the mission, so select the “Wrench” again and tie it back to the balloons – since we no longer need it.

After that, tap on the maintenance hatch.

113 nobodies after death 08 10 129 11zon

Select the “Uniform” from the inventory and return it back where you found it since we no longer need it. After that, tap on the elevator on the right and go back to the lobby. 

114 nobodies after death 08 10 130 11zon

Ok, let’s go back to the apartment and pick up the body. We will transport it in the wheelchair, and “mask” it with sunglasses. After that, we will use the elevator to go to the top of the building, and there we will push the body over the edge, making it look like an accident. Yeah, this plan is very risky, to put it mildly, since we have to drive the dead body in the wheelchair without him suspecting anything. But, our employer wanted this death to look like an accident in a public space, so that’s what we are going to do.

Tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to go back to the street.

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Tap on the arrow on the right.

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Tap on the front door to go into the apartment.

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Tap on the “Dead body” to pick it up.

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Next, select the “Dead body” in your inventory and put it in the wheelchair.

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Next, put the “Sunglasses” on a “Wheelchair with the body”. You will get a “Disguised dead body”.

120 nobodies after death 08 10 136 11zon

Next, let’s go back to the Sky Tower, and put our plan into motion. Tap on the front door to go outside. After that, tap on the arrow on the left to go to the Sky Tower. Lastly, tap on the front door to get into the lobby.

121 nobodies after death 08 10 137 11zon

Tap on the elevator. The security guard will stop you and ask who’s in the wheelchair, but our character will quickly reply that’s his uncle Bernie. Next, the guard will ask if the uncle also has the ticket, and our character will say yes – we really have two tickets. With that, the guard will let you through. 

Well, this went very smoothly. Much better than what I expected.

122 nobodies after death 08 10 138 11zon

Let’s disguise ourselves as maintenance worker while we do the dirty work. Tap on the “Maintenance” button.

123 nobodies after death 08 10 139 11zon

Tap on the “Uniform” to pick it up, then go back into the elevator.

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Go to the last floor.

125 nobodies after death 08 10 141 11zon

Select the “Disguised body” from the inventory and hang it on a bungee jump.

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That’s it. Tap on the body to push it over the edge, and create a fake accident which our employer asked for.

127 nobodies after death 08 10 143 11zon

We can hear a woman screaming on the street below us, so this mission was a success. Now, we just have to clean up. Go to the maintenance room.

Open the inventory and select “Uniform”. Return the uniform back where you found it. After that, tap on the elevator and go to the lobby.

128 nobodies after death 08 10 144 11zon

Select the “Sunglasses” from the inventory and put them in the safe box number 14. Tap on the safe box again to close it. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen to go outside.

129 nobodies after death 08 10 145 11zon

Tap on the string to pull down the balloons.

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Tap on the “Wrench” and the “String” to pick them up. After that, tap on the right side of the street to go to the apartment.

131 nobodies after death 08 10 147 11zon

Tap on the trunk to open it.

132 nobodies after death 08 10 148 11zon

Select the “Wheelchair” from the inventory and put it in the trunk. After that, tap on the trunk to close it.

133 nobodies after death 08 10 149 11zon

Lastly, select the “Hanger” from the inventory and use it to lock the car, by tapping on the driver’s door.

After that, tap on the front door to go into the apartment.

134 nobodies after death 08 10 150 11zon

Next, select the “Hanger” from the inventory and put it back into the closet.

135 nobodies after death 08 10 151 11zon

Next, select the “Wrench” from the inventory and put it back into the drawer. After that, tap on the drawer to close it.

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Next, select the “String” from the inventory and put it on the top shelf of the closet. 

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Lastly, select the “Laxative” from the inventory and put it on the small table, located between the two windows.

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Well, that’s it. Tap on the last icon in the upper left corner to finish the mission.

139 nobodies after death 08 10 155 11zon

Our employer is happy with our work. He is sure that Terra Nova will recognize that this was no ordinary accident, and he is convinced that the members of this organization will be on the run, very soon.

140 nobodies after death 08 10 156 11zon



After the public execution of Leland Prince, Terra Nova’s chief players started panicking and our agency was able to track them down.

Our next target is Tobias Klein. He tried to evade our assassin by running to an amusement park, thinking that he will be safe in a public place. Well, it turns out that he was wrong, and our assassin was able to silently eliminate him, even though the place was crowded. Our task is to find a way to dispose of the body, without anyone noticing. Since the target was eliminated at a public place, this task might prove to be quite challenging.

