Nowhere House | Part III

Hello everyone and welcome to Part 3 of our walkthrough for “Nowhere House” an escape room game created by the Dark Dome. Nowhere House is the third game in the series, and like the other games, the story is set in Hidden Town, which is filled with all kinds of mysteries. In this walkthrough, we will show you how to solve all the puzzles and finish the game.

At the end of the second part, Meridia gave us the “Green Key” and told us to follow her.

Meridia is in the room with the crystal ball. To get there, go through the brown door, and then go to the first room on the left.

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Tap on the magic ball to take a closer look at it, and you will find another Owl. Well, after that an eye of the witch will appear inside the crystal ball.

308 nowhere house 25 11zon

Pay attention to the drapes behind Meridia. Then tap on her.

309 nowhere house 26 11zon

Meridia will cast a spell and advise you to get out of the house.

However, the drapes behind will change. Now some of the suns and moons are marked with yellow like they are shining.

310 nowhere house 27 11zon

Let’s go back to Adria’s world.

311 nowhere house 28 11zon

Go to the room with the candles. It’s the second one on the right.

312 nowhere house 29 11zon

Pay attention to the pattern of candles on the wall. Then go back to Meridia’s world.

313 nowhere house 30 11zon

If we take a look at the candles and switch to Meiridia’s world we can see that candles are arranged in the same pattern as the marked suns and moons on the drapes. So, let’s presume that the moon means that the candle at that position shouldn’t be lit and that the sun means that the candle at that position should be lit. So, let’s mark these positions, and light up the candles marked with a sun in our world (you can also switch between worlds and look at the candles one by one if that’s easier for you). So, let’s write down/memorize the position of the suns (lit candles)

First = Candle in the first row (the only one)

Second =  Right candle in the second row

Third = Candle in the third row (the only one)

Fourth and Fifth = both candles in the sixth row

Ok, let’s go back to Adria’s world.

NOTE: The correct position of the lit candles (suns) might be different in your game, but you can still figure out which candles should be lit by looking at the drapes.

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Ok, let’s light up the candles that are in the same position as the suns on the drapes. Select the “Lighter” from the inventory and light up these candles.

315 nowhere house 32 11zon

As soon as you light the correct candles, the small compartment in the wall will open up. Tap on the item inside it to pick it up and a “Metal Hook” will be added to your inventory.

316 nowhere house 33 11zon

Ok, the “Green Key” that Meridia gave us can be used to open the locked cabinet door in the attic in her world. So, let’s go to Meridia’s world.

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To get to the attic, go two rooms to the left, and then through the white door.

318 nowhere house 35 11zon

You will be outside, in the backyard. Tap twice on the arrow on the right, and then tap on the giant plant to go to the attic.

319 nowhere house 36 11zon

Once there, tap on the left arrow and you will see the locked cabinet door.

320 nowhere house 37 11zon

Select the “Green Key” from the inventory and tap on the keyhole on the cabinet door to unlock it.

321 nowhere house 38 11zon

Tap on the cabinet door to open it, and tap on the item inside to pick it up. A “Top Hat” will be added to your inventory.

322 nowhere house 39 11zon

We should return this hat to Delian, so let’s switch to his world.

323 nowhere house 40 11zon

To get to Delian go to the first room on the right and then up the stairs.

324 nowhere house 41 11zon

Once you get to the attic, go to the first room on the left.

325 nowhere house 42 11zon

Select the “Top Hat” from the inventory and tap on the Delian to return him the hat.

326 nowhere house 43 11zon

Delian will thank Adria for returning his hat and will instruct her to follow him.

327 nowhere house 44 11zon

Tap on Delian to close the closet.

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Tap on the closet on the left.

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The closet on the left is open, but the closet on the right will start to shake. Tap on the closet on the right.

330 nowhere house 47 11zon

Delian unlocked the closet on the right, so our character was able to open it. We can see that Delian is holding something in his hand, and there’s another item next to his left leg. Tap on both items to pick them up and a “Wooden block with drawings” and a “Small Hammer” will be added to your inventory.

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Ok, let’s go to the room with the doll in the display case that we saw earlier. To get there, go to the first room to the left, and then downstairs (through the hatch).

332 nowhere house 49 11zon

Once you get downstairs, go to the second room on the right, and then through the brown door.

333 nowhere house 50 11zon

You will get to the room with the fireplace. From there, go to the first room on the right.

334 nowhere house 51 11zon

Select the “Small Hammer” from the inventory and tap on the glass several times to break it.

335 nowhere house 52 11zon

Tap on the doll to take a closer look at it, then tap to wind it up.

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After a few moments, the doll will look at you and say “It is time”. This will actually stop the time on the clock in Adria’s world from changing (you might remember the clock that was always showing a different time from the beginning of this walkthrough).

