Nowhere House | Part I

Hello everyone and welcome to Part 1 of our walkthrough for “Nowhere House” an escape room game created by the Dark Dome. Nowhere House is the third game in the series, and like the other games, the story is set in Hidden Town, which is filled with all kinds of mysteries. In this walkthrough, we will show you how to solve all the puzzles and finish the game.

NOTE: Some puzzles will CHANGE with each playthrough, but the logic behind solving the puzzles will always remain the SAME. For example, in one playthrough a code to open a safe could be 1234, and in another playthrough, the code could be 4321. However, you will always discover the numbers for the code at the same location and by using the same hints.

The story begins a long time ago, with villagers hunting down and capturing the witch that lived in a house close to the hidden town. The villagers wanted to hang the witch, but as the noose was set upon her neck, she uttered a curse. She said, “You will never see me again but I will remain with you”. “I will take possession of the soul of everyone who comes near my house”. After saying the curse, the witch vanished into the thin air, and the villagers looked in shock at the empty noose.   

001 nowhere house 25 11zon

The house of this old witch is still standing on the nearby hill. Some people say that there’s nothing mystical about it and that it’s just an old, empty house that will collapse in the nearby future. However, the rumors are also circulating around the Hidden Town, about people that entered the house and never came back. Determined to see if there’s any truth to the legend about the witch and the old house, the three friends from the Hidden Town decided to go in and see for themselves. However, when they entered the house Brann and Lauriel saw an empty house, but Adria saw a room filled with old things.

002 nowhere house 26 11zon

A cold shiver ran down her spine, when she realized that she is alone, and trapped in the, allegedly, cursed house. Adria immediately ran toward the exit, but when she reached the front door, she was that the way out was blocked by a thick wall of thorns. She concluded that she will have to find another way out…

003 nowhere house 27 11zon

Tap on the brown drawer to take a closer look at it, and tap once more to open it.

004 nowhere house 28 11zon

Tap on the photo inside to pick it up.

005 nowhere house 29 11zon

Now we have the first item in our inventory. Tap on the photo in your inventory to take a closer look at it.

006 nowhere house 30 11zon

We can see a witch, and behind her is a shelf filled with some kind of potions of various colors. Ok, this photo might come in handy a bit later.

007 nowhere house 31 11zon

Let’s explore a bit. Tap on the arrow on the right to go to the next room.

008 nowhere house 32 11zon

Take note of the time on the clock. You will notice that the time on the clock changes every time we enter this room. Ok, let’s continue into the next room on the right.

009 nowhere house 33 11zon

Tap on the blue door to open them, and tap once more to enter.

010 nowhere house 34 11zon

Tap on the cabinet above the sink to take a look at it. Then, tap on both cabinet doors to open them.

011 nowhere house 35 11zon

Inside the left compartment, you will some a “Walkie-Talkie”. Tap on it to pick it up and it will be added to your inventory.

012 nowhere house 36 11zon

Ok, we can see that the shelf with potions in this room looks very similar to the one in the photo we found. So, tap on the image in your inventory to take a look at it again.

013 nowhere house 37 11zon

Ok, we can see that there are 2 blue, 2 yellow, 2 purple, and 2 red potions on the photo (1 smaller, and one larger of each color). The same potions are also on the shelf in this room, but they are arranged differently. So, let’s memorize/write down the positions of the potions on the photo, and arrange them in the same manner on the shelf in front of us. We can see that there are three shelves, and there is enough space for four potions on each of them. So, let’s mark these positions of the potions.

Top Shelf:

Large Blue Potion = Middle-left

Large Yellow Potion = Middle-right

Middle Shelf:

Small Red Potion = Middle-left

Small Purple Potion = Middle-right

Large Green Potion = Far right

Bottom Shelf:

Small Blue Potion = Middle left

Large Red Potion = Middle right

Large Purple Potion = Far right

NOTE: The potions might be arranged differently in your game (both on the shelf and on the photo), but you can still determine the correct position of the potions by looking at the photo.

