The Girl in The Window

Hello everyone and welcome to our walkthrough for “The Girl in the Window” a room escape game created by the Dark Dome. The Girl in the Window is the second game in the series, and the story of this game is also set in Hidden Town, which is filled with all kinds of mysteries. In this walkthrough, we will show you how to solve all the puzzles and finish the game.

NOTE: Some puzzles will CHANGE with each playthrough, but the logic behind solving the puzzles will always remain the SAME. For example, in one playthrough a code to open a safe could be 1234, and in another playthrough, the code could be 4321. However, you will always discover the numbers for the code at the same location and by using the same hints.

At the beginning of the story, we find out that a terrible murder happened in one of the houses in Hidden Town, and this house was closed and abandon ever since. However, the people started noticing some strange things inside the house, with some of them even claiming that they saw the girl in the window. Our character feels drawn to the house and decides to step inside, but the door immediately shuts behind him. So, our task is to find a way to unlock the door and escape from the house… We will probably learn more about the mystery surrounding this house, while we’re trying to find a way to escape.

001 the girl in the window 40 11zon

On the small cabinet to the right of the door, you will see a candle. Tap on it to take a closer look and tap once more to pick it up. A “Candle” will be added to your inventory.

002 the girl in the window 41 11zon

Now tap on the middle drawer to open it. Inside you’ll see a photo. Tap on it to take a closer look. We can see that a stranger stood in front of the house for three hours. Let’s put down the photo and see what else we can find.

003 the girl in the window 42 11zon

Tap on the umbrella to take a closer look. Tap once more to pick it up, and an “Umbrella” will be added to your inventory.

004 the girl in the window 43 11zon

Now, tap on the sleeve of the jacket on the right to move it aside. You will see a torn-out note in the pocket below the sleeve. Tap on the note to pick it up. We should probably look for the other part of the note.

005 the girl in the window 44 11zon

Also, as soon as we took out the note from the pocket, some kind of a ghost appeared inside the coat on the left and walked away with it.

006 the girl in the window 45 11zon

Ok, now let’s see what we can find in the room on the right. Tap on the arrow on the right to go there.

007 the girl in the window 46 11zon

As soon as we entered, we could see a goblet moving on its own. Tap on it to pick it up, and a “Goblet” will be added to your inventory.

008 the girl in the window 47 11zon

We can also tap on the top-right cabinet door, and we will see a photo inside it. Tap on the photo to take a closer look. It looks like the stranger was spying on the house again while pretending to read a newspaper. Let’s put down the photo and see what else we can find.

009 the girl in the window 48 11zon

Tap on the arrow on the right to go to the next room.

010 the girl in the window 49 11zon

As soon as we entered we could see that one of the books on the wall shelf moved. Tap on the blue book to the left of it to take a closer look, and tap again to pick it up.

011 the girl in the window 50 11zon

Tap on the book that we just picked up to take a closer look, and tap on the arrow on the right to open it.

012 the girl in the window 51 11zon

Tap on the photo to take a closer look at it. We can see the stranger showed up again and spied on someone inside the house.

013 the girl in the window 52 11zon

Ok, this book contains many useful notes that will help us in solving the puzzles inside this house. But, let’s first skip to the last page by tapping twice on the arrow on the right.

014 the girl in the window 53 11zon

Looks like we found the other half of the torn-out note. So, select a “Piece of Paper” from the inventory and tap on the page on the right to reassemble it.

015 the girl in the window 54 11zon

Here we can see ten symbols, but only ten of them are marked. Also, next to each of the marked symbols, we can see a roman numeral, and it represents their order in the next puzzle. So, let’s write down/memorize the order of the symbols.

First, we have a “Star”

Second, we have a “Crescent Moon”

Third, we have a “Circle with the triangle”

Fourth, we have some lines that look like a “Wind” blowing

We can also see that these symbols should be used to unlock the left cabinet door.

NOTE: The order of the symbols might be different in your game, but you can still determine the correct order of the symbols by looking at the roman numerals next to them.

016 the girl in the window 55 11zon

So, tap on the left door of the cabinet to take a closer look.