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Ok, let’s go to the clock. First, let’s switch to Adria’s world.

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Let’s go to the room with a clock. To get there, go to the first room on the right, and then through the brown door.

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You will reach the room with the fireplace. From there, go to the second room on the right.

340 nowhere house 57 11zon

Ok, we are now in the room with the clock. Try exiting and entering the room once or twice, and you will see that the time on the clock no longer changes every time we enter this room (the doll in Delian’s world stopped the time on the clock from changing).  So, let’s memorize the time on the clock because it actually represents the code that we will use to open another padlock.

The Time is 11:45, so our code would be “1145”

NOTE: The clock might be showing at different times in your game.

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The padlock that we can open with this code is located close to the stairs. To get there, go through the brown door.

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Tap on the padlock to examine it.

343 nowhere house 60 11zon

Enter the code that we discovered by looking at the time on the clock. In our case, it is “1145”. As soon as you enter the correct code, you will hear the clicking sound, and the padlock will drop.

344 nowhere house 61 11zon

Tap on the small door to open it, and inside you will see two items. Tap on them to pick them up and a “Yellow Key” and a “Wooden Wheel with symbols” will be added to your inventory.

345 nowhere house 62 11zon

Let’s go to the room upstairs with the wooden wheels on the wall. To get there, tap to go upstairs to the attic.

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Since we’re here, let’s select the “Wooden block with drawings” and put it on the totem. This totem represents another puzzle that we will solve a bit later.

347 nowhere house 64 11zon

Ok, now let’s go to the first room on the right.

348 nowhere house 65 11zon

Select the “Wooden Wheel with symbols” from the inventory and tap on the empty space on the wall to attach it.

349 nowhere house 66 11zon

Tap on the “Red Book” in your inventory to open it (flip to the last page).

350 nowhere house 67 11zon

In this table, we can see four letters “X” and they are all of different colors. The color of the letter “X” represents the color of the wooden wheel on the wall. Also, the letter “X” represents the position of the two signs. Let’s start with the yellow wheel and memorize the signs that it should be pointing at.

NOTE: The table might look different in your game, but you can use the same method to solve this puzzle.

351 nowhere house 68 11zon

Tap on the yellow wheel to take a closer look at it. Tap on the wheel to rotate until the two signs from the books are next to each other.

352 nowhere house 69 11zon

Let’s take a look at the book again and memorize the symbols for the blue wheel.

353 nowhere house 70 11zon

Ok, let’s set the blue wheel. 

354 nowhere house 71 11zon

Let’s take a look at the book again and memorize the symbols for the red wheel.

355 nowhere house 72 11zon

Ok, let’s set the red wheel. Well, it looks like it was already in the correct position.

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Let’s take a look at the book again and memorize the symbols for the green wheel.

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Finally, let’s set the green wheel.

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As soon as we set all four wheels to the correct position, the compartment in the wall on the left will open. Tap on the statue inside of it to pick it up and a small statue will be added to your inventory.

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The “Yellow Key” can be used to unlock the chest in the room with the fireplace in Meridia’s world. So, let’s go to Meridia’s world.

360 nowhere house 77 11zon

To get to the room with the fireplace, tap once on the left arrow, and then on the open window to climb down.

361 nowhere house 78 11zon

Tap on the white door to go inside.

362 nowhere house 79 11zon

You will get to the room with the crystal ball. From there, go to the first room on the left, and then through the brown door.

363 nowhere house 80 11zon

Select the “Yellow Key” from the inventory and tap on the padlock on the chest to unlock it.

364 nowhere house 81 11zon

Tap on the chest to take a closer look at it. Tap on the item inside the chest to pick it up and a “Pair of Binoculars” will be added to your inventory.

365 nowhere house 82 11zon

Let’s go back to Adria’s world.

366 nowhere house 83 11zon

Go to the first room on the left.

367 nowhere house 84 11zon

Let’s check the first page of the red book with hints.

368 nowhere house 85 11zon

We can see that the four trees are a part of some hint, and we soon discover the mystery behind this hint.

369 nowhere house 86 11zon

Tap on the window to take a closer look at it, and tap once more to open it.

370 nowhere house 87 11zon

Tap on the window one more time to look outside. Select the “Pair of Binoculars” from the inventory and tap on the cave on your left to look at it.

371 nowhere house 88 11zon

We have discovered another owl.

372 nowhere house 89 11zon

The trees in front of us look similar to the ones in the drawing that we saw earlier. So, with the “Pair of Binoculars” selected, tap on the trees to look at them.