014 nowhere house 38 11zon

Ok, tap on the shelf to take a closer look at it. Then, tap on the potions and place them in the correct position.

015 nowhere house 39 11zon

As soon as you arrange the potions in the same way as in the image, the bottom cabinet will open up. Tap on the key inside it to pick it up and a “Red Key” will be added to your inventory.

016 nowhere house 40 11zon

Tap on the arrow on the left to step away from the drawer, and you will saw a broom flying away. Let’s keep exploring. Tap on the arrow in the lower-left corner to leave this room, then go to the next room on the right.

017 nowhere house 41 11zon

Tap on the curtain to pull it down.

018 nowhere house 42 11zon

Our character (Adria) will uncover the portrait of the blue-haired woman. Adria remembered that she saw this woman earlier today while they were walking through the Hidden Town. Adria felt intrigued and approached the blue-haired woman, but her friends called out to her, and she left before she had a chance to talk to her. So, our character is wondering why is there a portrait of this woman inside the cursed house.

019 nowhere house 43 11zon

After discovering the portrait, the shadow of a witch will appear in the chair in front of us.

020 nowhere house 44 11zon

Ok, let’s continue going to the right. We already searched the first room, so let’s go to the second room on the right.

021 nowhere house 45 11zon

Select the “Red Key” from the inventory and tap on the keyhole on the brown door to unlock it. Also, take another look at the time on the wall clock (it should be different than when we previously entered inside this room)

022 nowhere house 46 11zon

Tap on the door to open it, and tap once more to proceed inside.

023 nowhere house 47 11zon

Ok, now let’s go to the first room on the right.

024 nowhere house 48 11zon

Tap on the top drawer to take a closer look at it, and tap once more to open it.

025 nowhere house 49 11zon

Inside the drawer, you’ll find a “Pair of Batteries”, tap on them to pick them up, and they will be added to your inventory.

026 nowhere house 50 11zon

Ok, now select the “Pair of Batteries” from the inventory and tap on the “Walkie-Talkie” to put them inside.

027 nowhere house 51 11zon

That’s it for this room. Let’s go to the next room on the right.

028 nowhere house 52 11zon

Tap on the white drawers to take a look at them, then tap on each one to open it. Inside one of the drawers, you will find a hint for the puzzle that we will have to solve, later on. Just take note of it, for now. 

Also, take note of the radio and the grid above it – we will use these two items to solve our next puzzle.

029 nowhere house 53 11zon
030 nowhere house 54 11zon

Let’s go to the next room on the right.

031 nowhere house 55 11zon

Tap on the books on the top shelf to take a closer look at them, then tap on the smaller blue book to pick it up.

032 nowhere house 56 11zon

Let’s check out this book. Select it in your inventory and tap on the “look” option.

033 nowhere house 57 11zon

Tap on the arrow on the right to open the book and flip through the pages. We can see that there are outlines of the portraits of the four people in this book. At the end of the book, we can see their names. This will come in handy later on. For now, let’s go back and further explore this room.

034 nowhere house 58 11zon

Tap on the blue drawer to take a closer look at it, and tap once more to open it.

035 nowhere house 59 11zon

You’ll see some kind of note inside. Tap on the note to examine it.

036 nowhere house 60 11zon

We can see a musical note and it seems that it is pointing toward the fireplace. So, we should probably play the music in front of the fireplace.

037 nowhere house 61 11zon

So, let’s try to play the music on our walkie-talkie. Select the “Walkie-Talkie” from the inventory and tap on the “Look” option.

038 nowhere house 62 11zon

Tap on the up arrow until you hear the music (it should be channel 4). Also, an icon of the note will appear above the walkie-talkie in the inventory when it’s playing the music.

039 nowhere house 63 11zon

Ok, let’s go back to the room with the fireplace. Go to the first room on the left, then through the brown door.

040 nowhere house 64 11zon

Tap on the fireplace to take a closer look at it.

041 nowhere house 65 11zon

Our walkie-talkie is already playing the music, so tap to select it in your inventory and tap on the “Grab” option. Then tap on the fireplace.