017 the girl in the window 56 11zon

Tap on the fields of the puzzle, and entered the symbols in the same order (left to right) as we saw on the note in the book. The order was: a “Star”, a “Crescent Moon”, a “Circle with the triangle”, and a “Wind”. As soon as you enter the correct symbols, you will hear a clicking sound, indicating that the cabinet door is unlocked.

018 the girl in the window 57 11zon

Tap on the cabinet door to open it. Tap on a “Mirror” inside to pick it up and it will be added to your inventory.

019 the girl in the window 58 11zon

Now, let’s take a look at the notes inside the book again.

020 the girl in the window 59 11zon

Tap on the arrow on the left to turn the page. Here we can see another puzzle, and this one is solved by counting the number of leaves on the plants inside the vases, as you’ll soon see. However, we also have to look at the vases in the correct order. So, looking from right to left, the order is:

First, the vase with diagonal stripes

Second, the vase with stripes and dots

Third the vase with “wavy” stripes

Fourth, the vase with horizontal stripes

Write down/ memorize the order of the vases.

NOTE: The order of the vases might be different in your game.

021 the girl in the window 60 11zon

Ok, inside this room we can see a vase with the stripes and dots (the second one). We can see that there are SIX leaves on the plant inside this vase. Memorize/Write down this information.

022 the girl in the window 61 11zon

Since we’re already here, let’s tap on the vase to take a closer look at it. Inside we can see a stone. Tap on it to pick it up, and a “Stone” will be added to your inventory.

023 the girl in the window 62 11zon

Ok, now let’s look for the other vases. Tap on the arrow on the right to go to the next room.

024 the girl in the window 63 11zon

In this room, we can see the third vase, the one with wavy stripes. There are FIVE leaves on the plant inside the vase. Write down/memorize this information.

025 the girl in the window 64 11zon

There are some more things that we could examine in this room, but let’s first finish the puzzle with the vases. So, tap on the arrow on the right to go to the next room.

026 the girl in the window 65 11zon

In this room, we can see the fourth vase, the one with horizontal stripes. There are THREE leaves on the plant inside the vase. Write down/memorize this information, and let’s proceed to the next room.

027 the girl in the window 66 11zon

Finally, in this room, we can see the first vase, the one with the diagonal stripes. There are FOUR leaves on the plant inside the vase. Write down/memorize this information, and let’s proceed to the next room, and solve this puzzle.

028 the girl in the window 67 11zon

In this room, you will see a white box. Tap on it to take a closer look.

029 the girl in the window 68 11zon

Ok, now let’s tap on the fields and enter the correct number of leaves. So, starting from right to left we have:

First field = Four leaves (the vase with diagonal stripes)

Second field = Six leaves (the vase with stripes and dots)

Third field = Five leaves (the vase with “wavy” stripes)

Fourth field = Three leaves (the vase with horizontal stripes)

030 the girl in the window 69 11zon

As soon as you enter the correct code, you will see a clicking sound, indicating that you managed to unlock the box. Also, the ghost of the dark-haired girl will suddenly appear behind our character, and it seems that she wanted to touch his shoulder. But it looks like she’s gone, so tap on the box to open it.

031 the girl in the window 70 11zon

Tap on the image inside the box to take a closer look at it. We can see that the stranger was no longer trying to look inconspicuous, as he now openly stood in front of the window and stared at someone inside the house.

032 the girl in the window 71 11zon

Tap on the other item inside the box to pick it up and a “Box of Matches” will be added to your inventory.

033 the girl in the window 72 11zon

Ok, we can see a mouse hole to the right of the boarded door. We can light up the candle with matches and use it to illuminate the mouse hole. So, let’s do that. Select the “Box of Matches” from your inventory and tap on the “Candle” to light it up – a “Lit Candle” will be added to your inventory.

034 the girl in the window 73 11zon

Now, tap on the mouse hole in the wall to take a closer look at it. Select the “Lit Candle” from the inventory and tap inside the mouse hole to place the candle and illuminate the hole.

035 the girl in the window 74 11zon

We can see an electrical cable inside the hole. However, if we tap on it, we can see that our character can’t reach it with his hand. Also, we can see some mouse tracks.