141 nobodies after death 08 10 157 11zon

Ok, let’s explore. In the middle of the starting area, you will notice a pile of weight plates. Tap on them to pick them. One 5kg, three 10kg, and one 50kg plate will be added to your inventory. Also, take note of the cannon on the left, because we will come back to it later in this walkthrough.

Once you’re done, tap on the warehouse building on the right to explore the new area.

142 nobodies after death 08 10 158 11zon

If you take a look at the bottom left corner of the screen, under the green dumpster, you will notice a hidden item. Tap on it to pick it up, and “Pliers” will be added to your inventory. We can also see that a dead body is hidden behind the dumpster, so we will have to find a way to transport the body and get rid of it, without anyone noticing. If you tap on the warehouse door, you will discover that it is locked, so we will come back to it once we find some lockpicking tools.

Tap on the arrow on the right to go back to the previous area.

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Tap on the wooden sign to go to the next area.

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Tap on the “Flyer” on the counter to pick it up. After that, tap on the man behind the counter to initiate the conversation.

145 nobodies after death 08 10 161 11zon

Let’s go through all the dialog options.

“This looks too easy.”

Well, it seems that there is no charge if you want to test your aiming skills and try out this game. The goal is to knock down the bowling pins and the price is included in the ticket. But, it looks like there’s a catch.

“I know this game is a trick”.

Our character is certain that the game is rigged, because the man behind the counter is lying, and he is hiding his eyes behind the visor so no one can read his facial expression (while he is lying). The man tries to wiggle his way out of this accusation by saying that he is wearing the visor because he is very sensitive to sunlight, but our character doesn’t believe him.

“The prizes look a little sad.”

Looks like whoever wins this game will get a fake vomit as a reward.

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You can play this game by picking up the orange ball on the right and throwing it at the bowling pins. Even though your character will hit the dead center of the bowling pins, he won’t be able to knock them down. So, he will conclude that the game is rigged, just as he suspected. However, the man behind the counter will say that you should go to the weightlifting area, do some curls, and come back when you’re a bit stronger. We will find a way to knock down these bowling pins because they’re obviously glued down, and it’s impossible to knock them down with regular orange balls.

Let’s go to the next area. Tap on the wooden sign on the right.

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Tap on the Mickey Mouse mascot to initiate the conversation. The guy in the costume will be grateful because he doesn’t have to do the entire introductory act.

Tap on the first dialog option “Nice pins”.

After complaining a bit, and saying that he hates his job, the Mickey Mouse mascot will give you a “Souvenir pin”.

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Tap on the “open mouth” passage on the left to proceed to the next area.

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Here we can pick up two items. First, tap on the tube on the right to pick it up, and “Caulk” will be added to your inventory. Next, tap on the “Wool Gloves” located on the box on the right to pick them up. There are two more items of interest in this area. The target represents the spot at which the projectile fired from the cannon (which we saw earlier) should land. The second is the oil barrel. These items will be important later in this walkthrough, but for now, just take note of them.

Once you’re done, tap on the arrow at the bottom right of the screen to go back to the previous area.

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Tap on the suitcase icon to open the inventory, and put some “Caulk” on the “Wool Gloves”. “Non-Slip gloves” will be added to your inventory.

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If you select the “Non-Slip gloves” from your inventory and try to unscrew one of the gold balls on the right, you will discover that the gloves help, but the ball is still too slippery, and our character can’t remove it. The large metal ball should be heavy enough to knock down the bowling pins. We just have to find a way to unscrew it.

Let’s go back to the previous area. Tap on the arrow at the bottom left corner of the screen.

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Here’s the plan. We will create an improvised lockpick, and we will use it to unlock the warehouse door which we saw previously. So, let’s go to the warehouse area. Tap on the wooden sign on the left.

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Next, tap on the warehouse on the right, then tap on the warehouse door to start the interaction.

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Let’s craft a lockpick. Tap on the suitcase icon to open the inventory, and use the “Pliers” on the “Souvenir pin”. You will create a “Safety pin”.

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Select the “Safety pin” from the inventory and tap on the padlock to start the lockpicking process.

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In order to unlock the padlock, we will have to tap on the pins in the correct order. Once you tap on the correct pin, it will stay raised, and it will make a specific clicking sound. Tap on the pins in the following order to unlock the padlock.

Looking from left to right,

First, tap on the seventh pin (the last one).

Next, tap on the first pin.

Next, tap on the fourth pin.