042 nowhere house 66 11zon

The skeletal arm will appear, offering us some kind of a note. Tap on the note to pick it up, and it will be added to your inventory.

043 nowhere house 67 11zon

Ok, we should now go back to the room with a radio. To get there, tap twice on the arrow on the right, then go through the brown door, then go to the second room on the right.

044 nowhere house 68 11zon

Tap on the grid above the radio to take a closer look at it.

045 nowhere house 69 11zon

You will notice that it is a 3×3 grid, just like the note in our inventory. The hashtag on the grid determines the numerical value (or order) of the symbol on the note. So, we have numbers from 1 to 9, and we have 9 symbols on the note. We will more closely check the symbols on the note a bit later.

046 nowhere house 70 11zon

Ok, for the next part you have to turn on the sound if it isn’t already on. Select the “Walkie-Talkie” from your inventory and tap on the “Look” option. Listen to music for 5 or 10 seconds. The goal is to memorize the melody that is playing on our walkie-talkie.

047 nowhere house 71 11zon
048 nowhere house 72 11zon

Now, tap on the radio to take a closer look at it.

049 nowhere house 73 11zon

Use the dials on the left and right to set the frequency of the radio, until you find the same music as the one that you heard on the walkie-talkie. In my game, the frequency “8163” plays the same music as the one on the radio. Memorize/Write down this number.

NOTE: In your game walkie-talkie might be playing a different song, or the songs might have a different frequency on the radio (so the frequency “8163” might not be the correct solution for the puzzle in your game). However, you can discover the correct frequency just like we did. Gy matching the song from the walkie-talkie to the song on the radio.

050 nowhere house 74 11zon

Ok, now let’s take a look at the note in our inventory.

051 nowhere house 75 11zon

The frequency “8163” from the radio actually represents the position of the four symbols that we will need to unlock the next puzzle. So, by looking at the grid on the note, we can determine which are these symbols. So,

First Symbol = number 8 = Triangle intersected by a “hooked” line

Second Symbol = number 1 = two circles connected by vertical line

Third Symbol = number 6 = a square with a line above it and a line below it

The fourth Symbol = number 3 = number 4 with a “hook” (well, that’s how it looks to me)

Memorize/Write Down these symbols.

NOTE: The symbols in your game might be different, but you can discover the correct combination by using the same method – as we showed in this guide.

052 nowhere house 76 11zon

Ok, now let’s go back to the room with the front door. To get there, go through the brown door, then go to the first room on the right.

053 nowhere house 77 11zon

Tap on the padlock twice to take a closer look at it.

054 nowhere house 78 11zon

Enter the symbols that we discovered. Looking from left to right, we had

First Symbol = Triangle intersected by a “hooked” line

Second Symbol = two circles connected by a vertical line

Third Symbol = a square with a line above it and a line below it

Fourth Symbol = number 4 with a “hook” (well, that’s how it looks to me)

055 nowhere house 79 11zon

The padlock will drop as soon as you enter the correct symbols. Tap on the cabinet doors to open them. You will notice a red box in the lower right compartment. Tap on the box to take a closer look at it.

056 nowhere house 80 11zon

Here we can see buttons with one, two, three, four, and five dots. Each button has its pair (another button with the same number of dots). Pair up buttons by drawing the line (drag) from one button to the other. The easiest way for me to solve this puzzle was to go from the top. Pair up 1 dot buttons, then 4 dot buttons, then 2 dot buttons, then 5 dot buttons, and finally 3 dot buttons.

057 nowhere house 81 11zon

As soon as you pair up the buttons, the box will open. Tap on the diamond inside it to pick it up, and a “White Diamond” will be added to your inventory.

058 nowhere house 82 11zon

Go back to the room with the portrait and fireplace – the first one on the left.

059 nowhere house 83 11zon

Tap on the portrait to take a closer look at it.

060 nowhere house 84 11zon

Select the “White Diamond” from the inventory and tap on the slot below the painting to insert it.