036 the girl in the window 75 11zon

So, select the “Umbrella” from the inventory and tap on the electrical cable. Our character will be able to reach it and a “Cable with a Plug” will be added to your inventory.

037 the girl in the window 76 11zon

Ok, now let’s go to the next room on the right.

038 the girl in the window 77 11zon

Tap on the table to take a closer look at it.

039 the girl in the window 78 11zon

You will see an empty bottle and a cheese. Select the “Stone” from the inventory (we found it inside the vase) and tap on the bottle to break it.

040 the girl in the window 79 11zon

Tap on a piece of broken glass to pick it up, and a “Piece of Glass” will be added to the inventory.

041 the girl in the window 80 11zon

Now, tap on the broken bottle to look inside it. Inside the broken bottle, you will see a small key. Tap on it to pick it up and a “Key with the round handle” will be added to your inventory.

042 the girl in the window 81 11zon

There is also an armchair in the left corner of the room. Tap on the armchair to take a closer look at it.

043 the girl in the window 82 11zon

Behind the armchair, you will see a loose outlet. Tap on it to take a closer look, and tap again to remove it.

044 the girl in the window 83 11zon

We can see that a small key was hidden behind the outlet. Tap on it to pick it up and a “Key with a square handle” will be added to your inventory.

045 the girl in the window 84 11zon

Now, let’s take a look at the top drawer of the cabinet on the right. Tap on it to take a closer look, and tap once more to open it.

046 the girl in the window 85 11zon

Inside the drawer, you will see a VHS tape. Tap on it to pick it up, and a “Video Cassette tape” will be added to your inventory.

047 the girl in the window 86 11zon

Ok, now let’s go to the next room on the right.

048 the girl in the window 87 11zon

Tap on the drawer to the right of the front door to take a closer look at it. Select the “Key with the round handle” (we found it inside the broken bottle) from the inventory and tap one keyhole on the top drawer to unlock it.

049 the girl in the window 88 11zon

Tap on the drawer to open it, and inside you will see some kind of glove. Tap on the glove to pick it up, and an “Electrical Safety Glove” will be added to your inventory.

050 the girl in the window 89 11zon

Ok, now let’s go to the next room on the right (the one with the TV).

051 the girl in the window 90 11zon

Now, let’s take a look at the upper-left cabinet door.

052 the girl in the window 91 11zon

Select the “Key with the square handle” (we found it behind the armchair) from the inventory and tap on the keyhole on the cabinet door to unlock it.

053 the girl in the window 92 11zon

Tap on the cabinet door to open it and inside you will see duct tape. Tap on it to pick it up, and “Electrical insulating tape” will be added to your inventory.

054 the girl in the window 93 11zon

Ok, now let’s take a look at the cable below the TV.

055 the girl in the window 94 11zon

We can see that the cable is broken. Select the “Cable with a plug” from the inventory and tap to the right of the broken cable.

056 the girl in the window 95 11zon

Ok, now let’s fix this cable. Select the “Electrical insulating tape” from the inventory and tap between the two cables to connect them.

057 the girl in the window 96 11zon

Now, tap on the cable to plug it into the electrical outlet.

058 the girl in the window 97 11zon

We repaired the cable, so we can now turn on the TV. First, tap on the TV to take a closer look at it. Then, tap on the bottom in the upper right corner of the TV to turn it on.

059 the girl in the window 98 11zon

Ok, now let’s see what’s on the videotape. First, tap on the VCR to take a closer look at it. After that, select the “Video Cassette tape” from the inventory and tap on the VCR to put it in.

060 the girl in the window 99 11zon

Tap on the “play” button so we can finally see what’s on this tape.

061 the girl in the window 100 11zon

You will see that the lower dial on the TV is missing. However, we saw that it appeared in the video on top of the cabinet. So, maybe it also appeared there in real time? Let’s check it out.

062 the girl in the window 101 11zon

Tap on the arrow on the left to go back to the previous room.

063 the girl in the window 102 11zon

We can see that the dial appeared on the drawer, just like in the video. Tap on the dial to take a closer look at it, and tap once more to pick it up. A “Dial” will be added to your inventory.