373 nowhere house 90 11zon

Here we can see a shady figure on the right. More importantly, we can see that there’s a white sign on each tree. The signs on the tree represent the animal piece which we should set on the totem. The three diagonal stripes for the tiger, the paw for the wolf, the bird for the owl, and the snake for, well, snake. The pieces on the totem should be arranged in the same manner as the signs on the tree (the top sign on the tree represents the animal piece that should be at the top of the totem). So, starting from the top we have

First = Tiger

Second = Owl

Third = Wolf

Fourth = Owl

Fifth = Snake

Memorize/Write down this information.

NOTE: You might get a different order of signs on the tree in your game.

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Ok, let’s go back to the totem and tap on the pieces to rotate them to the correct animal.

375 nowhere house 92 11zon

As soon as you set the correct pieces, the compartment on the right will open. Tap on the lever to pull it down, and you will lower the crane outside.

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377 nowhere house 94 11zon

Ok, let’s take another look at the second page in the red book.

378 nowhere house 95 11zon

Here we can see that we should lower the small figure (which we already have) into the well, and we will get the key. However, we first have to remove the heavy lid from the well, and we will use the crane to do that.

379 nowhere house 96 11zon

Let’s go down to the well. To get there, tap on the hatch to go downstairs.

380 nowhere house 97 11zon

Once there, go to the first room on the right, and then through the white door.

381 nowhere house 98 11zon

Select the “Hook” from the inventory and tap on the crane to attach the hook.

382 nowhere house 99 11zon

Well, we now just have to pull the lever to remove the heavy lid. So, let’s go back upstairs. To get there, tap twice on the arrow on the left, and then go through the white door.

383 nowhere house 100 11zon

Go to the first room to the right, and then up the stairs.

384 nowhere house 101 11zon

Tap on the lever and you will remove the lid from the well. 

385 nowhere house 102 11zon
386 nowhere house 103 11zon

Ok, let’s go back to the well. To get there, tap on the hatch to go downstairs.

387 nowhere house 104 11zon

Once there, go to the first room on the right, and then through the white door.

388 nowhere house 105 11zon

Select the “Coil of Rope” from the inventory and tap on the “Wooden Bucket” to tie it to the one end of the rope. A “Rope Tied to the Bucket” will be added to your inventory.

389 nowhere house 106 11zon

Select the “Small Statue” and tap on the bucket to put it in. An “Idol inside the bucket with a rope tied to it” will be added to your inventory.

390 nowhere house 107 11zon

Select the “Idol inside the bucket with a rope tied to it” and tap twice on the well to lower it.

391 nowhere house 108 11zon

At the bottom of the well, two ghosts will take out the statue from the bucket and put in the key. We will acquire a “Pink Key”.

392 nowhere house 109 11zon

This key can be used to unlock the Red Book that we saw in the room upstairs. So, let’s go there. Tap twice on the arrow on the left, and then go through the white door.

393 nowhere house 110 11zon

Go to the first room on the right, then up the stairs.

394 nowhere house 111 11zon

Once you get to the attic, go to the second room on the right.

395 nowhere house 112 11zon

Tap on the Red Book to take a closer look at it.

396 nowhere house 113 11zon

Select the “Pink Key” from the inventory and tap on the keyhole to unlock the book. Adria will browse through the page looking for some useful information.

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398 nowhere house 115 11zon

Fun Fact: On the first page of the book, we can see the monster from the first game of this series “The Unwanted Experiment”. We can also see a recipe for curing a mutation, which is the same as the one that we used in the first game (a feather, an apple, and a flower).

Tap on the arrow on the right to go to the next page.

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Here we can see that the amulet is somehow connected to the moon. Let’s go to the next page.

400 nowhere house 117 11zon

On the last page, we can see the spell that removes the wall of thorns. Great, because a wall of thorns is blocking our way out of the house. In order to cast this spell, we will need three components. A “Frog”, a “Blue flower” and a “Lit Candle”. Luckily, we already have all three components. So, let’s tap on the page to tear it out, and it will be added to our inventory.

Hahaha, I guess our character is tired of having to memorize different kinds of codes and symbols, so I understand why she decided to tear out the page.  

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Ok, let’s go to the front door, and finally get out of this cursed house. To get to the front door, go to the first room on the right and then downstairs, through the hatch.

402 nowhere house 119 11zon

Go to the second room on the right, and then through the brown door.

403 nowhere house 120 11zon

You will reach the room with the fireplace. From there, go to the first room on the right.

404 nowhere house 121 11zon

First, let’s select the “Frog” from the inventory and tap on the spot in front of the door to place it.

405 nowhere house 122 11zon

Second, select the “Blue Flower” from the inventory and place it below the frog.

406 nowhere house 123 11zon

Select the “Lit Candle” from the inventory and place it to the left of the frog.