061 nowhere house 85 11zon

After inserting the diamond, the portrait started to magically change the colors, and when Adria touched it, she was drawn inside the painting, into another world.

062 nowhere house 86 11zon

Tap on the woman to start the interaction.

063 nowhere house 87 11zon

The woman will say that her name is Meridia, and she can help if we find her cat. When Adria asked her to come with her, Meridia explained that she can’t leave, but said again that she would be very grateful if we could find her cat.                                                                              

064 nowhere house 88 11zon
065 nowhere house 89 11zon

From now on, we can switch between Our world and Meridia’s world, by tapping on the first icon in the inventory. But for now, let’s stay here, in Meridia’s world, and go to the room on the left.

066 nowhere house 90 11zon

Tap on the blue door to open it, and tap once more to proceed.

067 nowhere house 91 11zon

Tap on both doors of the cabinet to open them.

068 nowhere house 92 11zon

Tap on a “Cauldron” inside the left compartment to pick it up and it will be added to your inventory.

069 nowhere house 93 11zon

Tap on the cabinet above the sink to take a closer look at it. Tap on both cabinet doors to open them.

070 nowhere house 94 11zon

Inside you will find a “Tuna Can” and a “Carrot”. Tap on both items to pick them up and they will be added to your inventory.

071 nowhere house 95 11zon

Ok, let’s go to the room with the wall clock. Tap on the arrow in the lower-left corner to leave this room, then go to the first room on the left.

072 nowhere house 96 11zon

Tap on the compartment below the clock to take a closer look at it, and tap again to open it. You will uncover the Skull slot.

073 nowhere house 97 11zon

Tap twice on the brown door to open it and proceed into the next room.

074 nowhere house 98 11zon

We can see that the staircase is broken in Meridia’s world. Tap on the arrow on the right to go to the next room.

075 nowhere house 99 11zon

The white door in this room would lead to the backyard. We will explore the backyard in a few moments, for now, let’s continue to the next room on the right.

076 nowhere house 100 11zon

Check all four white drawers.

077 nowhere house 101 11zon

Inside the lower left drawer, you will find see one item. Tap on it to pick it up and a “Gardening tool” will be added to your inventory.

078 nowhere house 102 11zon

Also, inside one of the drawers, you will see a drawing of a square, and some of its parts will be painted black. Just take note of it for now, because we will need this hint to solve a certain puzzle, further down the line.

079 nowhere house 103 11zon

Ok, now let’s go back to the previous room.

080 nowhere house 104 11zon

Tap on the map on the wall to take a closer look at it.

081 nowhere house 105 11zon

By looking at the map, we can see that the location just to the right of the front door has been marked with the letter “X”. Let’s check it out.

082 nowhere house 106 11zon

Tap on the white door twice to open it and proceed outside.

083 nowhere house 107 11zon

Tap on the branch to take a closer look at it.

084 nowhere house 108 11zon

Tap on the branch on the right, and you will discover your first Owl.

085 nowhere house 109 11zon
086 nowhere house 110 11zon

Owls are hiding in various places and finding them is kind of a minigame. There are 9 of them in total. You can check how many Owls you found by tapping on the settings icon in the upper right corner.

087 nowhere house 111 11zon

Let’s explore the left side.

088 nowhere house 112 11zon

Tap on the rock to see what’s behind it.

089 nowhere house 113 11zon

Tap on the flower behind the rock to pick it up and a “Blue Flower” will be added to your inventory.

090 nowhere house 114 11zon

Let’s continue to the left.

091 nowhere house 115 11zon

We remember that the digging location (“X”) on the map was on the right side of the door when looking from the entrance outside. However, we are now looking at the entrance, so the digging location is on our left. So, select the “Gardening Tool” from the inventory and tap on the patch of ground to the left of the door.

092 nowhere house 116 11zon

Tap on the hole to take a closer look at it, and inside you’ll see a key. Tap on the key to pick it up and a “Purple Key” will be added to your inventory.

093 nowhere house 117 11zon

Ok, let’s go back inside and use this key.