064 the girl in the window 103 11zon

Ok, let’s go back to the room with the TV.

065 the girl in the window 104 11zon

As before, tap on the TV to take a closer look at it. Now, select the “Dial” from the inventory and tap on the empty slot to insert it.

066 the girl in the window 105 11zon

We should now turn both dials to the correct position. The correct position of the dials is drawn on the circles, above the creepy girl. Also, you can tell in which directions the dials are pointing by looking at the small red line.

067 the girl in the window 106 11zon

Ok, now let’s turn the dials. As you can see on the image, the upper dial should be pointing at the 9 o’clock position, while the lower dial should be pointing at the 5 o’clock position.

As soon as you point the dials to the correct position, the small compartment below them will open up, and we can see that there’s something inside it. Tap on this item to pick it up, and a “Plastic Handle” will be added to your inventory.

068 the girl in the window 107 11zon

Ok, we can now make the improvised knife, so let’s do that. Select the “Plastic Handle” from the inventory and tap on the “Piece of glass” to combine these two items. A “Makeshift Knife” will be added to your inventory.

069 the girl in the window 108 11zon

Ok, now let’s go back to the room on the left and use the knife to remove the wallpaper.

070 the girl in the window 109 11zon

Ok, since the dial appeared on this cabinet, we know that the girl in the video was drawing on the wall to the right of it. So, select the “Makeshift Knife” from the inventory and tap on the wallpaper several times to remove it.

071 the girl in the window 110 11zon

After removing the wallpaper, we can see that there’s a symbol that resembles the letter “M” below it. We will use this information to solve yet another puzzle, so memorize this symbol.

NOTE: In your game, the sign below the wallpaper could be something different than the letter “M” (letter “W” for example). But you will always discover it by removing the wallpaper with the makeshift knife.

072 the girl in the window 111 11zon

Ok, before solving the puzzle with the symbol “M” let’s first go to the room on the left (the one with the armchair).

073 the girl in the window 112 11zon

Tap on the armchair to take a closer look at it, then tap again to lift up the cushion – your character will say that he can feel something hidden inside the armchair.

074 the girl in the window 113 11zon

Now, select the “Makeshift Knife” from the inventory and tap below the cushion (twice) to cut the armchair.

075 the girl in the window 114 11zon

Our character will discover the crucifix hidden inside the armchair. Tap on it to pick it up, and a “Wooden Cross” will be added to your inventory.

076 the girl in the window 115 11zon

Ok, now let’s go to the next room on the left.

077 the girl in the window 116 11zon

Tap on the cabinet door on the right to take a closer look at it, and tap again to start the interaction.

078 the girl in the window 117 11zon

Ok, here we need to draw the symbol that we discovered below the wallpaper. In our case that’s the letter “M”. So let’s do it. You can draw the letter “M” by tapping on certain fields as shown in the image below.

079 the girl in the window 118 11zon

As soon as you draw the correct symbol, you will hear a clicking sound that indicates that the cabinet door is unlocked. So, tap on the door to open it. Inside you’ll see two items. Tap on them to pick them up and a “Light Switch” and a “Key with an oval-shaped handle” will be added to your inventory.

080 the girl in the window 119 11zon

Ok, now let’s go back to the room with the TV – it’s the first one on the left.

081 the girl in the window 120 11zon

Tap on the lower left cabinet to take a closer look at it.

082 the girl in the window 121 11zon

Select the “Key with an oval-shaped handle” and tap on the keyhole on the left to unlock the cabinet door.

083 the girl in the window 122 11zon

After that, tap on the cabinet door to open it, and inside you will see some kind of a bowl. Tap on it to pick it up and a “Glass Bowl” will be added to your inventory.

084 the girl in the window 123 11zon

Ok, now let’s go to the room with the armchair. It’s the second one on the right.

085 the girl in the window 124 11zon

Let’s check out that electrical panel on the right. Tap on it twice to take a closer look and open it.

086 the girl in the window 125 11zon

We can see a lot of wires, but it seems that our character can’t touch them with his bare hands.