407 nowhere house 124 11zon

Ok, now let’s read the words of the spell and finally get out of here. Select the “A Page with the Spell” from the inventory and tap on the “Grab” option.

408 nowhere house 125 11zon

Tap on the wall of thorns to read the spell.

409 nowhere house 126 11zon

After reading the spell, the strange light appeared around the spell components and, a few moments later, the wall of thorns vanished.

NOTE: The game has two endings, a GOOD ONE, and a BAD ONE. We will show the BAD ONE first.


Tap on the door to get out.

411 nowhere house 128 11zon

But, it turns out that Adria can’t leave, because the exit was blocked by an invisible force field. She saw her friends outside and yelled, but they couldn’t hear her.

412 nowhere house 129 11zon

Then, her attention was drawn to the amulet around her neck. She remembered that Meridia gave her this amulet when she saw her in the Hidden Town. She also remembered that the sign on Dealian’s book and the sign on the spellbook looked exactly like the amulet around her neck.

413 nowhere house 130 11zon
414 nowhere house 131 11zon

Two policemen will enter the house, looking for Adria. But they couldn’t see her. They just saw the empty house, just like Adria’s friends. So, they left, and Adria was still trapped inside the house.

415 nowhere house 132 11zon
416 nowhere house 133 11zon

At this moment, you will have a short window of time to do something. For the bad ending, we will just stand there.

In the next scene, we can see the Witch, picking up another portrait from the ground. Adria was trapped inside the portrait, just like Meridia and Delian before her.

417 nowhere house 134 11zon

After that, we can see the Witch looking at Adria’s portrait, and after a few moments, shapeshifting into an evil version of Adria…

So, it looks like the Witch can take possession of the body of the people she trapped inside the portrait. So, it was probably the Witch, disguised as Meridia, who gave Adria the amulet. That’s probably the reason Adria could see the old things in the house, while her friends only saw an empty room.

418 nowhere house 1 11zon
419 nowhere house 2 11zon


For a good ending, we will continue the story from the moment when the policemen left the house.

Quickly select the “Small Hammer” from the inventory and tap on the amulet. Adria will throw the amulet to the ground and smash it with the hammer, breaking it into several pieces. As soon as she broke the amulet, the invisible magical barrier shattered like glass, and her friends and the policemen were able to see her. She managed to break the spell and escape…

420 nowhere house 3 11zon
421 nowhere house 4 11zon
422 nowhere house 5 11zon
423 nowhere house 6 11zon

But, Meridia and Delian were still trapped. Adria hopes that one day she will be able to find a way to free them. In the last scene, we saw the Witch picking up one piece of the broken amulet.

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425 nowhere house 8 11zon
426 nowhere house 9 11zon

But, the game doesn’t end here. Meridia escaped, but we can go back to the house and unravel a few more mysteries.  Tap on the “Enter the House” button.

427 nowhere house 10 11zon

The blue door can’t be opened, so tap on the brown door to open it and tap once more to enter into the next room.

428 nowhere house 11 11zon

Tap on the box in front of you, to take a closer look at it.

429 nowhere house 12 11zon

We can see slots, arranged in five columns and three rows. Ok, now tap on the arrow in the lower right corner to step away from the box.

430 nowhere house 13 11zon

If we take a look at the ingredients that are hanging from the ropes, we can see that there are five ropes (just like the number of columns on the red box), and there are three different lengths of rope (some ingredients are higher, some in the middle, and some lower). So, just like the number of rows on the red box. So, let’s memorize/write down the position of each rope, starting from left to right.  

First = middle

Second = top

Third = bottom

Fourth = Middle

Fifth = Bottom 

Ok, let’s tap on the box and solve this puzzle.

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As soon as you press the correct button, the box will open.

432 nowhere house 15 11zon

Tap on the book inside to take a look at it, then tap on the arrow on the right to open it. 

433 nowhere house 16 11zon

The Witch realized that she was discovered, so she prepared the spell which should enable her to convince the peasants that she is dead, while also enabling her to disguise and walk among them. But she needs the body of the young person in order for this spell to work.

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435 nowhere house 18 11zon

On the next page, we can see that the Witch managed to trap Meridia into the portrait and take hold of her body. So, poor Meridia was the first one. But, the Witch wasn’t satisfied with only one body…

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On the next page, we can see that the Witch managed to lure the Delian in because she was using the body of an attractive Meridia. Now, he is also trapped inside the portrait.

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Finally, we can see that the Witch was interested in Adria.

Tap on the arrow in the lower right corner to leave the book.

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439 nowhere house 22 11zon

In the last scene, we can see the Witch shutting the door and locking it…

The End.

440 nowhere house 23 11zon

Well, that brings us to the end of this adventure. If you’re interested in Escape Room games, check out our guides for the other games of this genre.

Thank you for reading.