Next, tap on the sixth pin.

Next, tap on the fifth pin.

Next, tap on the second pin.

Finally, tap on the third pin, and you will unlock the padlock, and your character will enter the warehouse.

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Here, we can pick up three items.

First, tap on the “Bucket”, located in the left corner of the warehouse to pick it up.

Second, tap on the soda bag, located on the bottom shelf on the left, to pick it up. “Lye” will be added to your inventory.

Lastly, tap on the red can on the top shelf to pick it up. “Empty oil can” will be added to your inventory.

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Ok, we should now use the seesaw to measure the weight of the body. Once we know the exact weight, we can use the cannon to fire the body, and it will land on the target which we saw earlier. First things first. Let’s go back outside and pick up the body. Tap on the arrow on the left.

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Tap on the “Dead body” to pick it up. After that, tap on the warehouse door to go back to the warehouse.

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Select the “Dead body” from the inventory and put it on the right side of the seesaw.

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Next, select the 50kg weight from the inventory and put it on the left side of the seesaw.

After that, select the two 10kg weights and put them on the left side of the seesaw.

Lastly, select the 5kg weights and put them on the left side of the seesaw.

So, you should have 75kg of weight plates (50+10+10+5), and that’s the weight of the dead body because the seesaw is balanced.

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Tap on the weights, and the dead body to pick them up. After that, tap on the door to go back, outside.

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Let’s get to the cannon and launch the dead body. Tap on the arrow on the right.

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Ok, let’s take a look at the hint for targeting and firing the cannon before we proceed with our plan. Tap on the suitcase icon to open the inventory. After that, tap on the “Magnifying glass” tool to select it and tap on the “Flyer” to examine it.

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So, this picture shows us that the projectile fired from the cannon will go over the “Devil’s mouth” entrance which we saw earlier, and it will land on the target.

Tap anywhere on the screen to put down the flyer.

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Select the “Dead body” from the inventory and put it into the cannon.

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Tap on the blanket on the right side of the cannon to pull it down, and you will discover the controls for the cannon. Tap on the controls to start the interaction.

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Previously, we discovered that the body weighs 75kg, so let’s set the controls for the cannon at 75kg. To do that, tap on the switch on the right three times.

We know the correct weight, and we set the cannon power to this weight, so the body should land on the target, once we fire the cannon. Tap on the big red button on the left to fire the cannon.

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Ok, let’s see if the body landed at the target position. Tap on the wooden sign on the right to go to the next area.

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Tap on the wooden sign on the right to proceed to the next area.

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Next, tap on the “Devil’s mouth” to go to the “target” area.

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Ok, the dead body has landed on the intended target, so the first part of our plan was successful. Let’s continue.

Tap on the suitcase icon to open the inventory and select “Pliers”. Use the pliers to open the oil barrel on the right.

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Select the “Empty oil can” from the inventory and fill it up with the oil from the barrel. “Full oil can” will be added to your inventory.

Once you’re done, tap on the arrow at the bottom right side of the screen to go to the previous area.

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Ok, here’s the plan. We will use the oil to loosen up the metal balls. After that, we should be able to unscrew the metal ball, paint it to match the color of the other balls, and use it to knock down the ball pins and get the prize. Let’s put this plan into motion.

Select the “Full oil can” from the inventory and use it on the metal ball.

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Next, select the “Non-Slip gloves” from the inventory and use them to unscrew the “Metal ball”. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom left side of the screen to go back to the previous area.

Also, pay attention to the drunk man on the right who is about to vomit. He will be important later in this walkthrough because we will use the “Fake vomit” prize to make him vomit all over the control board.

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If you try to use the “Metal ball” from the inventory to knock down the ball pins and win the game, the man will tell you that only the balls from the box are allowed. He knows that your ball isn’t from the box because it has a different color.

So, let’s go to the warehouse and paint the metal ball. Hopefully, we should then be able to trick the man and win the game. Tap on the wooden sign on the left to go back to the starting area.

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Let’s go into the warehouse. Tap on the warehouse to approach it, then tap on the warehouse door to go inside.

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Select the “Metal ball” from the inventory and tap on the bucket of paint to dip the ball inside. “Painted metal ball” will be added to your inventory. After that, tap on the door to go back outside.

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Ok, let’s trick the man behind the counter, and try to knock down the bowling pins with the “Painted metal ball”. Tap on the arrow on the right to go back to the starting area.

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Tap on the wooden sign to proceed to the next area.