087 the girl in the window 126 11zon

But we have a solution for this problem. Select the “Electrical Safety Glove” from the inventory and tap on the cables.

088 the girl in the window 127 11zon

Well, now we should properly reconnect the cables. This puzzle might seem somewhat confusing at first, but it can be easily solved in three simple steps.

Step 1

We are going to rotate the cable in the first (top) row so that their plugs are all pointing upward. So,

Rotate the left field in the first row until the plug on the blue cable is pointing upwards.

Rotate the middle field in the first row until the plug on the green cable is pointing upwards.

Rotate the right field in the first row until the plug on the red cable is pointing upwards.

089 the girl in the window 128 11zon

Step 2

We will do the similar thing as in step 1, only this time the plugs on the cables in the third (bottom) row should be inserted into the slots (pointing downwards). So,

Rotate the left field in the third row until the plug on the red cable is pointing downwards.

Rotate the middle field in the third row until the plug on the blue cable is pointing downwards.

Rotate the right field in the third row until the plug on the green cable is pointing downwards.

090 the girl in the window 129 11zon

Step 3

Ok, the only thing left to do now is to connect the cables in the second (middle) row with the cables in the other rows. So,

Rotate the left field in the second row until the green cable is reconnected with the green cable below it (left field in the third row). NOTE: you could also choose to line up the cables with the field above.

Rotate the middle field in the second row until the green and red cables are reconnected with the green and red cable below them (middle field in the third row).

Rotate the right field in the second row until the blue cable is reconnected with the blue cable below it (right field in the third row).

NOTE: As you line up the cables in the fields in the second row with the cables in the fields in the third row, they will be also lined up with the cables in the first row.

091 the girl in the window 130 11zon

After completing this puzzle we have restored the power to the street light outside. So, tap on the switch to turn on the light.

092 the girl in the window 131 11zon

Next, tap on the red curtain on the left to pull it over the window.

093 the girl in the window 132 11zon

Ok, now let’s go back to the front door. It’s the first room on the right.

094 the girl in the window 133 11zon

We can see that to the left of the front door, the light switch is missing. Tap to examine the wires more closely.

095 the girl in the window 134 11zon

Select the “Light Switch” from the inventory and tap on the slot to reconnect it.

096 the girl in the window 135 11zon

Ok, now tap on the switch to turn off the light.

097 the girl in the window 136 11zon 1

Let’s go and check out the room on the right (the one with the TV).

098 the girl in the window 137 11zon

After turning off the lights, we can see that shadows are forming four squares on the wall, and inside of the squares, there are some symbols. Some of the symbols are marked with white circles. Also, some shadows are cutting inside the squares – take note of these shapes. 

099 the girl in the window 138 11zon

Now, let’s check out the book in our inventory and look for clues about this puzzle. Go to the first page.

100 the girl in the window 139 11zon

On the left page, we can see a padlock marked with numbers 1,2,3, and 4. Below it there are four notes, also marked with numbers 1,2,3, and 4. Also, each note looks like a square, but there are some pieces missing from each square. So, if you look closely you can conclude that the pieces of the note that are missing will match perfectly with the shadows on the squares that we just looked at. So, let’s first memorize what pieces are the notes on the hint missing and compare them with the shadow squares on the wall.

Number 1 Note is missing a bottom left corner

Number 2 Note has two cuts on the right side (missing two parts)

Number 3 Note has a single cut on the left side (missing a single part)

Number 4 Note has one cut on the bottom and one cut on the right side (missing two parts)

NOTE: In your game, the notes might look differently, because different parts of the note might be cut out. However, you can still solve this puzzle by using the same logic – comparing the notes with “shadow squares”.

101 the girl in the window 140 11zon

Ok, now let’s take a look again at the squares on the wall and compare them with notes.

The First note (marked with number 1) was missing a bottom left corner, just like the lower-left square. The marked symbol inside the square is some kind of vertical wavy line. So, the First Symbol = “Vertical Wavy Lines”

The Second Note was missing two parts on the right side, just like the square in the upper right corner. The marked symbol inside the square is a circle with two diagonal lines. So, the Second Symbol = “Circle with two diagonal lines”

The Third Note was missing a single part on the left side, just like the square in the upper left corner. The marked symbol inside the square is some kind of a reverse triangle. So, the Third Symbol = “Reversed Triangle”.