094 nowhere house 118 11zon

The key that we found unlocks a blue desk. To get there go to the first room on the left, then through the brown door, and after that into the first room on the right.

095 nowhere house 119 11zon

Select the “Purple Key” from the inventory and tap on the keyhole on the blue desk to unlock the drawer.

096 nowhere house 120 11zon

Select the “Blue book” from the inventory, tap on the “Grab” option, and then tap to place it in the right compartment of the drawer.

097 nowhere house 121 11zon

On the last page, we can see the chronological order of the characters (top to bottom). Just take note of it, because we will soon need it. For now, let’s turn to the next page on the left.

098 nowhere house 122 11zon

Our task here is to assemble the photo of Juan Manuel by finding the correct four pieces on the left side. You can see the solution in the image below. When you’re done, tap on the left arrow to flip to the next page.

099 nowhere house 123 11zon

Next is Alejandra. You can see the solution in the image below. When you’re done, tap on the left arrow to flip to the next page.

100 nowhere house 124 11zon

Next is Pablo. You can see the solution in the image below. When you’re done, tap on the left arrow to flip to the next page.

101 nowhere house 125 11zon

Finally, we have Camila. You can see the solution in the image below. When you’re done, go back to the last page and take a look at the order of characters.

102 nowhere house 126 11zon

So we have,

First: Juan Manuel

Second: Alejandra

Third: Camila

Fourth: Pablo

Let’s take a look at Juan Manuel’s photo. It’s the first one on the left.

103 nowhere house 127 11zon

Look at Juan Manuel’s eyes, and you will notice that he is looking at a certain symbol on the right. This is our first symbol, and we will need it to solve a puzzle, so let’s memorize/write it down.

First Symbol = A circle, connected by lines to two smaller circles above and below it

Ok, let’s take a look at the photo of Alejandra. It’s the first one on the left.

NOTE: The characters in your game might be looking at the different symbols.

104 nowhere house 128 11zon

We can see that Alejandra is looking at the triangle inside of a circle. So,

Second Symbol = a triangle inside a circle

Now, let’s take a look at the photo of Camila. It’s the second one on the left.

105 nowhere house 129 11zon

Camila is looking at the circle with vertical stripes (or bars). So,

Third Symbol = a circle with vertical stripes

Finally, let’s take a look at a photo of Pablo. It’s the first one on the right.

106 nowhere house 130 11zon

We can see that Pablo is looking at some complex symbol. So,

The fourth Symbol = A circle, intersected by a vertical line, with two horizontal lines below and above him. Well, that’s a long description.

Memorize/Write down all these symbols, and let’s go back to our world.

107 nowhere house 131 11zon

Tap on the picture of the house in the lower right corner to go back to Adria’s world.

108 nowhere house 132 11zon

Ok, we should now go upstairs. To get to the stairs, go two rooms to the right, and then through the brown door.

109 nowhere house 133 11zon

Tap on the arrow on the top of the screen to go up the stairs.

110 nowhere house 134 11zon

Tap on the padlock to take a closer look at it.

111 nowhere house 135 11zon

Ok, now enter the symbols that we discovered by looking at the eyes of the four characters in the pictures. So, we have

First Symbol = A circle, connected by lines to two smaller circles above and below it

Second Symbol = a triangle inside a circle

Third Symbol = a circle with vertical stripes

Fourth Symbol = A circle, intersected by a vertical line, with two horizontal lines below and above him.

NOTE: If it’s easier for you, you could also switch between Adria’s and Meridia’s world and look at the symbols one by one. As I already mentioned, in your game the characters might be looking at the different symbols. If that’s the case, this combination won’t work, but you can discover the correct combination by using the same method.

112 nowhere house 136 11zon

Ok, as soon as we entered the correct combination the padlock dropped down, and we unlocked the hatch to the attic. So, tap on the hatch to open it, and tap once more to go to the attic.

113 nowhere house 137 11zon

Here we have some kind of a totem. Just take a note of it for now, and let’s go to the next room on the right.