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Select the “Painted metal ball” from the inventory and throw it at the bowling pins.

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With the metal bowl, you will easily knock down the bowling pins. This will startle the man, and he was about to say that it’s impossible to knock down the bowling pins. So, the game was rigged, and our character was right. However, we knocked down the bowling pins so the man has to cough up the prize. He will give you the “Fake vomit”.

Ok, let’s put the second part of the plan into motion. Tap on the wooden sign on the right to proceed to the next area.

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Select the “Fake vomit” from the inventory and put it on the ground, in front of the drunk man. The man will vomit all over the control board, causing a short circuit. With this part of the amusement park out of action, everyone will leave this area. So, we can now transport the body to this area, without worrying that somebody will see us.

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There’s something that I forgot to do. Let’s go back to the warehouse area. Tap on the arrow at the bottom left side of the screen.

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Tap on the wooden sign on the left to go back to the starting area.

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Tap on the warehouse to approach it.

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Select the bucket from the inventory and tap on the faucet to fill it up with water. “Bucket of water” will be added to your inventory. After that, tap on the arrow on the right to go back to the previous area.

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Ok, we now have the bucket of water, and we will later use it to cause a chemical reaction and get rid of the body. So, let’s go pick up the body, and finish this mission. Tap on the wooden sign on the right.

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Tap on the wooden sign on the right to proceed to the next area.

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Tap on the “Devil’s mouth” to go to the “target” area.

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Tap on the “Dead body” to pick it up. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom right side of the screen to go back to the previous area.

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Tap on the “Haunted house” on the right to proceed inside.

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Here we can see three witches gathered around a large cauldron. Tap on the items in the cauldron to pick them up. “Witches’ Brew” will be added to your inventory.

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Ok, we will now disassemble the body in the cauldron. First, select the “Bucket of water” from the inventory and use it to fill up the cauldron.

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Next, select the “Dead body” from the inventory and put it into the cauldron.

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Next, select the “Lye” from the inventory and put it into the cauldron. This will disassemble the body, and the pile of bones will float up to the surface.

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Next, select the “Witches’ Brew” and put it on top of the real bones to cover them up.

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Ok, we got rid of the body. Before we leave, we should return all the items back where we found them. Let’s begin.

Tap on the “Clown’s mouth” to go back to the previous area.

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Next, tap on the “Devil’s mouth” to go to the “target” area.

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Select the “Caulk” from the inventory and put it next to the wooden box.

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Select the “Pliers” from the inventory and use them to close the oil barrel. After that, tap on the arrow at the bottom right side of the screen to go back to the previous area.

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Next, tap on the arrow at the bottom left side of the screen to go back to the previous area.

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Tap on the “Painted metal ball” to pick it up. After that, tap on the wooden sign on the left to go back to the starting area.

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Select all the weight plates from the inventory and put them down on the ground.

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Before we leave this area, tap on the blanket and use it to cover the control panel for the cannon. After that, tap on the warehouse to approach it.

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Select the “Pliers” from the inventory and put them under the dumpster.

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Next, select the “Painted metal ball” from the inventory and wash it – “Metal ball” will be added to your inventory. After that, tap on the warehouse door to proceed inside.

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Select the “Empty oil can” from the inventory and put it on the left side of the top shelf.

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Next, select the “Lye” from the inventory and put it on the right side of the bottom shelf.

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Lastly, select the “Bucket” from the inventory and put it in the left corner of the warehouse. After that, tap on the door to go back outside.

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Tap on the arrow on the right to go back to the starting area.

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Tap on the wooden sign on the right to go to the next area.

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Tap on the wooden sign on the right to go to the next area.

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Select the “Metal ball” from the inventory and screw it back in its slot.

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Next, select the “Flyer” from the inventory and throw it into the garbage can. After that, tap on the “Devil’s mouth” to go to the target area.

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Lastly, select the “Non-Slip” gloves from the inventory and put them onto the box on the right.

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Well, that’s it. Tap on the last icon in the upper left corner to finish the mission.

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Our employer is happy with our work. He is sure that Terra Nova will recognize that this was no ordinary accident, and he is convinced that the members of this organization will be on the run, very soon.

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Our employer is very impressed with our work. We managed to get rid of the body in public places, without anyone noticing us. He is sure that other Terra Nova leaders will soon make some wrong moves, and then our agency will be in a position to go after them. We are getting closer and closer to completely eliminating Terra Nova’s leadership.

You can check out the next mission(s) by tapping on the “Next Part” button.

Thank you for reading.