The Fourth Note was missing one part at the bottom and one part on the right side, just like the square in the lower right corner. The marked symbol inside the square looks like a drawing of a ripple. So, the Fourth Symbol = “Ripple”

Memorize/ Write Down this information and let’s finally solve this puzzle. You could also draw these symbols on the note if that’s easier.

102 the girl in the window 141 11zon

Ok, these symbols are used to unlock the drawer on the cabinet that is located in the room with the armchair. So, let’s go there. It’s the second room on the right.

103 the girl in the window 142 11zon

First, let’s close the top drawer.

104 the girl in the window 143 11zon

Then tap on the padlock on the bottom drawer to examine it. We can see that we will need four symbols to unlock this padlock, so let’s enter the symbols that we discovered by solving the previous puzzle. So, looking from left to right, we have

First = “Vertical Wavy Lines”

Second = “Circle with two diagonal lines”

Third = “Reversed Triangle”

Fourth = “Ripple”

NOTE: As I already mentioned, the order of the symbols might be different in your game, but you can solve this puzzle by following the steps in this guide.

105 the girl in the window 144 11zon

As soon as you enter the correct symbols you will unlock the drawer but, at this moment the “creepy girl” will appear behind our character and she will gently touch his shoulder.

106 the girl in the window 145 11zon

Tap to open the bottom drawer. Inside of it, you will see a metal pipe. Tap on it to pick it up and a “Metal Bar” will be added to your inventory.

107 the girl in the window 146 11zon

Ok, before we continue, let’s first go back to the front door, and turn on the lights. It’s the first room on the right.

108 the girl in the window 147 11zon

Tap on the switch next to the door to examine it, and tap once more to turn on the light.

109 the girl in the window 148 11zon

Inside this room, we can also see that there’s a loose floorboard, to the left of the vase. Tap on the board to examine it. Then, select the “Metal Bar” from the inventory and tap on the floorboard to remove it.

110 the girl in the window 149 11zon

Tap on the floorboard to pick it up and a “Small Board” will be added to your inventory.

111 the girl in the window 150 11zon

Before we move on, tap on the hole in the floor to look if there’s anything inside. Tap on the white object inside the hole, and “Garlic” will be added to your inventory.

112 the girl in the window 151 11zon

Now, let’s take a look at the book with clues, once more.

113 the girl in the window 152 11zon

On the first page on the right, we can see the instructions for making a mousetrap. To make the mousetrap we will need a bowl, a small board, and a slice of cheese. The only thing that we are missing is cheese, so let’s go get it.

114 the girl in the window 153 11zon

Tap on the left arrow to go to the room with the armchair.

115 the girl in the window 154 11zon

Select the “Makeshift Knife” from the inventory, tap to look at the cheese, and tap once more to cut it.

116 the girl in the window 155 11zon

Tap on the slice of cheese to pick it up and a “Piece of Cheese” will be added to your inventory.

117 the girl in the window 156 11zon

Let’s go to the room in which we saw a mouse hole in the wall. It’s the first one on the left.

118 the girl in the window 157 11zon

Tap on the mouse hole to take a closer look at it.

119 the girl in the window 158 11zon

Now, let’s set the trap. First, select the “Glass Bowl” from the inventory and tap on the right of the mouse hole to place it.

120 the girl in the window 159 11zon

Next, select the “Small board” from the inventory, and tap to the left of the glass bowl to set up a platform through which a mouse can enter into a bowl.

121 the girl in the window 160 11zon

Finally, select the “Piece of Cheese” from the inventory and tap inside the glass bowl to set the bait.

122 the girl in the window 161 11zon

The mouse will get out of this hole, climb over the board, and inside the bowl. He will eat the cheese but won’t be able to get out. So, tap on the mouse to pick it up and a “Mouse” will be added to your inventory.

123 the girl in the window 162 11zon

Now, let’s go to the room with the TV. It’s the first one on the left.