114 nowhere house 138 11zon

Tap on both cabinet doors to open them.

115 nowhere house 139 11zon

Inside the cabinet, you will see two items. Tap on them to pick them up and a “Four Dice” and an “Oil Can” will be added to your inventory.

116 nowhere house 140 11zon

Take a note of the four wheels on the wall, because we will get back to this puzzle, much later. For now, let’s go to the next room on the right.

117 nowhere house 141 11zon

Let’s take a closer look at the Red Book. We can see that the book is locked, but it seems that Adria recognized the symbol on the book.

118 nowhere house 142 11zon
119 nowhere house 143 11zon

Ok, let’s proceed to the next room on the right.

120 nowhere house 144 11zon

Tap on the sheet to pull it off, and our character will reveal another portrait.

121 nowhere house 1 11zon

This is the portrait of the magician. Adira remembered that she saw the man on the portrait earlier today when she was at the library. The man looked at her, but they didn’t speak to each other. Adria is now very curious, because she found the two portraits in this house, and she saw the people on the portraits, this morning.

122 nowhere house 2 11zon
123 nowhere house 3 11zon

Ok, earlier we saw a rusty cabinet downstairs, so let’s go there. To get to the room with the rusty cabinet, go downstairs (through the hatch), then to the first room on your left.

124 nowhere house 4 11zon

Tap on the rusty cabinet to take a look at it, then select the “Oil Can” from the inventory and tap on the rusty part.

125 nowhere house 5 11zon

After applying the oil, tap on the cabinet door to open it. Tap on the “Skull” inside to pick it up and it will be added to your inventory.

126 nowhere house 6 11zon

Ok, a bit earlier we discovered a slot for skull below the wall clock in Meridia’s world. So, tap on Meridia’s icon in the bottom left corner to switch to her world.

127 nowhere house 7 11zon

To get to the wall clock, go to the first room on the right.

128 nowhere house 8 11zon

Select the “Skull” from the inventory and tap on the slot below the wall clock to insert the skull.

129 nowhere house 9 11zon

The eyes of the skull will start glowing red, and the clock will magically hop to the left, revealing a puzzle with the dice, that was hidden behind it.

130 nowhere house 10 11zon
131 nowhere house 11 11zon

Ok, let’s talk to Meridia. She is in the second room on the right.

132 nowhere house 12 11zon

Select the “Four Dice” from the inventory and tap on Meridia to give them to her.

133 nowhere house 13 11zon

Meridia will throw the dice, so tap on them to see the result. We have 5, 3, 1, and 4. Memorize/Write down this information.

NOTE: Every throw is randomized, so you might get a different result in your game.

134 nowhere house 14 11zon
135 nowhere house 15 11zon

Ok, let’s go back to the room with the wall clock. It’s the second one on the left.

136 nowhere house 16 11zon 1

Tap on the dice on the wall to take a closer look at them.

137 nowhere house 17 11zon

Enter the dice values after Meridia’s throw by tapping on the dice. So, we had 5, 3, 1, and 4 (the order of the dice is important). Once you’re done, tap on the “OK” button on the right.

138 nowhere house 18 11zon

The locked compartment will open up and we can see that there’s a diamond inside it. Tap on the diamond to pick it up and a “Red Diamond” will be added to your inventory.

139 nowhere house 19 11zon

Ok, let’s switch to Adria’s (our) world and put the diamond inside the slot located below the portrait of the magician.

140 nowhere house 20 11zon

To get to the room with the portrait of the Magician, go to the first room on the right, then up the hatch to the attic. Once you get there, the room with a portrait is the first one on the left.

141 nowhere house 21 11zon

Tap on the portrait to take a closer look at it. Then select the “Red Diamond” from the inventory and tap on the slot below the portrait to insert it.

142 nowhere house 22 11zon

After inserting the diamond, Adria will be teleported inside the painting, into the Magician’s world.

143 nowhere house 23 11zon
144 nowhere house 24 11zon

We will end the first part of the walkthrough here. You can check out the second part by tapping on the “Next Part” button.