124 the girl in the window 163 11zon

Tap on the crack in the pipe on your left to take a closer look at it.

125 the girl in the window 164 11zon

At first, we could see the eyes of some kind of a ghost, looking at us through the crack in the pipe. But, once he left, we could see that there’s a small key inside the pipe.

126 the girl in the window 165 11zon

Ok, now let’s use the mouse to get the key inside the pipe. Select the “Mouse” from your inventory and tap on the higher opening on the pipe to put it inside.

127 the girl in the window 166 11zon

The mouse will get to the other end of the pipe, and it will push out the key. The hand of the ghostly black creature will try to reach the key from the pipe, but fortunately, the key fell too far away. So, tap on the key to pick it up, and a “Key with hexagonal handle” will be added to your inventory.

128 the girl in the window 167 11zon

The lower right cabinet door inside this room is still locked, and we can use this key to unlock it. So, tap on the lower right cabinet door to take a closer look at it. Select the “Key with hexagonal handle” from the inventory and tap on the keyhole on the door to unlock it.

129 the girl in the window 168 11zon

Ok, tap on the cabinet door to open in. You will see two items inside. Tap on them to pick them up and a “Screwdriver” and a “Bottle of Wine” will be added to your inventory.

130 the girl in the window 169 11zon

Let’s go to the first room on the right.

131 the girl in the window 1 11zon

Tap on the picture on the wall to take a closer look at it.

132 the girl in the window 2 11zon

Ok, now tap on the screws on the right to take a look at them. Select the “Screwdriver” from the inventory and tap on the screws to remove them.

133 the girl in the window 3 11zon

After removing the screws, the “Vampire” will disappear, and our character will see the “creepy girl” jumping out from the picture and trying to grab him. Well, it seems that he wasn’t too scared, and even chuckled a few moments after the event.

134 the girl in the window 4 11zon

Tap on the “handle” of a picture to open it and see what’s behind it.

135 the girl in the window 5 11zon

You will see four symbols, that look like four white triangles inside a square. Clearly, we will need a correct combination of the symbols in order to unlock the safe behind the picture. So, let’s leave it alone for now, and put the picture back in its place.

136 the girl in the window 6 11zon

Let’s take a look at our book with clues.

137 the girl in the window 7 11zon

On, the last page of the book we can see a “Vampire” just like the one in the picture on the wall. We can also see that we should “give” four items to the Vampire: a wooden cross, garlic, a goblet with wine, and a mirror. Fortunately, we already have all four required items. However, we still do not know in which order we should give these items to the Vampire in the picture. So, let’s find out.

138 the girl in the window 8 11zon

Before we proceed, let’s pour the wine into the goblet. Select the “Bottle of Wine” from your inventory and tap on the goblet. A “Goblet with the red wine” will be added to your inventory.

139 the girl in the window 9 11zon

Ok, now let’s go to the next room on the right and look for clues about the Vampire.

140 the girl in the window 10 11zon

Tap on the board with the cutout articles from the newspaper to take a closer look at it.

141 the girl in the window 11 11zon

Tap on the first article “Horror in the Hidden Town”.

142 the girl in the window 12 11zon

Our character will move the article, and behind it, you will see a mirror. If we presume that the clues were left in the order from left to right, the mirror should be the first thing we should give to the Vampire. So, the First Item = Mirror

143 the girl in the window 13 11zon

Ok, now tap on the “Horrible Crime” article.

144 the girl in the window 14 11zon

Our character will move the article, and behind it, you will see a wooden cross. So, the Second Item = Wooden Cross

145 the girl in the window 15 11zon

Tap on the last article “The Unsolved Murder Case”.

146 the girl in the window 16 11zon

Our character will move the article, and behind it, you will see two items, Garlic, and a Goblet. So,

Third Item = Garlic

Fourth Item = Goblet

Write Down/Memorize the order of the items.

NOTE: The order of the items might be different in your game, but you can discover the correct order just like we did – by looking behind the cutout newspaper articles.

147 the girl in the window 17 11zon

Before we solve the last puzzle, there’s something that I forgot to do. Let’s take a look at the Diary, located on top of the wooden cabinet. Tap to take a closer look at it, and tap again to open the “Diario”.

148 the girl in the window 18 11zon

We can clearly see that whoever wrote this diary (probably the girl in the window) was being spied on by some stranger for several days. It’s obvious that she was frightened of him. Let’s take a look at the next page, by tapping on the arrow on the right.

149 the girl in the window 19 11zon

The girl told her parents about this man and that he tried to break into the house, but they didn’t believe her. However, it seems that he managed to break in on his second try. The girl locked herself in the bathroom, hoping that he will leave her alone. But, it seems that he knew where she hid…

150 the girl in the window 20 11zon

As we turn to the next page, the red text will appear before the eyes of our character. It seems that it was written by the “creepy girl” after her death… Let’s leave the diary alone, and solve the last puzzle so that we can get out of this cursed house.

151 the girl in the window 21 11zon

Tap on the arrow on the left to go back to the room with the picture of a Vampire.

152 the girl in the window 22 11zon

Tap on the picture of a Vampire to take a closer look at it.

153 the girl in the window 23 11zon

Ok, now let’s give the four items from our inventory to the Vampire and see what happens. We discovered the order of the items by looking below the cutout newspaper articles. So, first, select the “Mirror” from your inventory and tap on the picture of the Vampire.

154 the girl in the window 24 11zon

The first symbol for solving the puzzle behind the picture will appear. So,

First Symbol = black bottom and left triangles / white top and right triangles

155 the girl in the window 25 11zon

Let’s give him the second item. Select the “Wooden Cross” from the inventory and tap on the picture of the Vampire.

156 the girl in the window 26 11zon

The second symbol for solving the puzzle behind the picture will appear.

The second Symbol = black right and left triangles / white top and bottom triangles

157 the girl in the window 27 11zon

Let’s give him the third item. Select “Garlic” from the inventory and tap on the picture of the Vampire.

158 the girl in the window 28 11zon

The third symbol for solving the puzzle behind the picture will appear.

Third Symbol = black right triangle / the other three triangles are white

159 the girl in the window 29 11zon

Let’s give him the fourth item. Select “Goblet with red wine” from the inventory and tap on the picture of the Vampire.

160 the girl in the window 30 11zon

The Vampire will lick his lips and will draw an “X” sign with red wine. This probably means that all four triangles are visible. So,

The fourth Symbol = Four white triangles

161 the girl in the window 31 11zon

When we put it all together, we have

First Symbol = black bottom and left triangles / white top and right triangles

The second Symbol = black right and left triangles / white top and bottom triangles

Third Symbol = black right triangle / the other three triangles are white

The fourth Symbol = Four white triangles

Write Down/Memorize this information. Let’s take a look behind the picture and solve this puzzle.

NOTE: The order of the symbols might be different in your playthrough, but you can discover the correct order of the symbols by following the steps in this guide.

162 the girl in the window 32 11zon

Tap on the four fields of this puzzle and enter the symbols that we discovered.

After entering the correct symbols, tap on the handle to open the safe.

163 the girl in the window 33 11zon

Tap on the lever to pull it, and you will unlock and open the front door.

164 the girl in the window 34 11zon

But, as soon as our character reached the door, the note on the wall appeared, and it says that he shouldn’t go. But, we have no other choice but to tap on the door and try to get out.

165 the girl in the window 35 11zon

At first, our character was very happy because he finally escaped from the haunted house. But then, he saw the other part of the cutout news article. The title was “Siblings Killed”. He was shocked when he realized that his face is on the picture of the article.

166 the girl in the window 36 11zon

He realized that’s the other half of the newspaper article that he saw inside the house. At this moment the “creepy girl” which is actually his sister, appeared behind our character and gently pulled him back into the house. He didn’t even try to resist, because he realized that he should stay inside with her…

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168 the girl in the window 38 11zon

The story ends with our character looking through the window, together with this sister…

169 the girl in the window 39 11zon

Well, that brings us to the end of this adventure, it certainly had an unexpected ending. If you’re interested in Escape Room games, check out our guides for the other games of this genre.

Thank you for reading.